
Active Member
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Jun 1, 2019
Judging by the changelog is it better to restart not to miss any story parts and mechanics?
I would reccommend a restart yes. However I won't do this lightly again. There is a green orb you can interact with that should fix the variables. It's outside Dark Delight. But you'd still miss out on an establishing cutscene.
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Active Member
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Jun 1, 2019
I'm in the process of re uploading the links to deal with that pesky file. Some of them might go up/down.

EDIT : Okay links are all updated and should be working.
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Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
As for Absinthe. I will only say that if you think I changed her because of some kind of pressure to increase exclusivity then you're wrong. I'll admit that it's scary right now. I don't have a lot of support and I was tempted. But .. though this game is a harem game. You have a harem. I appreciate that this creates some expectations in a certain type of H-game player. But I've decided I don't care. And I clarified almost immediately that those that hated it because not protag weren't my target audience.

I want to create something DIFFERENT not just a carbon copy of everything people have played before. And if I spend my time chasing after the complaints of people that clearly aren't buying what I'm selling then I'll never make anything good.

And yes we are talking about hivemind stuff. Many bodies one mind. And this is inherently fun to write. I'd even go so far as to say it writes itself. Games like Funbag Fantasy pulled it off pretty well so I don't see why mine can't.
.... you yourself said you are changing it because of negative feedback (which I wasn't saying was pressure... just that I saw it coming, and believe I said as much previous wayy back)... which you likely got because you put in content that clashes with the content you are going for...

Like sure create something different... but you can't ignore the fundamental basics, and expect it to go well. Like the fact: People who like harem, don't like LIs doing other dudes.

Which has nothing to do with being different or unique anyway... it is just clashing genres. Like how you can't have a pure love story when the LI is fucking everyone in town, cause they are polar opposites.

You can't have harem and whore LIs, and expect it to to be good, they just don't work well, and it comes across as stupid, a whore doesn't stop being a whore just cause of one dude.
When you do that you are writing two characters, one that is a whore, and one that isn't, and you perform a switcheroo at some point where they completely change character. (people don't change overnight, it takes years, especially with going against impulse tends to win for those that have already given in, it is why not a whore to being a whore is a believable transition, but the opposite usually isn't).

You want to be create and different, where it matters, and niche sexual content where it doesn't belong isn't the way to do that, you do that through how you present sexual content that compliments you main genre, not antagonizes it.
And for true creativity, and good different that comes in story, and not sexual content anyway.

Sexual content should be complimentary and not the main point of a story, sure you can use it as a fundamental element that is at the heart of the story, but it needs to be in a way that works with your story to make it better, and not actively make it worse.

e.g. harem story, will be driven in a direction you don't want when you add genres that clash, like MMF, sharing, swinging, NTR, gangbang etc. Because they change the fundamental base of your story from being harem, to being those things instead. Even if it is a minor part it changes the view of it anyway. At best it goes from being a harem story to a slave story.
But it will never be viewed as a good harem game no matter how good the story is, when you have such antagonistic genres mixed in. (and I don't mention the order of genres, because it simply doesn't matter)

Another way to put it, you want genres and content that build up the main genre and not tear it down.

Now that isn't to say, every LI needs to be a virgin, but it is poor taste to show them being with anyone but MC. In general no one really wants to hear about their ex's past... least of all when it comes to harem. Those that do want to know and enjoy such things... aren't into harem.. they into sharing/swinging and the like.

To summarize (a tldnr of sorts if you will): It is great that you want to make something unique, different and not just a carbon copy. But you got to make sure that you don't change the genre of what you are making in the process by adding in things that are counterintuitive to your goal.

Like to use absinthe as an example, your change to it being a hivemind clone thing, while the genre still semi-clashes, you have morphed it into something that doesn't go against your main goal, while it will still always clash for some (hence my suggestion to make that scene optional) it ends up still working for you and not against you.
Which honestly is how it should have been in the first place, you original story works against your main story and not with it, you want the stories to all compliment and push forward your main story, not against.

Complimentary sexual content is what you want, not antagonistic. It is good to be unique, but make sure you are still tailoring stuff that works for your story and your target audience.

