Well i finally finished my last little edits and said my peace. This was as well written as a rpg maker game could ever have been imo. It was successful because it successfully told a painful story and made you feel it.
Between the Mc being punished for being a good guy, the main love interest being a massive hypocrite and the primary antagonist being rewarded for his shitty behavior with love, sex and a family and all the other back stabbing and betrayals in between.
It was a good story about the good being punished and the wicked being rewarded and only in the very end did a POSSIBLE change occur.
My thoughts on ending 4 are not as sweet as othet peoples impressions
So basically he lets Thrash live, and gives up on Lotia completely.
Now he lives as a merc with the dragon loli and has to regularly kill the monsters she births to keep the "heros" off their trails
This also means Thrash was also keeping the heros off Imos trail thus Thrash paying his life debt to Imos and Imos simultaneously being in Thrashs debt
The only person that was saved was Aina and no one really knows what happened after that
Its a bitter sweet ending, in Imos perspective he had to give up on Lotia and leave her with the man who destroyed his, and all his friends lives, and it doesnt imply Thrash ever became a better person.
Imos position now is that of someone who will be put under extreme scrutiny and prejudice if he or the loli are ever caught, they will not be treated fairly.
The Lolis perspective is a better one, she has someone she cares for and treats far better than anyone else ever did, hoping to have a child and in the end does her best for him despite that he no longer eats and barely sleeps.
Its a bitter dark ending because the dragons were not punished, someone else will be put in Imos shoes but there will be no Dark Dragon to assist this person
And all the people who shouldve been confronted for their part in turning Imos into a monster, never were.
Lotia would continue with the blatantly false notion that her betrayal was for Imos sake, her self righteousness and hypocritical behavior never brought to her attention. She will continue to try and change the evil man she fell in love with to justify what she did to Imos and effectively reward Thrash.
Tori would still be at the manipulation and mercy of Ace, brewing poisons and aphrodisiacs and being a drug addict.
Aina would, in best case scenario, go back to her kingdom while the worlds desire ran rampant so she may not meet a good end anyway.
Assim continues to be an ignorant fool he is.
And so on. The ending was...bleak.
This was a good rpgm vn and i hope they never EVER do another one.