arthurjensen I'm one of the biggest fanbois around here when it comes to CMA, but, believe it or not, I understand your frustration. My first reaction after 0.6 came out was very similar to yours. As gorgeous as the new renders are, it felt like playing an entirely different game that just started at v0.1. The "Relive the past" feature does allow you to re-play old content, but it's far from an ideal situation.
The reality of it is that this wasn't how Gary had originally planned the transition. In fact, it wasn't even supposed to happen in 0.6, at least not entirely. The changes weren't only cosmetic (i.e. the new, improved, look of the yacht), but also to the backend scripts that handle events and interactions. That's what made separating the old content from the new one necessary and ultimately led to the whole "Relive the past" thing, which obviously isn't ideal. It also isn't permanent however. Gary has stated that he has plans for re-integrating the old content, but it will probably take a while.
Bottom line - while 0.6 certainly had its problems, it was a stepping stone for what's to come. I've had a glimpse of some of the things 0.7 will bring tomorrow and I can honestly say that I can't wait.