Also I have been writing this on the assumption that your main audience genre and main sexual theme of the game is harem, if that is not the case then by all means correct that assumption and inform me of what it actually is (if i am wrong).


Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
It's not an illusion of a Harem, You have a Harem. It just doesn't include everything in the world with a vagina. Have a nice day. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
This is the kind of thing I am meaning, while you are trying to make a harem game, because of the conflicting content, it comes across the wrong way and makes it seem fake.

To re-frame their point (as I understand it): They are more saying this is an illusion of a harem game. Sure there is harem content in the game, but it deceives you into thinking it is a harem game, where the LIs are fucking others (or were, don't know if there was more than the absinthe content you mentioned).
And that the game isn't for people who specifically like harem. Just because it is before they are officially in the harem doesn't change anything.
End of re-frame.

Like, to take it to the extreme... no one gives a shit about harem in a NTR game that has the MC constantly cucked for 90% of the game, just because he gets the LIs back in the end an has a harem...
Also yes, that is an actual game that exists... don't ask me why XD

But the LIs being used by other (and I chose the word "used" for good reason), has a similar albeit less impactful effect. It would be different if they were throwaway characters in such scenes (harem lovers wouldn't enjoy or want to see it still but would be tolerable), but it matters when it is LI's.

Like sure with the harem "It just doesn't include everything in the world with a vagina." but the ones it does include have shown others using their vagina... (which was the main point of their comment i believe), although you may have completely changed that now, as stated I dunno.

To use a phrase I often use, Harem and Whore LIs don't go together. Or the better way to put it, no one wants a townbike LI in their harem, let alone a harem that is only town bikes... which honestly from what you have previously said, is the impression I get. (correct me if I am wrong though... but previously it sounded like all the monstergirls have fucked dozens if not hundreds of people cause you have written it into their lord that they have to... which is a setup for a sharing/swinging or brothel game... not a harem game)
note: townbike means the whole town has used them)


Active Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2019
The stuff I've written isn't in the least bit antagonistic towards the main story. Because the world it exists in is very different from ours and the 'rules' surrounding such behaviours are different. This is a very interesting hook that worked for a game that was an inspiration of mine. 'The last sovereign.' And I'm sure It can work here too. It asks ..hey .. what would our world be like if sex was mandatory for survival? How would society deal with that?

To clarify I was changing Absinthe due to negative feedback but I wasn't being specific as to which negative feedback. It was more that her being the public gangbang type didn't really fit her mould or what I intended for her as a character. And there were other discussions on my discord pertaining to just this. I wasn't necessarily addressing people complaining just because other dudes.

I think that you are rather putting your expectations on 'Harem Games' Onto everyone. And I think that certainly there is a highly vocal proportion of people on this particular website that are very passionate about the 'rules' in this regard. Honestly when you say things like this ..

' When you do that you are writing two characters, one that is a whore, and one that isn't '

Well that just feels wrong to me. First off there's a big difference between being sexually promiscuous and being a whore. Being a slut means doing it because you like it. It's part of who you are. And it can be loving and carefree even. Being a whore implies sacrificing yourself and doing it for money. Not that this is a terrible thing. There's prostitution in the game. But describing non exclusivity as whore/not whore. Just carries a really negative connotation that I 100% can't get behind and I don't have any interest in catering for. And it also ignores a spectrum of things someone can be in between.

My content is 100% not antagonistic with it's setting. I'm not forcing promiscuity onto characters that aren't promiscuous. Most sharing occurs between parties that are all close to each other. It's not whoring. Except by a very strange yardstick. I dunno I mean I just feel like you haven't really played the game much. I don't get that kind of feedback from my testers at all. Admittedly it's not like I got a massive testing department. But the 4 or 5 dudes I have to test none of them complain that the sexual content seems forced or tacked on for the sake of fetishism or niche sexual content as you put it.

And I would point out that even the example previously cited for 'sharing' was Oral sharing. I realize that would be counter productive. I just don't want to say no to hot situations because of absolutes. If something happens. It's because I think it's hot and in character. Not because I want to say fuck you to the player and make them feel bad that their sweetheart is taking 100 dicks a day.

