
Jun 13, 2017
windows has worked out of the box, cheap, for 40 years, highly reccomend.
As someone who's been using Windows since the very beginning - I really don't think "worked out of the box" can be applied very well until *really* recently.

As to Linux - it's cheap - does everything a modern OS should and doesn't keep fucking up your settings by arbitrarily trying to force updates down your throat. But that's all OT really.

As to running DmD under Linux - I always just pulled the Linux binaries from another game and renamed the relevant sh/script files (two of them IIRC). Pretty simple. I'll package that up and stick it somewhere in a bit.

Edit: Added links

Chapter 1 Linux files -
Chapter 2 Linux files -

Just unzip those into your DMD directory and run the shell and it should work fine.
Last edited:

Jeff Steel

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 2, 2017
Another Patreon post by me reposted:

2017 Wrap-Up - Elena

This is the last single character wrap-up (as MCFemale is too glorious and does not need a wrap-up).

Here are some year end thoughts regarding the female characters in the story, continuing with Elena. Part of this discussion will revolve around the observed themes: (1) Love conquers Fear; (2) Love transcends Societal Prejudice: (3) Coming of Age; and (4) Family.


LET the CAT OUT of the BAG

First of all, IMO, it is time for Elena to discover the MC/MC sexual bond. Hints of it could also have been woven into the last release. (1) MCFemale’s best friend should see the tell-tale signs of MCFemale’s arousal when the three of them are together (such as at the bath house); (2) Elena on the MCMale/Elena path should notice MCMale’s glances at MCFemale when the three of them are together - unless her female intuition radar is out of wack; (3) Elena has had no qualms in (jokingly or not) intimating MC/MC sexual attraction to her friend - and in setting up sexual situations that allow for bantering about MC/MC attraction; and finally (4) MCFemale has already confessed the MC/MC attraction but Elena at that time refused to draw the connection.

IMO, back in DAY 4 is the first time Elena starts to see MCFemale’s attitude toward MCMale. When Elena sees the dress MCFemale got for her dinner with MCMale (the one right before Lucas slugs MCMale), Elena notes the following:

I’ve never seen you like this. —— Your hair is amazing. —— You have a gorgeous dress. —— You are in love girl. ——You never did this for Frank.

While most of Elena’s MC/MC sexual teasing is prefaced with “I’m joking,” this one is not. In fact the statements “I’ve never seen you like this” and “you never did this for Frank” seem to be truthful and not in jest.

In following DAYS Elena jokes with MCFemale about MCFemale being attracted to MCMale, and that MCFemale should make this or that move. (And that MCFemale should let Elena have a crack at it). While these are arguably joking, when we get to MCFemale’s confession in DAY , at some point it should set off alarm bells with Elena that perhaps the jests were actually echoing the truth.

Then in magical DAY 10, the day MCFemale actually confesses her sexual attraction to MCMale, Elena ultimately brushes it off with a rationalization that the MC/MC societal relationship would make it not possible.

Now remember that even back in DAY 4 Elena has a certain kink for the issue, because once MCFemale leaves all dressed up for that pre-Lucas punch dinner, Elena thinks:

All that daddy talk turned me on. —— What if she is fucking him? ——. Nah, that can’t be possible.

So, on DAY 10 we get the following (dialogue from the D-only path):

Hmm... This is strange... —— I think MCFemale might actually be falling for her MCMale! —— It kinda makes sense... —— MCFemale is a romantic girl and I know MCMale is a great guy... —— (MCFemale) Well... I keep getting this tingly feeling every now and then when I’m close to MCMale. —— (Elena with closely pursed lips) So are you saying you like him then? —— (some hem-haw statement by MC). —— (Elena) No, I mean, do you ‘like him, like him?’ —— (MC) Umm I think so... But that’s so wrong, isn’t it? —— (Elena while with a closed pursed mouth face) Wow...I should have seen it sooner. I knew something was going on between them two. I really should help MCFemale through this. Just like any best friend would. After he helped he to meet Koko, he really seems like the perfect guy! Still... It’s her father we’re talking about here... Anyway... I don’t think she means what she thinks she means.

