
Dec 8, 2018
After killing the demon boss and being corrupt there is a sex scene and after the sex scene is done I get this error
You do not have the patch applied.
Go back to page 17, post #330 of this discussion.
Do as described at 0.0 in the guide.
The bug you are experiencing was fixed in that.
Bugged script vs fixed script (script name : "sc_a05_01b"):
In the future when I ask 3 questions, please answer all 3 of them, it saves us all time and effort.
1. Knowing if you have the patch installed or not is important.
2. For instance last line of text before crash allows for quickly searching the affected code instead of playing guesswork.
3. Screenshot of the crash in this case tells us it's a missing character, but it doesn't tell us where in the code it is, so having question 2 answered would have helped.
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
Wait, did this get a proper translation? I could have sworn this was MTL.

Now... about the bug fixes in the previous page... do I apply it to the steam version or DLsite?

edit: Ah... nvm... I looked at the steam page and the translation is pretty shit. Not quite MTL levels but like a shitty chinese translation work.
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Dec 8, 2018
Wait, did this get a proper translation? I could have sworn this was MTL.

Now... about the bug fixes in the previous page... do I apply it to the steam version or DLsite?

edit: Ah... nvm... I looked at the steam page and the translation is pretty shit. Not quite MTL levels but like a shitty chinese translation work.
The fixes should work for both versions.
Pretty sure it's MTL translated given the way the translation files were bugged...and also the non existent sentence structure.
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Dec 8, 2018
Windows is the problem. It doesn't handle long path names well, so the game can't find it's needed files, most likely a .dll file in this case. Make sure the game and all of it's files are in a directory that isn't overly long, for instance "C:\Dark Elf Historia".
Also make sure to install the RTP for RPGMaker VXAce.
Also make sure your anti-virus isn't deleting the games .dll files, since that can happen sometimes too.


New Member
Oct 13, 2018
-The bugs in this were so annoying that a patch to fix 99.9% of the bugs in the ENG/CHS version is available now (for a limited time only, get yours today)! Just unzip attachment "DEH FIX.zip" and follow the instructions.
Japanese version does not have most of these bugs. CHS scripts had less bugs then the ENG scripts (Both should be fixed now).
And yes 99% of those are because of auto translate and copy/paste mistakes by who ever did the translating. JAP version source/scripts

*Updated guide*

0. If you just want the easy solution back up your Dark Elf Historia\Arc\main.rvdata2 file, then copy our main.rvdata2 file over there....That's it... really.... go play the game!

0.0. If you just want the easy solution back up your Dark Elf Historia\Data folder and copy/overwrite with our fixed Data and Graphics folders. Then copy the "Dark Elf Historia\ Patch" folder from this posts attached .zip file. Go play the game!
The other stuff in the .zip is for informational/reverse engineering purposes.

0.1. If you want to fix any bugs we missed, as well as leave a possibility for improving/changing/translating this or other games yourself in the future then this will explain what needs to be checked/changed to allow for patching to work:
-You will need RPGVXAce to fix "everything" (or at least some tool to extract regular scripts and then import them back into the game).
-A lot of the information can be used to fix other broken ONEONE1 games.
-We will repeat this only once! If you want the "complete fix" don't touch that Arc\main.rvdata2, let it live out the rest of it's days in peace. It exists for informational/archival purposes now, nothing more. It merely has some updated files "merged" into it and those are no longer needed.
-The patch assumes that you are using the "original" main.rvdata2 file (the one with the bugs).
-The reason is so people can combine and mix different "patches" to fix/change/improve different things in the future instead of having to choose only one fix.
-For instance "pach1" could fix English text, "patch2" Chinese, "patch3" some broken scripts, "patch4" only the scripts that "patch3" missed,
"patch5" could be a mod for the game (yes you could even turn it into a completely different game) and the end user could combine what they want.
-Also the patch file takes less space, and can even fix other patch files that came before it. Patches do "NOT" change any game files making them "safer" to use in general.
View attachment 731786
1. Create "Patch" folder in your game directory and put tespatch3.rvdata2 in it. (Dark Elf Historia\Patch\tespatch3.rvdata2)
-To enable the patch do the following:
-In RPGVXAce create a new project. Close it and copy all your game data to the new project folder (if you have Game.rgss3a in the files don't copy that one).
-Default directory for projects is "\Documents\RPGVXAce\Project123......."
-Open the project again and go to scripts (F11), go to TES本体 and edit the following line:
-Hit ok and save your project
-If you can't find something use "ctrl+shift+f" to search all script content, or "ctrl+f" to search only the currently selected script.
-You can play the game now if you wish.......or....just hear me out.....fix all the other bugs yourself?.....yes you say?....why, how bold of you....
-This takes care of all but 2 bugs in the game.
Our patch cannot fix these things since it is only aimed at the bugs inside the encrypted main.rvdata2, the rest are inside map files and regular script files.
View attachment 731788
2. Open the project again, switch to event view and click on Chapter02 - テルマ村 . Double click on the sign next to the merchant and paste the following:
<link event_add ma072_072>
Click OK, then OK again to close the event window and save the changes (see if you can spot the one letter difference compared to the bugged version).
View attachment 731794
-Now open scripts (button next to the music button, or F11). Go bellow the TES scripts to メッセージ制御文字拡張 and delete the character 個 (it means one)
It appears in one more place after this but we have not noticed it ever show up in game, delete it there as well if you prefer.
This will fix the textual bug when getting multiple items from the nearby house with the old man in bed.
View attachment 731803