And yes the first Absinthe scene is completely different now. The gangbang is MC clones and doesn't happen until much later.
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Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
The stuff I've written isn't in the least bit antagonistic towards the main story. Because the world it exists in is very different from ours and the 'rules' surrounding such behaviours are different. This is a very interesting hook that worked for a game that was an inspiration of mine. 'The last sovereign.' And I'm sure It can work here too. It asks ..hey .. what would our world be like if sex was mandatory for survival? How would society deal with that?

To clarify I was changing Absinthe due to negative feedback but I wasn't being specific as to which negative feedback. It was more that her being the public gangbang type didn't really fit her mould or what I intended for her as a character. And there were other discussions on my discord pertaining to just this. I wasn't necessarily addressing people complaining just because other dudes.

I think that you are rather putting your expectations on 'Harem Games' Onto everyone. And I think that certainly there is a highly vocal proportion of people on this particular website that are very passionate about the 'rules' in this regard. Honestly when you say things like this ..

' When you do that you are writing two characters, one that is a whore, and one that isn't '

Well that just feels wrong to me. First off there's a big difference between being sexually promiscuous and being a whore. Being a slut means doing it because you like it. It's part of who you are. And it can be loving and carefree even. Being a whore implies sacrificing yourself and doing it for money. Not that this is a terrible thing. There's prostitution in the game. But describing non exclusivity as whore/not whore. Just carries a really negative connotation that I 100% can't get behind and I don't have any interest in catering for. And it also ignores a spectrum of things someone can be in between.

My content is 100% not antagonistic with it's setting. I'm not forcing promiscuity onto characters that aren't promiscuous. Most sharing occurs between parties that are all close to each other. It's not whoring. Except by a very strange yardstick. I dunno I mean I just feel like you haven't really played the game much. I don't get that kind of feedback from my testers at all. Admittedly it's not like I got a massive testing department. But the 4 or 5 dudes I have to test none of them complain that the sexual content seems forced or tacked on for the sake of fetishism or niche sexual content as you put it.

AndI would point out that even the example previously cited for 'sharing' was Oral sharing. I realize that would be counter productive. I just don't want to say no to hot situations because of absolutes. If something happens. It's because I think it's hot and in character. Not because I want to say fuck you to the player and make them feel bad that their sweetheart is taking 100 dicks a day.

And yes the first Absinthe scene is completely different now. The gangbang is MC clones and doesn't happen until much later.
.... you kinda contradict your own points.... Also being sexually promiscuous is the definition of being a slut/whore/hoe... That is just the nice way of saying it. Also being a whore/sexually promiscuous is an act, not a personality trait, although it does reflect ones personality, as well you can't have a loyal partner/lover that is those things.

Cause it goes against their nature (hence the conflict with the absinthe and the gangbang with you yourself admitting it doesn't fit her... because you were doing things that conflict... being my whole point here).
Nature means more habits i.e. what they have become, not who they are or personality trait, although again it reflects those things. Like someone who is loving and loyal would not be those things as it conflicts. (you can only be one or the other not both)

Also harem members by definition aren't sexually promiscuous... since they are dedicated to one partner being the one who has the harem. So that 100% conflicts. Saying it doesn't conflict because you are changing definitions of things for yourself doesn't change that.

You can't say because in this universe apples are called bananas thus they are not apples, and expect it to work. (this being what you are doing with the idea of promiscuity).

i.e. what you are trying to do is change the fundamental truths for your universe... but those things can't be changed, being promiscuous and pure love will never go together, no matter the context.
They are opposites, just because you are trying to create a lore that does otherwise doesn't change that, cause you are trying to change something that can't be changed, nor can you expect others to accept it.

To use another extreme example of this concept (and trying to make the point more obvious), if I make a story where killing babies is okay and normal for its setting, I can't expect readers to be comfortable with that let alone accept it as normal if they are playing in said story.

It is like when you do art, there are certain things with human anatomy you can bend and manipulate in ways but still be obviously human, but others you can't else it won't be human anymore or just look shit. And same applies to story, there are thing you can and things you can't break.