[Really, Elena? MCFemale agreed with you that she thinks she ‘likes him, likes him.’ In boy-girl parlance, that means romantically and/or sexually like him. In fact, MCFemale adds in the statement, “But that’s SO wrong, isn’t it?” (My emphasis on “SO”). MCFemale is admitting the worst - sexual attraction.]


There are several GREAT reasons for Elena getting to the truth over the next 3-5 releases.

(1) It avoids all the relevant characters from learning the truth squashed into the same episodes. Elena can play out the reveal now through several updates, with all the appropriate emotions, justification speeches, and acceptance dialogues - with the focus being on Elena and the MCs only. Uncluttered with other characters.

(2) It allows Elena into the conspiracy. While the rest of the world does not know (except Lucas), the core three know. Future plans can now include the core three allowing for more dynamic scenes.

(3) It gets Elena involved prior to MC/MC sexual intercourse. It allows Elena then to give (for better or for comedic worse) sexual advice. Or, alternately, it allows Elena to give some serious advice on how to do it the right way - especially if when a Elena lost her virginity, it was not the best circumstance. Elena did state (to MCMale I believe, while at the coffee shop after the hospital): “I’m just angry at myself for always going out with the wrong guys. I always seem to choose the assholes or the ones that treat me like shit...”.

(4) AND BEST OF ALL: I allows Elena to orchestrate an elaborate “gotcha” scene. When Elena and crew played that “Three Card Dare” game (in Day 6?), MCFemale opined she liked that game and would like to play it again. A game like that - with some alcohol involved - could make a great Hercule Poirot reveal scene.


Okay - so back on track to the themes:

(1) Family: Elena has a newly revealed and dynamic relationship with her father, some of it typical of a teen. For example, she has a teen’s openly low opinion of her father. Back in DAY 1, Elena stated: “my dad is a stick in the mud, always fussing over everything” and described her father as a “bloated old guy.” However, in Chapter 2, her father appears thin and not bloated, and her father seems a world away fro pm Rachael in being a fussy stick in the mud.

Elena does have issues with her father. The fairly recent death of her mother might have exasperated the natural father/daughter issues. Death in the family can cause both parents and children to become more fearful, causing damage to their relationships and trust. Perhaps the family issues MCFemale is dealing with, to include Rachael and MCMale, will shed light on Elena’s relationship with her father. Elena currently idolizes MCMale for his caring and kindness - when can she start to see that in her father, although buried under his own fears after the loss of his wife. (Btw - I am not espousing her father get pulled into a sex scene - suggest keeping this story line wholesome and sentimental - reflecting on how the wholesome and sentimental parts of the MC/MC story can help heal other relationships).

If Elena enters into a polyamory relationship with MCMale, how is the first MCMale/Father meeting going to go? Hopefully well - though how do we get to that “amicable” meet? (For that matter, how will the MCMale/Rachael reveal go for MC/MC? Luckily it appears these won’t happen until Chapter 3 - we have time to figure this all out. Lordy Lordy.


(2) Coming of Age: Elena’s Coming of age moments could stem from two things discussed above:

First, it takes a mature person to realize one’s parents, for all their flaws, don’t have to be perfect and stalwart, and can still have your unconditional love. In the scene with Elena and her father, Elena came across as a bitter teen. It will take a step of maturity to get past that. Perhaps, if Elena is involved in the MC/MC reveal suggested above, part of the expected up and down emotions leading to and resulting from that reveal could enlighten Elena in ways that help with her seeing her father in a more loving light.

