Yeah you're absolutely right, I guess I just couldn't swallow the whole villains win sometimes too thing. Imos sure had it rough. It makes the beginning even worse though because Imos saw the future or some shit of himself going through all this and then he goes through all the shit again and I find it funny the character never once goes... "Hmm this kinda feels deja vu." unless he did and I missed it. Anyways venting felt good and your messages helped me compartimentalize the parts of the story and characters that really annoyed me. Thanks man.Yeah it was a trap set by Thrash. Thrash took the antidote before the events started just incase imos tried to kill him.
Unfortunately what youre looking for is for a reason for these characters to be less flawed, i understand that frustration but you have to take it as it is. Its a story about good people without power and powerful people who are rotten.
Even had Imos done anything they were long since set to blame him for any inconvenience he may cause purely because he was not special like they were.
Him getting beaten and used as collateral wouldnt have happened, no matter what they were going to warp the situation to make it seem as if Imos was in the wrong.
No matter what doing anything was going to set Thrash up to be the "merciful" one and Imos to be the sore loser.
The goal was to manipulate people into giving up on Imos all on their own and specifically for selfish reasons.
This deals a much larger blow than had he been cursed to be ransom for the bad guy.
In a common day setting it wouldve made sense to kill them had he some means of equalizing the floor like leading them into an area that nullified their special status.
The story is pretty cut throat because Imos and Aina are meant to be the examples of people with good but flawed characters and Lotia/Thrash/Shum/Tori are examples of strength but rotten characters
Lotia, Assym and Tori chose the lives they lived all on their own which creates a difficult issue. Tori did not want to go back and Lotia decided to start lying about her nature.