No amount of you saying "it works in the story I made" will ever make conflicting genres not conflict. you changing that gangbang scene to only being MC is further proof of that. You can't have LIs be sexually promiscuous/ a whore and then expect people to believe they can be loyal in a harem and suddenly stop being promiscuous/ a whore.
That just makes zero sense


Apr 23, 2017
I still don't understand why people mix harem, witha red light district, do pimps have a harem?, no friend, the problem is that you added harem, you should have removed the label and made the game as you want, and the excuse of the world is different from ours does not make sense you write the world, and the labels are put in the real world, it does not matter if in your world being a cuckold is seen as being a chad


Active Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2019
.... you kinda contradict your own points.... Also being sexually promiscuous is the definition of being a slut/whore/hoe... That is just the nice way of saying it. Also being a whore/sexually promiscuous is an act, not a personality trait, although it does reflect ones personality, as well you can't have a loyal partner/lover that is those things. Cause it goes against their nature (hence the conflict with the absinthe and the gangbang with you yourself admitting it doesn't fit her... because you were doing things that conflict... being my whole point here).

Also harem members by definition aren't sexually promiscuous... since they are dedicated to one partner being the one who has the harem. So that 100% conflicts. Saying it doesn't conflict because you are changing definitions of things for yourself doesn't change that.

You can't say because in this universe apples are called bananas thus they are not apples, and expect it to work. (this being what you are doing with the idea of promiscuity).

i.e. what you are trying to do is change the fundamental truths for your universe... but those things can't be changed, being promiscuous and pure love will never go together, no matter the context.
They are opposites, just because you are trying to create a lore that does otherwise doesn't change that, cause you are trying to change something that can't be changed, nor can you expect others to accept it.

To use another extreme example of this concept (and trying to make the point more obvious), if I make a story where killing babies is okay and normal for its setting, I can't expect readers to be comfortable with that let alone accept it as normal if they are playing in said story.

It is like when you do art, there are certain things with human anatomy you can bend and manipulate in ways but still be obviously human, but others you can't else it won't be human anymore or just look shit. And same applies to story, there are thing you can and things you can't break.

No amount of you saying "it works in the story I made" will ever make conflicting genres not conflict. you changing that gangbang scene to only being MC is further proof of that. You can't have LIs be sexually promiscuous/ a whore and then expect people to believe they can be loyal in a harem and suddenly stop being promiscuous/ a whore.
That just makes zero sense
That's ridiculous. The whole point of fantasy narratives is to change the rules. That's the appeal they give. And no you're being very reductive about people who can be extremely complex. Someone absolutely CAN be sexually promiscuous and love purely. They can also be a total cucking bitch and hardly have sex. I think that I'm done responding to you. I don't think this is the game for you and I don't want to clutter the thread with lengthy discussions along these lines. But I think that fundamentally the way you see people is immature. That's one of the things I want this game to say. It's that the connections between people occur independently of how they have sex. What's important isn't staking territory on holes. It's not breaking your promises to each other. Being truthful with each other. Not promising what you can't provide. The way you talk about people just seems very dehumanizing to me. It categorizes people in a way that I find vaguely unsettling. And that's my final word on that.


Active Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2019
I still don't understand why people mix harem, witha red light district, do pimps have a harem?, no friend, the problem is that you added harem, you should have removed the label and made the game as you want, and the excuse of the world is different from ours does not make sense you write the world, and the labels are put in the real world, it does not matter if in your world being a cuckold is seen as being a chad
Lol are you actually being possessive of the word 'Harem' It's just a tag mate. It's not the core of the game. Removing it would be inaccurate. Stop being ridiculous. Are you literally trying to say I CAN'T mix in a harem in a world where prostitution is a thing? If so I'm just going to point at an atlas and laugh at you.

Also oh look it's another DBZ Avatar .. I'm sensing a theme.


I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
But I think that fundamentally the way you see people is immature... The way you talk about people just seems very dehumanizing to me. It categorizes people in a way that I find vaguely unsettling.
To be fair, whats being talked about are porn games and the characters in them, not real people. Unless you believe video games make people more violent, this doesnt make much sense. There is a seperation of what people find acceptable in these games and how they think IRL, and that goes both ways.