Perhaps we are at a point where Elena and MCFemale are alone as talking in a heated and emotional way about the MC/MC relationship. Elena is pushing back against the idea due to societal reasons (or due to personal jealousy in the Elena path). MCFemale lashes back because she has seen how Elena is with her father and his their relationship sucks — and how MCFemale has it even worse because her mother is still around like and evil witch and at least Elena’s mother is dead and out of her life and she should be glad... (Damn, girl! That’s pretty harsh of you, MCFemale. Have some compassion!)

Second, ... (sorry, still amazed MCFemale has such a mean streak...)

Second, Elena admits she picks the wrong guys. Is that why she likes older men, because the younger guys are more likely to be assholes? She does jump to sex almost right away. Does she have some issues there where she thinks of sex as the best tool into a relationship? I think that at some point MCMale could start a date - or even have a full date - where he puts the breaks on “sex” with Elena and does all the romantic and sentimental things with Elena. It might blow her mind.


(3-4) Love conquers Fear and Societal Prejudices: Where most of the DMD world in Patreon and abroad is watching MCFemale go from love to lust (and sometimes delightfully frustratingly slow) —— Elena has the opportunity to go from Lust to Love. Her lust can get her past societal prejudices, but only a found love can get her past her fears.

It could be Elena has been using lust to get past her fears. Why does she pick the wrong men?is she afraid of something that causes her to pass up the other men? Is early sex a crutch to get past the fear of emotional involvement? Does this fear stem from her mother’s death? Does it stem from her first sexual experience?

The MC/MC arc is powerful. The Elena arc, in its own way, can be as powerful and poignant.

Damn you Timothy Hutton - this scene always brings me to tears:

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Jeff Steel

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 2, 2017
I recall when this creator first started, and he put out a call for assistance. I actually helped create the hospital scenario, though he heavily edited the availability of choice I wanted to include. Sadly, for as much I was enjoying the game, the reduction in choices in subsequent events was disappointing.

Still, seeing what he's accomplished now, it's pretty good.
Very interesting to hear. Besides including in other ladies or going daughter alone, this is not a VN with a lot of choices - but the few routes that are there have certainly been a blast.


Aug 10, 2017
Linux uploads appear to be all corrupt, tried 3 different download links all which gave me the same identical file. Not fixable with Windows datafiles as the lib/linux/* folder is missing/corrupt.

$ sha1sum DMDCH2-016-linuxExtrasIncluded-Patched2.bz2
42f81e5ac78059e1ca7d06e738472362b7527d2c  DMDCH2-016-linuxExtrasIncluded-Patched2.bz2

$ tar -xvjf DMDCH2-016-linuxExtrasIncluded-Patched2.bz2

bzip2: Data integrity error when decompressing.
   Input file = (stdin), output file = (stdout)

It is possible that the compressed file(s) have become corrupted.
You can use the -tvv option to test integrity of such files.

You can use the `bzip2recover' program to attempt to recover
data from undamaged sections of corrupted files.

tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
Try unarchiving it without the verbose command. tar -xjf... Sometimes verbose outputs can cause error outputs on even really small errors, while a standard unarchive may bypass them.


Message Maven
Mar 28, 2017
BTW anyone knows if from 0.17 the release day for the game will be Saturday and not Friday anymore?
Also the hype for next date with D is out of chart.And there will be a date with Elena too.Realy hope is right and Jennifer and/or Georgina make it to meet with F in 0.17 or 0.18.

Jeff Steel

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 2, 2017
BTW anyone knows if from 0.17 the release day for the game will be Saturday and not Friday anymore?
Also the hype for next date with D is out of chart.And there will be a date with Elena too.Realy hope is right and Jennifer and/or Georgina make it to meet with F in 0.17 or 0.18.
I sadly predict they will only meet by Skype - they won’t actually fly to doughnutstan. Sad that.


Mar 28, 2017

Happy New Year

Happy New Year guys!
2017 has been an amazing year for the project. I never thought DMD would grow this large. We went from a few patrons in 2016 to more than 4000!!! Incredible! You guys have changed my life, and I'll never forget that :D

I'm truly thankful for all the support you give me each month. Thanks for keep trusting in me and my team. We know we have our flaws and I apologize if we disappointed you in any way.

