Dude, i would definitely feeling sad if by any chance the prefix [Abandoned] suddenly appeared on any of my favorite titles, including yours
Tbh, imo this game is really have a huge potential. It might be unfair to comparing Dark Magic with the other big Honey Select based sandbox games like Mythic Manor and Harem Hotel whom due to their hardwork for months able to earn and supported by hundreds of patrons, still, i'm sure if u keep up ur current pace and improve the quality bit by bit, Dark Magic will also having a chance for standing on the same spotlight eventually
One of the many issue, yet the crucial one in market sale is the lack of or poor 'advertising'. In this term, we're talking about the screenshot or banner which provided during initial release
I might sounded really harsh and irresponsible and without any mean to be rude or discouraging u, but personally iirc the very first time i saw Dark Magic in one of adult games site is (sorry) not really appealing, i was kinda ignored it and thought "hmm, maybe i'll give it a try
I can't describe the reason really well, it might just me but at that moment i think the image 'atmosphere' from Dark Magic's in-game screenshot is kinda "dark"
Once again, it might just be me but i happen to play a few of Honey Select based games with similar atmosphere and unfortunately i decide to drop them due to their poor quality in terms of artwork (model & animate), story, and even language (broken engrish)
As i said before that i was ignoring this game at first, I immediately taken aback when I finally decide to give it a try which also being the very reason I was immediately rated this game here (I tend to wait for a few updates since the first time I played the game before give my thoughts on the rating)
Imo, the models might be around 7/10, but still very lovable due supported by 8/10 animations, characterizations, and premise, and also 9/10 for the amount of content compared with other titles in similar stage
And don't forget that there's also a fans who love the work of the content creator but unable to become a patron due some technical issue, including me
I might immediately decide to support a few titles here if only not because of some circumstances with cc, sucks big time indeed
So the very least I could do as a fan is by keep recommending this game to others along with some other titles, especially for them which still in early stage
Sorry for rambling, I promise that I would never try to intentionally discourage any developer because I'm sure everyone would have an equal chance to stand tall and strong with decent efforts
And just fyi, I seriously won't typing this long if not because for loving this game
Keep up the great work and just as Wade used to say,