Some feedback on chapter 3 : Amy, Charlotte and MC
Can you please add a bathroom to the office suite (including new scenes with Amy).
MC's first visit to the office is alone, so there are only scenes with Charlotte (besides the business meetings).
- It would be nice if all the Charlotte scenes based on topics and drinks would be repeatable so that players can see all the scenes in one playthrough without need to save/load. If there is a problem with variables storing discussion progress, you could add a set of options like : "Charlotte, forget everything what I said about discipline/sex/work last night." to reset the discussion progress.
On later visits to the office, Amy is accompanying mc.
After introducing Amy to Charlotte, Charlotte's evening visits should consider that Amy is there, too.
- Add an option to choose between evening with Charlotte alone (send Amy to the cinema or bedroom) or evening with Charlotte and Amy. (The same would apply to meals)
- Now that Amy is introduced, the dialogues should include Amy as topic, especially after some babysitting and spanking Amy.
- There is room for some new evening scenes with Amy and Charlotte : e.g. Conversation with Charlotte with Amy close to mc, Spanking sessions (mc spanks Amy, mc spanks Charlotte, Charlotte spanks Amy, mc spanks both girls) and some twosome / threesome sex scenes.
- MC could show Charlotte the devices in the bedroom and demonstrate them on Amy. (In porn, the pole is usually used vaginally.)
There should be some clothing options for Amy to switch between dress and naked (or some new clothing like lingery, slave outfit, ...)
After spanking a girl, the dialogues should respect the girl's red bottom. Charlotte should have a hard time working in office after being spanked. If the girl is turned on by a spanking, there should be options for sex afterwards (unless the girl already masturbated during spanking.)
When spanking Charlotte in the office, the dialogues should be more flirtatious and reflect that this is a consensual erotic roleplay.
Amy seems to develop her masochistic side, so when not spanked for a day she might ask mc to spank her (and have sex) to feel better. (Similar to Chloe. Spanking as caring.)
MC should ask Charlotte to get 2 more butt plugs, one for Amy to wear during day and one for herself for special office/evening scenes.
Amy back on the yacht :
The new relation with Amy should slightly change dialogues/scenes on the yacht and allow more public and private spankings of Amy and also some options for private sex with Amy during day or evening, e.g. in the hot tub or the bath room or mc's room.
Before Amy's fall there was a morning sex scene at the pool with Amy, which is no longer available but probably could be easily reactivated.
There should be a location on the yacht to find Amy when she is off duty.