Active Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2019
To be fair, whats being talked about are porn games and the characters in them, not real people. Unless you believe video games make people more violent, this doesnt make much sense. There is a seperation of what people find acceptable in these games and how they think IRL, and that goes both ways.
This is true but I'm trying to write a game with an actual story as well and believable characters. I can't quite lean into porn tropes as heavily as someone who's writing a nukige or harem incest VII 'The sistering.' And expect it to really work.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
That's ridiculous. The whole point of fantasy narratives is to change the rules. That's the appeal they give. And no you're being very reductive about people who can be extremely complex. Someone absolutely CAN be sexually promiscuous and love purely. They can also be a total cucking bitch and hardly have sex. I think that I'm done responding to you. I don't think this is the game for you and I don't want to clutter the thread with lengthy discussions along these lines. But I think that fundamentally the way you see people is immature. That's one of the things I want this game to say. It's that the connections between people occur independently of how they have sex. What's important isn't staking territory on holes. It's not breaking your promises to each other. Being truthful with each other. Not promising what you can't provide. The way you talk about people just seems very dehumanizing to me. It categorizes people in a way that I find vaguely unsettling. And that's my final word on that.
Look I explained what I could, if you don't want to change your mind then don't.

But you can't change basic human psychology, or break rules. Fantasy is about bending things, they still are built on basics, not air.

You can't call a frog a turtle and expect it to work just cause you call it fantasy. Everything has a natural flow. whether you acknowledge it or not.

With your logic you can call NTR harem in your fantasy and it should work... :KEK:

Just don't be surpirsed when you end up changing more just like absinthe, and saying "don't hit the door on you way out" a lot to your target audience.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2017
You seem extremely invested in making sure no potential love interest so much as looks at anyone that isn't the MC.
Don't get me wrong, I prefer harem titles myself, but I've seen you arguing the exact same points in several threads now and while you're polite about it, you seem unwilling to drop the subject even when the devs repeatedly tell you they have other ideas.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
Crazy_Chameleon O forgot to mention... The Last sovereign... isn't a good example, because when it did the "sex to survive" shit with the succubus LI when MC was gone... it got a ton of backlash and hate. (also that is NTR too... although it managed to dodge that tag anyway last I saw).
And a bunch of people also dropped the game as a result.

Soooo... not a great example if you talking harem content... cause people hated that. (especially the harem crowd).

That being said if your goal isn't the harem crowd... then do whatever... as I have stated multiple times, my advice is only if you care about the harem crowd as your demographic and the main point of your game is to have a harem.

Which given your further responses.... I am beginning to wonder.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2019
UUurgh okay one more reply. I'm not sure what you mean by the 'Main point of the game is to have a harem.' I mean yes you do have a harem. But it's because you have a relationship with a lot of women. And futa's if that's your thing. I've repeatedly stated that I'm not doing the kind of game you seem to want me to do.

Do you build a harem? Yes. But I've Never wanted to cater to what some people seem to expect me to just for having a Harem in the game. Honestly it feels like I've shown up and had the harem police come beat down my door for breaking the unwritten rules. This feels more like bullying and manipulation than any kind of constructive criticism. And I don't have time for that. If people have a genuine point I'm more than willing to hear it. I don't want to be a stubborn dev who doesn't listen to feedback. And I've already made many changes in response to feedback in different areas. The Absinthe rework being one of them.

But I'm not going to subscribe to the idea that there's only one way to make a good Harem game. It seems that any game that wants to do what I want to do is always going to have some pushback. Because there are some people that really do only want rehashes of that old formula. And listening to them simply means making more of that same old crap. I'd quickly grow bored of making it. It would never get finished and even if it did it wouldn't be good.
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Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
UUurgh okay one more reply. I'm not sure what you mean by the 'Main point of the game is to have a harem.' I mean yes you do have a harem. But it's because you have a relationship with a lot of women. And futa's if that's your thing. I've repeatedly stated that I'm not doing the kind of game you seem to want me to do.

Do you build a harem? Yes. But I've Never wanted to cater to what some people seem to expect me to just for having a Harem in the game. Honestly it feels like I've shown up and had the harem police come beat down my door for breaking the unwritten rules. This feels more like bullying and manipulation than any kind of constructive criticism. And I don't have time for that. If people have a genuine point I'm more than willing to hear it. I don't want to be a stubborn dev who doesn't listen to feedback. And I've already made many changes in response to feedback in different areas. The Absinthe rework being one of them.

