- Jul 4, 2017
- 987
- 688
You can rationalize all you want around D and how she came to be like she is.Girls only schools still have sexual education, there is still the internet and most people at that age talk to their friends so none of that explains why she's as clueless as she is and Elena is far more ... liberated, to pick a word.
Now, if she'd been brought up on a mountain in Tibet alone with absolutely no internet access and no other people around i'd accept it.
As it stands it makes no sense. I'm not arguing for the sake of being contrary i'm arguing because the main theme of the game is it's biggest plot hole.
20+ years ago it would have made a lot more sense with internet not being as widespread as it is now but with sex being absolutely everywhere from TV to movies to books it's impossible for her to know nothing.
Those 1% of females that know absolutely nothing are those brought up with home schooling in religious families or cults that aren't allowed to speak to anyone. That isn't the D in this case. Having a bitch for a mother does not a clueless virgin make.
You're getting defensive for all the wrong reasons. I'm not saying it's shit not in the slightest. Point of fact I have said a few times it's a great project but it does have it's silly parts. I'm not here to convince anyone to change anything, it doesn't need changing nor am I trying to slam something you enjoy. I'm pointing out something that makes no sense to me on a discussion board for said something.
As I said, it's a fantasy scenario and was brought up to highlight why i'd go for Georgina or Elena over the daughter if it was a COYA style thingy. Opinions, peoples are different, whodathunk.
I said that's naive not you're naive.
I highly doubt anybody is foolish enough to think that and believe it.
You are right, it wouldn't be a scam and I never once said it was. I only pointed out that if it crossed a mind that the thing that is popular and people enjoy were cancelled that those people wouldn't complain is a naive way to look at it. I didn't quote you and call you naive because I haven't seen you say that.
He brought up said point and I replied. Maybe I shouldn't have but it's there now.
No contracts have been signed, there has been no bait and switch and nobody has been given a legally binding document promising them a feature complete project. Cancelled or not, there is no scam.
Some people treat Patreon like Kickstarter and seem to think parting with money entitles them to something despite Patreon being a supportive model and not a buying one.
I think that's enough rambling for now. Apologise for the rant.
The fact remains that such girls do exist in the world.
Clueless, naive and cut off from any sexual experience.
Finding one is like winning a lottery.
Rare true, but hey, it happens at least once a week.
Just because you have never met such a girl and because you have never won a lottery, does not mean that there isn't one lucky bastard out there who has.
Accept D and how she is, and move on.
Or simply do not play the game.