
Yes, but it would work and answers the question previously asked.
Also, until they get a dna test done, they would never know if he were her father, and they could simply agree not to have the test done. Remember, both her mother, and the tutor slept around, so it would leave some level of doubt.
No test, no confirmation, and that means no violation of patreons rules, but it still puts it into the incest category, if the player decides to see it that way.

That knowledge could even come at a point before they get sexual, and the user has to decide whether to find out.
If they take the test, and he is her father, game over, but if they do not take the test, they become a couple.

As for dating someone half their age.
When I was 42 I dated a 20 year old. She came on to me. Not even a mile from the bus terminal, she placed her hand on mine, which was on the gearshift of my car, and took my hand and held it for the entire ride. I was just the one who paid the bus fare so that she could get out of a bad relationship, and to a relative of hers who lived near me.
I picked her up at the bus terminal with the simple intention of giving her a ride to where she was going to be staying.
She ended up staying with me for the next 4 years.


Nov 11, 2017
That would defeat the purpose of the Melody game, which was to appease the standards of Patreon. Even without an incest route the tutor is still coming on to a girl about half his age. That alone is horridly creepy, regardless of how good a person he is otherwise.

I like playing both DMD and Melody, I really dig the fantasy. I feel that's what they should stay though, fantasy.
My aunt is nearer my age than my uncle's age, who happens to be very close to my mother's age.

My aunt and uncle as a couple are also highly dynamic, truly committed and consistently demonstrate how well suited they are for each other by simply living, loving and raising great kids. Although his hair went grey first, nobody thought twice about them being an appropriate couple at any point that I can tell: they play the part, regardless of age difference. At this point in their lives they both have grey hair, so the difference is even more difficult to discern - they simply complement each other in most ways and that's what matters for them.

As you get older, age is more fluid as a factor of attraction for many people than you might consider.

On your "crime" claim, I'm not sure what you are referencing: they are both legal adults. Their relationship is one for moral consideration (and even then, which society's morals should matter in this case?) - not really a legal one, IMHO.

Heck, there's even a theory out there which could provide some partial basis for the mutual attraction seen in this game:

It's not a rigorously studied notion at all, but this *is* a fantasy game, so using flimsy scientific ideas shouldn't be off-limits.

Proto Persona

Active Member
Jan 23, 2018
My aunt is nearer my age than my uncle's age, who happens to be very close to my mother's age.

My aunt and uncle as a couple are also highly dynamic, truly committed and consistently demonstrate how well suited they are for each other by simply living, loving and raising great kids. Although his hair went grey first, nobody thought twice about them being an appropriate couple at any point that I can tell: they play the part, regardless of age difference. At this point in their lives they both have grey hair, so the difference is even more difficult to discern - they simply complement each other in most ways and that's what matters for them.

As you get older, age is more fluid as a factor of attraction for many people than you might consider.

On your "crime" claim, I'm not sure what you are referencing: they are both legal adults. Their relationship is one for moral consideration (and even then, which society's morals should matter in this case?) - not really a legal one, IMHO.

Heck, there's even a theory out there which could provide some partial basis for the mutual attraction seen in this game:

It's not a rigorously studied notion at all, but this *is* a fantasy game, so using flimsy scientific ideas shouldn't be off-limits.
Incest is an actual crime in most countries, especially here in America. That was the only thing I was claiming. Maybe standards relax for most folks, but I just can't wrap my head around dating somebody young enough to be my child.


Active Member
Feb 1, 2017
Incest is an actual crime in most countries, especially here in America. That was the only thing I was claiming. Maybe standards relax for most folks, but I just can't wrap my head around dating somebody young enough to be my child.
You are in the minority=
According to a graph based on data from OKCupid dating profiles, women tend to be most attracted to men who are around their same age.

But the case is drastically different for men; the graph shows that once a woman passes the age of 22, she becomes exponentially less attractive to men.

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Then it is simply a matter that if you do not like something, then stay away from where it can be found.
I've been reading a lot of posts in this forum and it seems to be a recurring theme of people going into threads and complaining about content that is listed as a tag that they do not like.
It has even been suggested that some of those people have gone as far and as low as to stab the game creator in the back and reporting them to Patreon.
It's one thing to make a simple comment about it not being your thing, because that can convey information to the game creator, but to harp on and on about it is wrong.

Out of 14 total posts in this forum at this time that you have made, 4 of them have been complaining about content in a game that you do not like, in a thread devoted to a game that contains that content.


May 3, 2018
That would defeat the purpose of the Melody game, which was to appease the standards of Patreon. Even without an incest route the tutor is still coming on to a girl about half his age. That alone is horridly creepy, regardless of how good a person he is otherwise.

I like playing both DMD and Melody, I really dig the fantasy. I feel that's what they should stay though, fantasy.
I'm 31, dating a 19 year old, I think as long as we are both consenting adults, what's the big deal?
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May 3, 2018
It's a good game by the same game creator, you should try it.
I might.. Romance games aren't really my preference, but I enjoyed DMD very much.. I'l put it on my list, but I'm caught up in a mindcontrol / corruption phase right now :D

Also my list of games to play is -very- long :D


Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Dec 17, 2017
I'm having trouble saving my game in chapter 1. Can anyone help me out?
The error you're seeing is "Exception; Not saved - no valid save locations."

