Well since you were kind enough to provide an answer, I'll answer your passive-agressive statement.
You say "common sense is becoming really uncommon". I'd agree with you IF the older chapters weren't hidden behind a spoiler tag.
Since any newcomer coming in this thread would check what is available, and see:
- visible ch4,
- hidden ch1-3, the "common sense" is conflicted because:
it can mean:
- ch4 is the whole game, and the rest is hidden for archive purpose (but it's not like that in other threads, maybe it's a "each OP his style" thing?)
- ch1-3 is part required to play the full game, then why is it in spoiler tag? would the newcomer want to play only the last part? what is the point?
Therefore, a question.
Next time, please do not see a question from only your informed point of view, but also from the point of view of the one posing the question. THanks and have a good day.