View attachment 731796
-CONGRATULATIONS, you got the bugs, but would you like to translate the last untranslated stuff in the game as well?

2.1. Now open database (F9), go to troops, number 72:ドラゴンキメラ, delete everything then do the following:
insert->Conditional Branch->tab 4->Script ->ONEONE1_Vocab.show_language=="CHS"
View attachment 731804
insert-> Show Text -> Dim Background, middle
View attachment 731805
after the else:
insert-> Show Text -> Dim Background, middle
Physical attacks are hardly effective against this!
\C[2]Magic\C[0] attacks are best!!\|\|\^
View attachment 731806
View attachment 731791
3. Have you noticed that the Japanese version comes with an encrypted archive with the game CG in HD?
The Japanese version also generates a password.txt file when you finish the game, but ENG/CHS version does not.
If you have the Japanese version and or the encrypted CG archive and want the ENG/CHS version to generate the password read on ahead.
-Open scripts, go bellow the TES scripts and insert between 強くてニューゲーム and マップフォグ , name it:
now copy and paste the following stuff (if you see any smily faces it just means that it was a : followed by a P) :

module ONEONE1
module SET_PASS
PASS_TEXT_NAME = "password.txt"
PASS_TEXT_CONT = "■パスワード\ndarkelfforneria"

module MakePass

def self.pass_txt
pw = File.new(ONEONE1::SET_PASS::pASS_TEXT_NAME, "w")

View attachment 731792
Now hit OK button and go over to the map:
エンド後 (It is right above Chapter01) and double click the square in the upper left corner, go to tab4
between the first two Chinese texts:
insert -> tab3 -> script ->MakePass.pass_txt
bellow that insert -> text:

bellow else and between the 2 English texts:
insert -> tab3 -> script ->MakePass.pass_txt
bellow that insert -> text:
The pass for decompressing is 「darkelfforneria」
※Password.txt has been created in the folder.
※Required to unzip the benefits.
View attachment 731793
OK, then save your work and check if you got everything done properly.

4. Now if you want to fix some of the text in the game being too big and running off the screen go to scripts:
in 仕事依頼画面 change the following:
contents.font.size = 20
Font.default_size = 15 if ONEONE1_Vocab.show_language == "ENG"
Font.default_size = 24 if ONEONE1_Vocab.show_language == "ENG"
View attachment 731798
in 仕事結果画面 script change:
contents.font.size = 20
Font.default_size = 15 if ONEONE1_Vocab.show_language == "ENG"
Font.default_size = 24 if ONEONE1_Vocab.show_language == "ENG"
View attachment 731814
now go to カスタムメニュー and change:
View attachment 731815

CONGRATULATIONS! You got those pesky fonts down to a more reasonable size and now you can actually read most of the text.
(Translations are still horrible, but hey at least the text is visible...)
To switch between ENG/CHS change the language.ini file with: str=ENG or str=CHS
That is all the hard stuff taken care of. Do you want to do the easy stuff now? Want to get rid of the remaining "flower" and "black box"censorship?
You will need the Japanese version of the game, or at least the individual picture files mentioned in the next section.

