Read your reply. Thanks. I do understand about the choices, however, i would argue that they do not manifest in the "flow of the game session," which is desirable to some extent at least. Some choices obviously are going to be hidden to the player and factor in later of course. So I am not exactly talking about that. For example, I played maybe 120+ VN Ren'py games some very linear, some with yes- RPG-like choices that amount beyond stats to character development.
The problem or rather just some food for thought for you (and I mean this as positive feedback, loose suggestion) is for you to plan and consider 2 approaches to keep player engaged with "choices" in tow. First, you will naturally use variables for long-term choice paths or situations. Of course. That is desirable to break total linearity. But there's also short-term, as in the course of playing and actual update verison or at least something either story or plot-wise that signals to player that (a) one of choices you made matter.
Example: I chose the the damaged female corps mercenary. Yes that is a choice. I understand that this was a deciding factor, probably a major factor of going independent rather than siding with a faction or whatever. So yes that is a choice. So, I revise a bit what I said, compared to many other Ren'py VNs played, it does does qualify as a game centered on choices. In other words, it's one choice that has an obvious path deviation but really minor in the grand scheme or flow as defining your character or the story though, it's just a path/branch choice.
(Excuse I am going off of scratchy memory forgot character names, etc)
For example, the 2 dudes guarding the subway tunnels to the Queen and obviously a completely linear avenue. I finished the training and drinking sessions, but by "end of update" (which you seemingly corrected announcement, THANKS) there is no progress and no choice here. It is apparent you will just move forward through story and you really did not have any choice to not drink or train. It's linear. That is fine of course but I just wasn't impressed how it "ended for update" --> advice, better to by end of update, plan and make it so all that work player did with these two, it literally opens up the door to next chapter (as in going into the subway). You don't have actually proceed into subway/next chapter, but it would have be suffient to make just make a simple static art screen to obviously and overtly signal to player that they accomplished the task and in the next update they will go into the subway! INSTEAD of leaving the player to just endless drink and train without any noticeable progress. I haven't looked at the game with your 'no further progress until next update' yet but envision the tactful end-checkpoint-update... graceful. Then I would have #1 a sense of accomplishment, and #2 know definitely that I must wait.
Other choices, simple feedback. While I understand this category is lewd with sex, relationships etc. I actually disagree to some extent with other commentor about sex/handjob thing. The best thing going for this VN is the sci-fi, world-building and potential combat rather than just sex.
For example, on the character relationship/sex end. Yea, it's clear there were choices about boyfriend/girlfriending some characters as well as to what extent. This is ok, hardly why I would actually play the game/VN. (PS. clever and better if you somehow logically code with GUI a RPG-like menu/handler to be able to toggle/intent, allow switching courses like a train track). Some other commentor argued and sort of ridiculed me for thinking a Ren'py could possibly have RPG elements, which is ignorant and shows the person haven't a clue about coding or logic. Of course you can, should I make a list of highly polished games by developers with decent, average coding skills that have done this. It's python. WTF.
To me the relationship angles might be fun but not the main pull of this VN. You'r sci-fi worldbuilding is awesome here, a clear story is anticipated, so a large degree of linearity is expected (my complaint was not against that), but for example the relationship choices are minor beyond building your TEAM and then hopefully battling, surviving to make it back to city. for the PART 1. There is opportunity to augment and raise the gameplay experience within the context of a VN too. You actually have aVN setup far superior to a cliche lewd game scenario. Just for food-for-thought. If you are taking break for whatever reason including your computer hardware - great, I think you have a great setup, graphics etc. I understand why you would break to keep the quality.
I was 100% engaged in game, the problem was I kept looping and grinding basically for no reason for like 2 hours after the update really end. I am still of course 110% onboard. Your start is great here. Great if you worked in notices asap, which will be valuable to retain players who play this version to the latest..
Since your onhold, I would really also consider draftboarding distinct planned updates to facilitate distinct chapters with easily defined and recognizable checkpoints as well as short-term choice signals per update (in addition to your long-term variables) AND that instill a significant sense of progress and reward for player during each update.
Yours up to this point was fine, aside the checkpoint issues. I suppose I would agree with the feedback that amount of content might be the issue. I actually played a lot and think that the game was just very good leaving the player wanting more!! This is a good sign that your game, graphics is spot on, definitely the potential that elevates the potential a cut above the rest and for me highly anticipated.
Me, personally, I am marking down in my notes to check back later as you put it onhold, which is fine. I am sure it will be worth the wait. The last thing you want to do is rush
CyberSin: Red Ice. Funk it up, don't fuck it up!
Spend the time while waiting for your computer upgrade to maybe layer in content and some other elements, absolutely would be time well spent over graphics actually at this point. I can't help on the financial end sadly but wish you well and maybe some ardent game funders might assist you. I hope so!!
I imagine you have the story, paths all set. I know you can do good art/gui. The last step is tight packaging and structured update chalked full of 'content' and well-defined checkpoints. May also some other gui/configurable player driven elements (like the relationship toggle, other rpg-lite elements). I would not call it too ambitious to even maybe code a few die roll random battles, like gangs or new characters, factions (if you are indie), street encounters, that may penalize, reward player in cash/other, destroy defenses etc. This ** could be ** done. I am sure you understand what I am saying. Many games use meters and stats, sometimes they are fun. You can also code in against abuse of over-grinding by setting simple variable flags or when any chapter/update is met to prevent player from either destroying or elevating themself to keep a desired, restrained balance.
RPG-lite and enough choices that reveal within the scope of playing an update is a good thing. And for this VN/game. I don't mind waiting. I guess I would rather play a VN with much more significant content than a VN with not. This is where I find myself today. I really am tired of playing VN with little content and waiting. I would rather have at least significant sections. I end up making a list due to time to play some later when more fleshed out and just drop others because of the disjointed nature of forgetting wth I was playing!
PS. Cybersin: Red Ice goes on my definite -checkback list due to hold and bookmarked here certainly. The last experience is also why I suggest tight large chunks, which should great structure and design, like a book + game. It ensures it won't be forgotten at the least. And I think experienced game players and supporters might recognize this too, so good on with a decision to put onhold, maybe it's by providence (and hopefully short-term).
On the other hand, hope you get your computer upgrade soon!
I suggest or even advocate these extras and a highly structured approach (per update/chapter) because your game is worth it. Looking forward to future, will defintely check back and play a next update. I'd even start anew if necessary. Good luck