Did you unpack the archive? That sounds like you're playing from the zip, and it can't save to it.
Sep 18, 2017
So I take it the game isn't finished and story is still continuing? I like all the different outcomes. Although I think I shot myself in the foot by going Georgina + E (friend) route. I have the feeling it will blow in my face in the long run. Plus it is disappointing that it closes some of the D routes. Maybe I should try another play through with only Olivia with D.


Engaged Member
Aug 6, 2016
So I've been mulling this over, and I've got to ask something. How do you write a player character in a game about ultimately fucking your own daughter that isn't a manipulative hypocrite?

If the father isn't manipulative the entire point of the game isn't going to happen, game over. If the father doesn't need to be manipulative then the only way anything will happen is if the daughter initiates things, which ruins the wholesomeness of her character. That probably ruins what made her attractive to so many in the first place.

The father being a hypocrite is the only way I can see to justify the mental gymnastics required to convince yourself that dating your own daughter somehow isn't the creepiest, most horrid thing you can do. Otherwise you have to write him as some kind of self loathing downer. That doesn't make for a very engaging protagonist.

I mean let's be realistic here. We are playing an escapist fantasy about a crime that's right up there with rape. Even without the daughter aspect you're still building a relationship with a girl around 20 years younger than you. That scenario is creepy as fuck. It should bother anyone to see that in real life. Expecting the main character in a game like this to somehow be a good person is pretty far beyond the scope of the material. It's a fantasy, not something to aspire for.
I don't see the issue. Even Batman's a manipulative asshole at times and I love those games. I love GTA 4, too, even if the main character essentially is a mass murderer.


Active Member
Feb 1, 2018
Oh, I actually think that someone on MrDots team figured out how to do it with, Melody.
As far as anyone knows, Melody has no relation to her tutor, other than a shared love of music.

The tutor slept around a lot in College, and the one person who he got close to, suddenly left with no explanation and disappeared.
Melody only knows that her father was a musician that her mother knew in college, who also disappeared.
Disappearing is rather easy to do, when you are a musician on tour as a backup musician with a band, and your name is not listed on any posters, isn't it?

Both of them are very attracted to each other, and with each release they come closer to being a couple.
All it would take is for someone to mention her mothers maiden name to have the tutor say, OH SHIT!!!
And if they have already done the deed and are madly in love with each other, and they find out at the same time, they may both decide to agree to bury that knowledge, and stay a couple.
We already have seen that Melody has a very mischievous way of looking at things, so it would be within her character for that to happen.
It would not then be a father or daughter seducing or manipulating the other, but both parties agreeing to it.
My sentiments exactly. Many people in Melody's thread dismiss the idea that the game is related to incest. Many of them might not know of DMD or simply like to separate both games. But the I way I read it, Mr. Dots seems to be implying that MC and Melody may be in fact father and daughter. Even if I hadn't played DMD, I'm certain that I would reach the same conclusion. Assuming no evidence will appear to disprove this theory, I still don't think that this plot twist will overtly make its appearance. Maybe in the form of some patch, like in the current fashion.


Active Member
Feb 1, 2018
By the way, we refer to the daughter character as being D. Is there no official name mentioned anywhere? In the other Mr. Dots game, Melody, there is a scene where the MC pretends to be the father of a young girl, and we have the choice to chose her name, two of them being two characters from the game, and the third one is Gina, whom he describes as "pretty blonde, big boobs, big ass". There isn't any character there with those characteristics yet, and they seem to fit well with D, and other references from DMD appear in the game as well.

Proto Persona

Active Member
Jan 23, 2018
You are in the minority=
According to a graph based on data from OKCupid dating profiles, women tend to be most attracted to men who are around their same age.

But the case is drastically different for men; the graph shows that once a woman passes the age of 22, she becomes exponentially less attractive to men.

Huh. That's both informative and a bit unnerving. Thanks for that though! ^_^

Then it is simply a matter that if you do not like something, then stay away from where it can be found.
I've been reading a lot of posts in this forum and it seems to be a recurring theme of people going into threads and complaining about content that is listed as a tag that they do not like.
It has even been suggested that some of those people have gone as far and as low as to stab the game creator in the back and reporting them to Patreon.
It's one thing to make a simple comment about it not being your thing, because that can convey information to the game creator, but to harp on and on about it is wrong.

Out of 14 total posts in this forum at this time that you have made, 4 of them have been complaining about content in a game that you do not like, in a thread devoted to a game that contains that content.
So this is probably going to come across as a bit hypocritical, but I am what I am. I enjoy playing both DMD and Melody. They're fun and engaging games. My point wasn't that the games were bad. I think my point got lost somewhere in the discussion.

There were posts a few pages back about how the all the males in the game were creepy or horrible people. My main point was sort of a "yeah, what did you expect in a game about incest?" I'm not advocating for any censorship or changes. I admittedly got on a tangent about how the subjects of the game aren't something great as far as real life is concerned, but I fully support people's right to have fantasies. As long as it's not a real person, I feel it's a "no victim, no crime" thing.
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