Fiancee is a stereotypical Japanese husband, MC wants his dick but he blue balls her time and time again. So you can either play the luckless housewife or cheat on him, how enterprising.
Didn't care for how the scenes break away from the background, seems a bit low effort.
Scenarios were nothing to wrote home about, was hoping that massage scene would lead to some fun times, like a repeatable event where the food delivery guy gets bolder each visit and eventually fucks the MC without her knowing it's not the gay masseuse.
Felt like the MC gives in way too easily to the hardcore events early on, would have like to of seen her starting to walk around the house in less clothing/ more revealing clothing and caring less about people seeing her in such a state.
Also, blackmail is not a good way to begin her decent into debauchery, feels like you have less choice considering the options presented to you. The player should have the choice of deciding MC's state of mind, like for instance: The very first choice could have been deciding on how to answer your door, in a casual outfit or in a more revealing one. (underwear/ nighty/ etc.)