DMD was the first porn game I played. Accordingly, I was taken with it and have followed it ever since. This update will be the first one I will not download. What I have read about it here in the forum is enough for me to know that I will be bored.
I have already noticed in the past episodes that I have more and more the feeling to watch an old couple having sex. The tension was just gone. Too much vanilla.
Of course you can form a harem. I have avoided that. The main reason was that in parts 1 and 2 I was of the opinion that when a girl gets involved in having sex with her own father, you can't cheat on her with her best friends. Also, I was not interested in Georgine, Elena and Jennifer. As MC I could fuck all the women and it was quite early to see that Dee would accept all this. Here I would have expected more conflict, more tension. The development team has also avoided this.
On the other hand, I enjoyed the Margo and Ryan (a little Martin too, except for the father's inane inner monologues) events very much.
A sexual revenge path of the daughter for the humiliations she has experienced by her mother - also became nothing.
And, and....
Overall, I would have expected more sexual adventurousness from the couple F+D and more emancipation of Dee, instead she is still the little girl and he can still be the selfish asshole who fucks all the women and can be sure that his partner forgives him everything and believes if she then participates she would be a good wife.