4. In Graphics\Battlers change the following picture names and overwrite the old ones:
ゾンビ -> zonbi (that is not a typo on our end, that is how it's called in the game files)
変質者 -> henshitsu
-from "Graphics\Characters" copy the files: $cha01a_5, $cha01b_1, $cha01b_2, $cha01b_3, $cha01b_4, $cha01b_5 and paste them in "Graphics\Pictures\battler"
-This will fix battle animations sometimes displaying flowers for a frame (the ENG/CHS version uses slightly different folder structure, but the Japanese one
is still referenced in some places, so you end up with the game randomly choosing between the two file locations, hence the occasional censored frame).
-from "Graphics\System" copy "map_base_b" and paste inside "Graphics\Pictures"
-from "Graphics\System\memory_img" copy "h_memory_base02" and paste inside "Graphics\Pictures\memory_img"
-from "Graphics\System\sta_img" copy "sta_fg_b" and paste inside "Graphics\Pictures\sta_img" and inside "Graphics\Pictures\sta_img_CHS"
-Now for the last image open gimp or photoshop (maybe paint can work too) and open "Graphics\Pictures\memory_img_CHS" "h_memory_base02.png"
-Now insert (or copy paste from clipboard) from "Graphics\System\memory_img" "h_memory_base02.png" over the previous picture/layer
-Crop/Delete the part of the picture with the English letters so the Chinese letters are showing, now merge/flatten all layers and save inside:
"Graphics\Pictures\memory_img_CHS" as "h_memory_base02.png"
View attachment 731801
5. Play the game? No? Tired from all of this? Alright..........
-Seriously that's it, that is everything, every bug known to elf kind. You did it, you fixed "everything", take a break, go celebrate your ultimate victory.
-We are not joking, this is the end of the road. Your mission to save Dark Elf Historia was a success! You are the hero this world doesn't need...or deserve...
-You say you are not tired and could do this all day? Yeah....sure buddy......sure you can......no really we are sure you could......no we are not being "sarcastic"....

6. Want to make your own patch? Want to translate this properly (yeah right, as if)? Found another bug (you just had to find those 0.01% of bugs...didn't you)?
-Copy the included Scenario folder to:" Documents\RPGVXAce" , so you should now have Project1 (That you made at the start) and Scenario folders in RPGVXAce folder.
-In RPGVXAce go to scripts -> WF-RGSS Scripts -> and change:
-Save changes
View attachment 731811
7. Making your own patch:
-Inside of "Scenario\main" is the original source code/script for the game, when you encounter a bug, or text you want to change find it in these files first.
-Once you found the file you want CHECK!!! to see if it is present inside of "tespatch3" folder as well?
-Now create a folder called tespatch4, or tespatch5, or any number bigger then 3 (name and number are important for getting the patch working properly)
-If the file you want exists inside of tespatch3 folder, copy it from tespatch3 folder to your new "tespatch4" folder, if it is only present in "main" copy it from "main" to "tespatch4"
-This is important so you don't re-introduce bugs that have already been fixed!!!
-Do whatever you want to your new file inside of "tespatch4", just remember that it has to be encoded in UTF-8!
-In case you want to add new stuff to the game, you can just create a new file and name it whatever you like so you don't change existing stuff.
-When you are done save and close the files. Now open your project in RPGVXAce, open script editor, find TES本体, then find the line:
-If you want the special key for creating tes_patches and other stuff to be "alt" you make it into: CONVERT_MODE_BTN = :ALT
-If you want some other key like "F8", change it to CONVERT_MODE_BTN = :F8
-Different games use different keys by default! Make sure it is a key that will NOT be used during game-play!
-Save changes and click on Game (It's between Tools and Help), then click on show console
-Start play-test (green play button, or F12) and wait for the game to load, once it shows the splash-screen the "magic"......we mean patching can be done.
-Slowly, with great anticipation gently press "alt" or "f8" or whatever magic button you assigned earlier, we wont judge your choice.....
-Wait a few seconds (the more folders\files you have the longer it can take before anything happens)
-Now behold the wonder of folders and files for patching from that "Scenario" folder appear before you! #When you first saw it were you blinded by it's majesty?
View attachment 731809
-Now use the arrow keys on the keyboard (or joystick if that's how you "roll") to navigate/highlight the tespatch4 folder, check if it has the files you put in there showing up?
-Press enter to select tespatch4 folder, if you selected the wrong folder or something press "x" to go back (this depends on the game)
-If some file from your patch folder is missing you probably didn't listen to advice and didn't save it with UTF-8 encoding!
-Just to be on the safe side back up any old patches from "Patch" folder, and main.rvdata2 from "Arc" folder (this is specific to Dark Elf, main could be located elsewhere).
-Now that you have selected the "tespatch4" folder hold down "shift" and press "enter" (this is important, it has to be "shift+enter", tough luck for joysticks).
-Stuff should start moving on the Console window (don't close it, don't touch it, don't even look at it funny). Once it stops moving and doesn't show "ERROR" it's done.
-Files that appeared in yellow color should now be white, that means they have been applied to your patch. (it will be located in the "Patch" folder by default).
-Now close the game window by pressing the little (or big) red "X", yes really it's that simple but if you wanna be a smartarse why don't you just press "alt+f4"?
-The console window will close automatically after the game closes (do not quote us on that).
-If the files are still yellow tinted or the console gives an "ERROR" you managed to introduce some fatal bug to your scripts, don't worry you can fix it now.
-In the "Scenario" folder a file called "tes_output.txt" will be generated, you can look into it to find out what file and maybe even line you done goofed at!
-Repeat the above procedure once you have fixed your mistakes (or someone else's you masochist, we are not judging you, just stating facts).
-Remember to clear out the the "tes_output.txt" once in a while so it doesn't become to big to open.

