Yeah word choice is one of the bigger problems with the erotica side imo, most blatantly majority of tobs stuff, I really can't think of anyone of any gender whod find "baby bag" or any other similar euphemisms a turn on, and I'm decently degenerate myself. Talking about impregnation's one thing but their ad lib approach and some of the terms used are godawful. Rindos "she smells like ashes and burning" talk is cringe, not a turn on, and/or offensive depending on preference. Tobs has some good setups and writing, purple prose maybe excluded, for erotic scenes but someone really should have insisted he at least altered the terms used for the rng.
Especially since kitsune are supposed to be very experienced, playful, walking sex monsters, it's odd how little actual seduction they have written, instead baby bag, ashes, and "hey wanna watch me blow this passed out drunk guy?" Surprisingly little foreplay stuff in game of a character doing something erotic on purpose and giving a smug grin when PC looks, or purposefully grinding against them etc. Warm ups can add a ton to a scenes impact imo. Also disappointed in lack of genital scene flavor text, most have support for knots in some form, some minotaurs have horse flare support I think, but I'm very disappointed I can't be a big greasy pig dude flopping on people mentioning the piggy drill. Doesn't have to be huge amount, just would be nice to have single lines added to characters. Plenty of ntr ish content but sadly lacking in the department to *be* the ntr ub.
And yeah emotion wise many characters are either seemingly boinked beyond repair or in "DANGER ROBINSON FAMILY" mode, but the husbando/waifu factor adds a great deal to enjoyment of scenes, little things like brienne defending you against the rest of your party etc, "take me now" moments etc add a lot, stuff like kiyoko not giving AF what you think post orb, quintillus etc detract