The game launched with pretty much only "NTR" content (it's not real NTR but I'll humor the way some of you choose to define the word).
yeah man, but that's the theme of the game, look at the protagonist, he looks like an idiot, if it was real life he would never get laid with any of the girls in the game, not while he didn't get a haircut at least.
when the game starts, Marcus is already the stud of the island, he's rich, confident and lives to pursue girls, the complete oposite of the protagonist that comes from a much less sexually liberated place, is a virgin and looks like the boy in Meet the Robinsons, the only thing going for him is that he got some wits. He gets far more action than he should with that fucking hair
It's not the same as a game like Battle of the Bulges where the MC is a stud himself and is competing with another to see who is the best, in Culture Shock there is no competition, Marcus doesn't feel threatened at all yet, he just want to get close to MC to get to sister/mom, but we know that he gets defensive when talking about his mother
I had zero problems avoiding NTR until now, just don't let mom and sister get corruption/slut points and get domination points for MC, there was a problem with a version where the dev fucked up with a variable and threw people in the alpha route to a NTR scene, but it was an accident
and of course, I never expected to get mom and sister scenes anytime soon, they are in a similar situation of the MC, they come from a conservative background, sister is a virgin, mom is a normal mom as far as we know, but they are good looking, unlike the MC, so they get a lot of male attention, if you push them to become more sexually liberated, of course they are going to fuck a bunch of guys