A Happy New Year Wish to Everyone
First a quick bit on “Three”, the impending countryside trip, and then wrapping-up with further character discussions.
What is the Rule of Three?
“The Rule of Three is one of the oldest writing techniques–it turns up in old stories over and over again. The Rule of Three states that events should happen in groups of three. These events should follow this pattern: establish conflict, build conflict, resolve conflict. Or they can follow this pattern: similar, similar, different.”
“Consider “The Three Little Pigs.” The first little pig builds a house of straw and the wolf knocks it down (establish conflict). The second little pig builds a house of wood and the wolf knocks it down (build conflict). The third little pig–spoiler alert!–builds a house of brick and it’s too strong for the wolf to break down (resolve conflict). This one also follows the “similar, similar, different” pattern.”
[quotes above from Amy Arby’s article on the subject:
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DMD has used and is using the Rule of Three. Lucas: MCMale punches Lucas; Lucas punches MCMale; and MCf knees Lucas. Three younger ladies (MCf, Elena, Jennifer). Three Chapters.
Other possible uses of Rule of Three:
Koko - Could Koko make an appearance in all three Chapters - fulfilling the Rule? She’s provided a transformational role in Chapter 1 - helping to free MCf’s spirit. In Chapter 2, MCf is physically trapped in her mother’s home. Can Koko make an appearance in Chapter 2?
If you recall, in Day 9 (or Day 10) the fateful couple receives tickets (or invitation) to Koko’s concert a month out. A month out from Day 9. A month out.
At the time of this post, Koko’s concert is now some 7-12 days away! How exciting!
Coincidentally - Koko’s concert will fall sometime in the second half of Chapter 2. Can Koko help facilitate the freeing of MCf’s person? Followed by a third appearance in Chapter 3 - the freeing of MCf’s heart?
Brad is apparently one of the wealthiest men in town, with business connections and planned projects abounding. With such power martialed against MCMale, can Koko be the ace card in the escape. International Koko gets Brad/Rachael/MCf all tickets to the concert. Koko gets MCf up on stage as a “randomly drawn fan” and MCf disappears from the concert, Von Trapp style, hiking across the Alps to Switzerland.
Or, perhaps, less dramatically, MCf and Elena use the tickets and never come back.
Yes, this game is not about the Main Characters - it is actually about Koko.
Elena and the “Dare” Game: as discussed in the Elena post, reuse of her Dare Game in Chapter 2 to weed out the MC/MC relationship. It could then be used in Chapter 3.
Richard the Photographer: Can he be used three times? In Chapter 1, after speaking with his brother in jail, Richard indicated he would be leaving town. Where did he go? Will he appear again?
Graham and Olivia: this couple presented a certain relationship and made it a legitimate long term option. Do they reprise twice more, to show the legitimacy of marriage - or polyamory - or procreation? Toward the end of Chapter 1, they had risky sex, and perhaps they will reappear giving pregnancy a legitimate option.
Obviously the Rule of Three can be overused to the point it becomes a trope, but these are some thoughts on possibilities.
School Project and ROAD TRIP!
MCf has a project on the history of the town...famous landmarks and how things have changed since she was born. It looks like some will be done at Elena’s home or MCMale’s hotel. It seems like there will also be a road trip to the countryside and to interview the locals. MCMale also checked out a tourist book on the kinds of sights to visit while in town.
SCOOBY DOO: Will this road trip turn up something on Brad and Frank’s father? “We would have built that housing tract on those old Indian burial grounds if it weren’t for those pesky kids!”
Final Thoughts on Characters- and other things:
(1) JENNIFER: Did anyone notice when MCMale was with Jennifer and he referred to himself a “Dad” that Jennifer’s eyes went from closed to open? It appears she noticed that “Dad” statement... Q
(2) JENNIFER/GEORGINA: Will these two meet up in Chapter 2? For example, with an enemy like Brad, will a returning MC pair need to skip town and relocate? Will Georgina and Jennifer need to clear out MC’s apartment and help relocate? At that time will Jennifer prattle on about her love for MC?
(3) BRAD: Is Brad’s wealth actually solid - or is it speculative and thus ripe for collapse. Take Ralph Nickleby, the “evil” uncle in Nicholas Nickleby; his wealth was based on speculation and the money from persons who would give him money to invest. Part of the cash flow required active investors; if those investors pulled out, Ralph Nickleby’s business enterprise would collapse. Is Brad a Ralph Nickleby and Frank’s father the next investor needed to keep the financial enterprise going?
(4) BRAD/RACHAL: Why hasn’t Brad ever married Rachal after 10 years? Since Brad and RACHAL - 10 years of no marriage and no kids - represents anti-family, will that whole relationship ultimately crash and burn?
(5) RACHEL: What is up with Rachel? On one hand she spend little time with MCf, and a lot of time with Brad. She’s a “Cat’s in the Cradle” mom. On the other hand, MCf originally wants to see Rachel and MCMale back together. In Day 16 MCf says she really enjoyed shopping with Rachel - and her rendered picture is smiling and happy. —— And Rachel is not all in on this MCf/Frank merger: (Rachel) “I need her to start seeing Frank again...even if I’m not too keen on the idea...”
(6) ADAM: Where are we going with Adam? Is he yet another guy that ultimately does not work out with Elena? Elena thinks he’s a “nice guy.” Should MCf go with Elena after school?
(7) ELENA: Since Jedi Elena does not have Padawan Jennifer around, when is she going to turn to MCf as her new apprentice?
(8) FRANK: Is Frank just a really good guy in a bad situation? Has Frank actually moved on, as MCf has not heard from him in Chapter 1, and the two weeks between Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. (MCf) “I haven’t heard from him since that day when I first visited you...”
(9) FRANK’S FATHER: Is Frank’s father the heir to the Willy Wonka fortune? (Aka Charlie Bucket)
(10) DOUGHNUT DOLLARS: If you don’t complain at the Sushi Restaurant- you still can go to the spa - for “$50 Doughnut Dollars”. Sweet!
(11) TOMOKO: Tomoko is apparently a female name - where Tomoko at the spa is referred to as “him.”
(12). REFLECTIONS: Nice reflections in the spa water!
(13). MCf: On Day 16 she wonders: “Maybe he wants to propose to me tonight.” Hurray! She’s still on her romantic marriage path!
(14). MCf: How did she get anything off top shelves before MCMale?
(15). MCf: She checked out three books on Day 16 (for 7 days). If she does not return them, will the librarian show up in update Day 24?
(16). MCf: She shares my taste in sushi. Yes!
(17). MCf: Where did MCf get that silver necklace and will it have deeper meaning?
(18). MC COUPLE: If MC/MC buy a house together, will MCf decorate their master bedroom all in pink?
(19) JEFF: Will Jeff ever get that damn can of Spam open?