Maybe this has been said before but once that vanilla mess that is Sunshine Love is done...give me an Elena-based story. Female protag just going crazy all over town. Like a 3D Piper Perri getting piped by every plumber. For how slutty Elena is, the dev team has been rather tame with her. I know DMD isn't her story but her scenes are also rather tame. You got a good character here, fleshed out and everything. Now use her right. And by making it a female protagonist game, you avoid all the self righteous players that hate sharing and NTR since sleeping around with a mess of dudes and dudettes would be the point of this game.
Maybe the story can be her finessing a sugar daddy (not F) out of his savings and cucking him while she's at it? Sleeping around town behind his back? And in the end he catches on and kicks her out and she has to beg F and D to save her....I'm giving you gold here...