But I'm not going to subscribe to the idea that there's only one way to make a good Harem game. It seems that any game that wants to do what I want to do is always going to have some pushback. Because there are some people that really do only want rehashes of that old formula. And listening to them simply means making more of that same old crap. I'd quickly grow bored of making it. It would never get finished and even if it did it wouldn't be good.
IMPORTANT EDIT: This is me trying to understand and come to a resoltuion, if you just want to drop the topic altogether I am more than happy to. I just like to leave things resolved myself (not to be confused with either side agreeing with the other, both can still disagree, but there is some confusion here).

Ok this is where it confuses me. And to preface not talking about the current topic so to speak, but the semantics of it, i.e. where i believe the confusion is coming from.

Like I follow thinking "O okay not that kind of game".

When you have this: "But I've Never wanted to cater to what some people seem to expect me to just for having a Harem in the game."

But just as I am understanding that I keep reading and then,

You have this: "But I'm not going to subscribe to the idea that there's only one way to make a good Harem game."

Like, that tells me "I am not making a harem game" then immediately after "I am making a harem game."

hence I then follow with "Okay, so harem game, thus harem demographic." and then proceed to make my comments based on that. Like... what demographic are you going for if making a harem game, if it isn't the harem demographic?

And it is fine to change up the formula, but you can't take the formula that conflicts with harem itself as a genre and expect it to work (the absinthe gangbang scene before change for example). < this being my whole point summed up into a single line of text.

So basically, is this a harem game or not? like is it a game that just has harem stuff in it, but if you are looking for harem don't play it cause you will dislike the other conflicting content? or is it a game for the harem demographic and thus a harem game? (and if not a harem game... why bother with harem? harem demographic largely gone cause of the conflicting content, might as well make it free-use to get more of other demographics out there).

Cause despite what it may seem like at this point, I am not trying to waste your time, or tell you to what type of game you should make, my comments are only if the game you are going for is a harem game, for the harem demographic.
If it is not that then well... oops.

But to me you are kinda saying it is and isn't at the same time which just confuses me, and because the is sounding one comes last (or sticks in my head more) I go with that.


Active Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2019
Ok this is where it confuses me. And to preface not talking about the current topic so to speak, but the semantics of it, i.e. where i believe the confusion is coming from.

Like I follow thinking "O okay not that kind of game".

When you have this: "But I've Never wanted to cater to what some people seem to expect me to just for having a Harem in the game."

But just as I am understanding that I keep reading and then,

You have this: "But I'm not going to subscribe to the idea that there's only one way to make a good Harem game."

Like, that tells me "I am not making a harem game" then immediately after "I am making a harem game."

hence I then follow with "Okay, so harem game, thus harem demographic." and then proceed to make my comments based on that. Like... what demographic are you going for if making a harem game, if it isn't the harem demographic?

And it is fine to change up the formula, but you can't take the formula that conflicts with harem itself as a genre and expect it to work (the absinthe gangbang scene before change for example). < this being my whole point summed up into a single line of text.

So basically, is this a harem game or not? like is it a game that just has harem stuff in it, but if you are looking for harem don't play it cause you will dislike the other conflicting content? or is it a game for the harem demographic and thus a harem game?

Cause despite what it may seem like at this point, I am not trying to waste your time, or tell you to what type of game you should make, my comments are only if the game you are going for is a harem game, for the harem demographic.
If it is not that then well... oops.

But to me you are kinda saying it is and isn't at the same time which just confuses me, and because the is sounding one comes last (or sticks in my head more) I go with that.
Simple answer. This is a Harem game in that it has a Harem in it. It's just not YOUR type of Harem game. You seem to have this expectation that a game with a Harem in it has to have certain things or it's invalid. I welcome people who love harems. I love harems. I don't care about people who want to dictate to me what a Harem should and shouldn't be.

Hell someone out there could make a femdom game where a cuck sultan has a harem of dominatrixes who ntr him all day long because that's his kink.


I'll agree that the water is made somewhat murky by the fact that there is kind of a subgenre created by anime that is a harem. Which is what you seem to want the game to be and then there's the simple institution of a harem .. Which is what this game has. Indeed this game may cater to many of the things that the people you call the harem crowd would like. Just not religiously and not as the primary focus of the title.