2018 will be an even better year for DMD, I'm sure of it :D We'll give our best every day to make DMD one of the best iiii games ever created.

Enjoy your day and I wish you and your family a very Happy New Year.


P.S. Here's a little image pack that I've created for you ;) We'll return to our normal previews/schedule next week.

Download link:


Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
Thanks Maldus, i was expecting that Mrdots would share a pic, but not an entire image pack!
Well, with 4000 patrons i understand the pressure to please them all, but so far they have done a great job. I hope the game will continue in the right direction and not lose quality, story wise.

Jeff Steel

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 2, 2017
A Happy New Year Wish to Everyone


First a quick bit on “Three”, the impending countryside trip, and then wrapping-up with further character discussions.


What is the Rule of Three?

“The Rule of Three is one of the oldest writing techniques–it turns up in old stories over and over again. The Rule of Three states that events should happen in groups of three. These events should follow this pattern: establish conflict, build conflict, resolve conflict. Or they can follow this pattern: similar, similar, different.”

“Consider “The Three Little Pigs.” The first little pig builds a house of straw and the wolf knocks it down (establish conflict). The second little pig builds a house of wood and the wolf knocks it down (build conflict). The third little pig–spoiler alert!–builds a house of brick and it’s too strong for the wolf to break down (resolve conflict). This one also follows the “similar, similar, different” pattern.”

[quotes above from Amy Arby’s article on the subject: ]

DMD has used and is using the Rule of Three. Lucas: MCMale punches Lucas; Lucas punches MCMale; and MCf knees Lucas. Three younger ladies (MCf, Elena, Jennifer). Three Chapters.


Other possible uses of Rule of Three:

Koko - Could Koko make an appearance in all three Chapters - fulfilling the Rule? She’s provided a transformational role in Chapter 1 - helping to free MCf’s spirit. In Chapter 2, MCf is physically trapped in her mother’s home. Can Koko make an appearance in Chapter 2?

If you recall, in Day 9 (or Day 10) the fateful couple receives tickets (or invitation) to Koko’s concert a month out. A month out from Day 9. A month out.

At the time of this post, Koko’s concert is now some 7-12 days away! How exciting!

Coincidentally - Koko’s concert will fall sometime in the second half of Chapter 2. Can Koko help facilitate the freeing of MCf’s person? Followed by a third appearance in Chapter 3 - the freeing of MCf’s heart?

Brad is apparently one of the wealthiest men in town, with business connections and planned projects abounding. With such power martialed against MCMale, can Koko be the ace card in the escape. International Koko gets Brad/Rachael/MCf all tickets to the concert. Koko gets MCf up on stage as a “randomly drawn fan” and MCf disappears from the concert, Von Trapp style, hiking across the Alps to Switzerland.

Or, perhaps, less dramatically, MCf and Elena use the tickets and never come back.

Yes, this game is not about the Main Characters - it is actually about Koko.


Elena and the “Dare” Game: as discussed in the Elena post, reuse of her Dare Game in Chapter 2 to weed out the MC/MC relationship. It could then be used in Chapter 3.

Richard the Photographer: Can he be used three times? In Chapter 1, after speaking with his brother in jail, Richard indicated he would be leaving town. Where did he go? Will he appear again?

Graham and Olivia: this couple presented a certain relationship and made it a legitimate long term option. Do they reprise twice more, to show the legitimacy of marriage - or polyamory - or procreation? Toward the end of Chapter 1, they had risky sex, and perhaps they will reappear giving pregnancy a legitimate option.

Obviously the Rule of Three can be overused to the point it becomes a trope, but these are some thoughts on possibilities.


School Project and ROAD TRIP!

