tldr: Yes I am still working on the game, it is not dead or abandoned, I'm sorry for the radio silence, 3.0 soon.
There are a couple of big points as to why things have slowed to a crawl at the moment. Those that follow closely will remember the last time I made a big post it was about a changing work schedule, well shortly after I arranged that another team member decided that he was gonna retire (as a direct result of him seeing a younger co-worker try to cut back on hours) within a week of that another team member was fired for undisclosed reasons and so we were understaffed and this all happened just as the companies contract came up for review. Whether it's directly related or not is hard to tell, companies will take any excuse for a cheaper contract so we were probably just underbid, but that only works when your client is discontent. Any way, the company lost the contract and I effectively lost my job. I had a choice to start again at entry-level pay at a new location which would have been hell and not enough money, or I could join the new company running the old location, but they were only offering minimum wage 0 hour contracts, which would have been hell and not enough money (and effectively rolling me back to before I had a good schedule and now being paid basically nothing for it). So I gave my notice, buckled down and looked for other work.
During this time I had an up tick of commissioned work through my Pixiv which was a bit of a life saver and was enough for me to find the time and energy to keep my comic work consistent (part of what helps with this is I can do a week's worth of updates in a day and half's work so it's not a massive time or effort drain). But the game had made so little money (to date it has still made so little money that it isn't financially worth my time even trying to receive the money I have made from or subscribestar) that it was very hard to justify the days a week of time required to keep it going because at the very basic level it's much more complex work and it's much more removed from my wheelhouse than making 2d comics with 3d renders.
So effectively I've had little time or financial incentive to do more than potter about with the game, I've done some character designs here and some assets for sprites there (some of which you can see on my subscribestar) but the crucial writing stage is the thing that has been stymying my efforts to more forward.
The good news is that I am now part time employed in a data entry job that while not interesting isn't as soul crushing as such work tends to be (it's in a nice office for a company doing genuinely worthwhile work in the medical sector for acceptable pay) and between that and some other prospects I've been able to make ends meet and I now have time to work properly on the game again. Effectively the last few months have been an unannounced hiatus. And for that I apologise, while I wanted to keep people appraised of what was going on, I also desperately wanted the next news on this game being "The next part of the game is out enjoy" but in my stubbornness to have my actions speak instead of more words I also deprived those eager for news of words as well and for that I deeply apologise.
That said I can't yet give a date on 3.0 partly cause I've got some catching up to do and partly because I'm real bad at meeting self imposed deadlines (for example I had planned to have today be the 3.0 release but I haven't managed to get it done) so for now I'll say that I'm working as best as I can, and hopefully that will come with a short wait time for new content.
So yeah, watch this space, more coming soon, so very sorry it's taken this long.
Felan Wilde.