If you can't understand that then I really can't explain it any better.
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Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
Simple answer. This is a Harem game in that it has a Harem in it. It's just not YOUR type of Harem game. You seem to have this expectation that a game with a Harem in it has to have certain things or it's invalid. I welcome people who love harems. I love harems. I don't care about people who want to dictate to me what a Harem should and shouldn't be.

Hell someone out there could make a femdom game where a cuck sultan has a harem of dominatrixes who ntr him all day long because that's his kink.


If you can't understand that then I really can't explain it any better.
No that wouldn't be a harem game XD

Harem is multiple women loyal to one dude. He may have had a harem at some point, but that is an NTR game, not a harem game. SO unless there is any content where they have at least 2-3 LIs just to them that don't get cucked (a route so to speak) then it wouldn't be harem at all, it would just have harem in the setup but not as a genre of the game.

It seems you don't understand what it means to be a harem game... you can't put in conflicting genres and content and expect it to work... water doesn't mix with fire, whore LIs don't go well with harem. No matter how much you want it to.

And I do understand, it is as I have thought it was. You are trying to put things into a harem game that don't work, and expect it too, but then blame others as being the problem when it doesn't... where you even try to argue around the gangbang scene as not being the problem... when it clearly was :|

Promiscuity and harem are polar OPPOSITES. if they are promiscuous it isn't a harem by literal definition. You can't change the term to suit yourself. Unless the LIs are only doing it with MC.. it isn't harem. (specifically 3 or more, so if you have 10 LIs but only 3 were loyal to MC only it would still be technically harem, but only for those 3 LIs, the other 7 would be free-use or sharing etc.)
What that is is slave or free use. Which by all means you can be that, but don't call it harem cause it wouldn't be.

But if you're instead trying to have promiscuous leading into harem... which also wouldn't work well either, but w/e, you are welcome to try and see how well that goes over with harem audience, shoving a conflicting genre down their throat first and expecting it to be taken well. Probably won't go well, but well have fun.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2017
So basically, is this a harem game or not? like is it a game that just has harem stuff in it, but if you are looking for harem don't play it cause you will dislike the other conflicting content? or is it a game for the harem demographic and thus a harem game? (and if not a harem game... why bother with harem? harem demographic largely gone cause of the conflicting content, might as well make it free-use to get more of other demographics out there).
Who is "the harem demographic" and why do you get to dictate what qualifies as a harem game?

I like harem games, quite a lot actually. That doesn't mean that I subscribe to your specific definition of what a harem game has to be. Apparently that makes me not part of said demographic because you decreed there is only one possible type of harem game and you're the sole arbiter that gets to define the rules.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
Who is "the harem demographic" and why do you get to dictate what qualifies as a harem game?

I like harem games, quite a lot actually. That doesn't mean that I subscribe to your specific definition of what a harem game has to be. Apparently that makes me not part of said demographic because you decreed there is only one possible type of harem game and you're the sole arbiter that gets to define the rules.
... bruh. The words meaning dictates what a harem is... like what are you even saying :KEK: You really love to twist shit in ways that don't make sense (hence i ignored your previous strawman comment).

And it's called logic... water doesn't mix with fire. NTR doesn't mix with harem.. doesn't take a genius to figure that out.

People who like are are into the fact it is harem, not gangbang on an LI XD cause that isn't harem, and conflicts with harem. Like water with fire.

There is no "Other definitions" of harem.. there is only one, being one dude many women... always has been that nothing else. Although for simplicity F95 expands it to mean 1 MC and 3 or more other LIs exclusive to MC (removing the gender/sex part to accommodate reverse-harem and mixed)

If it isn't LIs exclusive to only MC, it isn't harem. Like... I shouldn't have to say all this... it is common knowledge. sharing is sharing, not harem :KEK:

If you like to share your LIs.. you aren't into harem, you into sharing and swinging.

And is this a harem game? from what the dev has said no, this is more a free-use sharing game that they then redefine the meaning of harem in their game to call it harem game... cause you can do that in fantasy games apparently.

Anyway, I haven't claimed it isn't a harem game, I have simply said what does or doesn't work with harem... which is obvious things like sharing and gangbang... things that stop a harem from being a harem, and make it something else.
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