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Thank you for the fix :)
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Reactions: leweder


Dec 8, 2018
why is steam version 2.11 gb while dlsite is only 1.3 ???
The game was updated at some point to v1.02
Some versions have the game data "packaged" inside an encrypted .rgss3a archive.
The game was censored for the steam release, but poorly, so most of the original images remained in the games data files, inflating the size.
Additionally the Japanese version had a locked HD art .zip reward for those that complete the game (around 600MB)
added in an update.
Apr 19, 2019
The game was updated at some point to v1.02
Some versions have the game data "packaged" inside an encrypted .rgss3a archive.
The game was censored for the steam release, but poorly, so most of the original images remained in the games data files, inflating the size.
Additionally the Japanese version had a locked HD art .zip reward for those that complete the game (around 600MB)
added in an update.
so steam version also has the reward for complete game while dlsite not? IS steam version censored while dlsite uncensored? i often see these questions on different games. So... should i play the steam version or Dlsite version?


Dec 8, 2018
so steam version also has the reward for complete game while dlsite not? IS steam version censored while dlsite uncensored? i often see these questions on different games. So... should i play the steam version or Dlsite version?
Before we start:
Un-censored means restoring standard Japanese mosaic censoring for private parts and removing all of the other additional censoring that was added for the English release.

To answer your main questions:
To my knowledge only the Japanese version from dlsite has the reward and it is the one and only full version developed by "ONEONE1".
The English dlsite version is similar to to the steam version, just without some of the censoring that was added for steam (the added censored/un-censored images are the reason for size differences, explained in more detail further down).
Both English dlsite and steam versions are bugged and still partially censored. Thank "sakuragame/paradise project" for the bugs...all of them.
I am not aware of the bonus HD artwork ever being added to any of the English versions, neither steam nor dlsite, so to be crystal clear you would need the Japanese version from dlsite for the HD reward.

The reason for the bloated file size and why both English dlsite/steam versions are bugged:
The steam version is bloated because of it being censored, but the original images were not all removed from game files, on top of that an un-censor patch was applied, but this uses a slightly changed folder structure and results in added duplication of some images. A backup folder of some of the pre-patched files is also included in that version.
To make it even more hilarious the supposedly un-censored dlsite version does not actually remove all of the censoring that was introduced when the game was originally localized (because as I mentioned they messed up the folder structure).
For the record the original developers are "ONEONE1", the Japanese version is their original work. The company that was supposed to translate and publish in English/Chinese broke just about everything they touched (might explain why they switched to a different publisher/translator for their new games, guess there is some hope for their games in English now)

Shameless self help promotion:
If you want to un-bug the Engilsh versions completely and ofcourse manually, you can follow my guide from earlier on this discussion thread. Fair warning, it can be a lot of work if you have no previous knowledge of RPGMaker. A lot of work and dedication went into fixing it and making sure that every little detail was fixed, restored and brought into line with the Japanese version. You will need the English dlsite version to do this + optionally Japanese version for the HD artwork bonus. GUIDE

*A friendly word of advice about sakuragame/paradise project*
For future reference, if you ever see a game being published/localized for the English/Chinese market by the company sakuragame/paradise project stay away, and if possible remember to report them for breaking Steams Terms of Service....like a million times over by now. Maybe one of these days someone at Valve will notice and do something.........10,000 years later.
Just a quick search on the internet will give you a good idea of the kind of sham they are running. A detailed view of their company history on the other hand will give you cancer...and a cure with the label: "made in China".
Apr 19, 2019
Before we start:
Un-censored means restoring standard Japanese mosaic censoring for private parts and removing all of the other additional censoring that was added for the English release.

