I really want to make a fan proyect that continues the story from Ch.4 Ep.2 patch B, that's just before the "ending" started.
I don't know if it will be an Episode 5: The ending
Or an Episode 5: The exploration of everything that was promised and hinted and an Episode 6: The ending.
But i want to make those with the Dev aproval and assets.
Then give them to TheGary for his aproval and maybe a little help with the writing and renders, and he can publish them, sell them or to whaever the fuck TheGary wants with it, but i really need this story to have a proper ending and not a "season 8 of game of thrones" ending, where for some reason things happend and now we have a rushed ending.
After all, this is a game with choices and several endings, why can't it have and extended content and more endings?
Like this "Episode 5 A:The Ending" and "Episode 5 B: The exploration of everything that was promised and hinted and an Episode 6: The ending" where DLC of the main game.