To answer your main questions:
To my knowledge only the Japanese version from dlsite has the reward and it is the one and only full version developed by "ONEONE1".
The English dlsite version is similar to to the steam version, just without some of the censoring that was added for steam (the added censored/un-censored images are the reason for size differences, explained in more detail further down).
Both English dlsite and steam versions are bugged and still partially censored. Thank "sakuragame/paradise project" for the bugs...all of them.
I am not aware of the bonus HD artwork ever being added to any of the English versions, neither steam nor dlsite, so to be crystal clear you would need the Japanese version from dlsite for the HD reward.

The reason for the bloated file size and why both English dlsite/steam versions are bugged:
The steam version is bloated because of it being censored, but the original images were not all removed from game files, on top of that an un-censor patch was applied, but this uses a slightly changed folder structure and results in added duplication of some images. A backup folder of some of the pre-patched files is also included in that version.
To make it even more hilarious the supposedly un-censored dlsite version does not actually remove all of the censoring that was introduced when the game was originally localized (because as I mentioned they messed up the folder structure).
For the record the original developers are "ONEONE1", the Japanese version is their original work. The company that was supposed to translate and publish in English/Chinese broke just about everything they touched (might explain why they switched to a different publisher/translator for their new games, guess there is some hope for their games in English now)

Shameless self help promotion:
If you want to un-bug the Engilsh versions completely and ofcourse manually, you can follow my guide from earlier on this discussion thread. Fair warning, it can be a lot of work if you have no previous knowledge of RPGMaker. A lot of work and dedication went into fixing it and making sure that every little detail was fixed, restored and brought into line with the Japanese version. You will need the English dlsite version to do this + optionally Japanese version for the HD artwork bonus. GUIDE

*A friendly word of advice about sakuragame/paradise project*
For future reference, if you ever see a game being published/localized for the English/Chinese market by the company sakuragame/paradise project stay away, and if possible remember to report them for breaking Steams Terms of Service....like a million times over by now. Maybe one of these days someone at Valve will notice and do something.........10,000 years later.
Just a quick search on the internet will give you a good idea of the kind of sham they are running. A detailed view of their company history on the other hand will give you cancer...and a cure with the label: "made in China".
thx a lot, i will take your advice in my heart, also i have played some sakura games and the first thing i thought was... I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS NOT MTL.
I've searched for some info and understood why i thought so, sakura games should be put on trial for what they are doing.
Also really amazing work... really done, you are the hero we need but don't deserve. I don't have much time, but i would like to help just that i dunno if i need to buy the licence for RPGM to change scripts, debug etc...(you know... i don't have money to buy it or else i wouldn't be here to play games for free)
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Dec 8, 2018
thx a lot, i will take your advice in my heart, also i have played some sakura games and the first thing i thought was... I CAN'T BELIVE THIS IS NOT MTL.
Oh it is MTL alright, they just don't tend to mention that part. They present themselves to Japanese and Chinese devs as localizers/translators, but all they do is MTL. And the MTL breaks the game scripts 9/10 times...


New Member
Jul 27, 2020
I can't run the game, i've tried run it with local japanese(windows 10) and the patch of leweder, redownload it and play without touching anything dont work, someone known how to fix it?
Sin título.png

I found how to fix it on page 14, the path of the game should not have simbols (-_+ etc)
1. User error - An error at the start of the game (at the moment of choosing the language)
Is possible only if the path to the game has a non-Latin font (not English) or contains wrong symbols. + The lack of components on the computer to run such games.
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Sep 25, 2020
Can anyone help with this error message? Popped up right around Chapter 3, when I talked to one of the NPCs in the evil dark path. I'm playing the DLSite version. Thanks.


Dec 8, 2018
Can anyone help with this error message? Popped up right around Chapter 3, when I talked to one of the NPCs in the evil dark path. I'm playing the DLSite version. Thanks.
All explained in detail on the previous disscussion page, in this post:"Updated Guide".
Follow step 0.0. of the "Updated Guide".
3.50 star(s) 11 Votes