MCf has a project on the history of the town...famous landmarks and how things have changed since she was born. It looks like some will be done at Elena’s home or MCMale’s hotel. It seems like there will also be a road trip to the countryside and to interview the locals. MCMale also checked out a tourist book on the kinds of sights to visit while in town.

SCOOBY DOO: Will this road trip turn up something on Brad and Frank’s father? “We would have built that housing tract on those old Indian burial grounds if it weren’t for those pesky kids!”


Final Thoughts on Characters- and other things:

(1) JENNIFER: Did anyone notice when MCMale was with Jennifer and he referred to himself a “Dad” that Jennifer’s eyes went from closed to open? It appears she noticed that “Dad” statement... Q

(2) JENNIFER/GEORGINA: Will these two meet up in Chapter 2? For example, with an enemy like Brad, will a returning MC pair need to skip town and relocate? Will Georgina and Jennifer need to clear out MC’s apartment and help relocate? At that time will Jennifer prattle on about her love for MC?

(3) BRAD: Is Brad’s wealth actually solid - or is it speculative and thus ripe for collapse. Take Ralph Nickleby, the “evil” uncle in Nicholas Nickleby; his wealth was based on speculation and the money from persons who would give him money to invest. Part of the cash flow required active investors; if those investors pulled out, Ralph Nickleby’s business enterprise would collapse. Is Brad a Ralph Nickleby and Frank’s father the next investor needed to keep the financial enterprise going?

(4) BRAD/RACHAL: Why hasn’t Brad ever married Rachal after 10 years? Since Brad and RACHAL - 10 years of no marriage and no kids - represents anti-family, will that whole relationship ultimately crash and burn?

(5) RACHEL: What is up with Rachel? On one hand she spend little time with MCf, and a lot of time with Brad. She’s a “Cat’s in the Cradle” mom. On the other hand, MCf originally wants to see Rachel and MCMale back together. In Day 16 MCf says she really enjoyed shopping with Rachel - and her rendered picture is smiling and happy. —— And Rachel is not all in on this MCf/Frank merger: (Rachel) “I need her to start seeing Frank again...even if I’m not too keen on the idea...”

(6) ADAM: Where are we going with Adam? Is he yet another guy that ultimately does not work out with Elena? Elena thinks he’s a “nice guy.” Should MCf go with Elena after school?

(7) ELENA: Since Jedi Elena does not have Padawan Jennifer around, when is she going to turn to MCf as her new apprentice?

(8) FRANK: Is Frank just a really good guy in a bad situation? Has Frank actually moved on, as MCf has not heard from him in Chapter 1, and the two weeks between Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. (MCf) “I haven’t heard from him since that day when I first visited you...”

(9) FRANK’S FATHER: Is Frank’s father the heir to the Willy Wonka fortune? (Aka Charlie Bucket)

(10) DOUGHNUT DOLLARS: If you don’t complain at the Sushi Restaurant- you still can go to the spa - for “$50 Doughnut Dollars”. Sweet!

(11) TOMOKO: Tomoko is apparently a female name - where Tomoko at the spa is referred to as “him.”

(12). REFLECTIONS: Nice reflections in the spa water!

(13). MCf: On Day 16 she wonders: “Maybe he wants to propose to me tonight.” Hurray! She’s still on her romantic marriage path!

(14). MCf: How did she get anything off top shelves before MCMale?

(15). MCf: She checked out three books on Day 16 (for 7 days). If she does not return them, will the librarian show up in update Day 24?

(16). MCf: She shares my taste in sushi. Yes!

(17). MCf: Where did MCf get that silver necklace and will it have deeper meaning?

(18). MC COUPLE: If MC/MC buy a house together, will MCf decorate their master bedroom all in pink?

(19) JEFF: Will Jeff ever get that damn can of Spam open?


New Member
Jan 1, 2018
are you trying to load a v14 save in v15? dont load, just start new game as long as the v14 saves are in the v15 folder
otherwise, are you on the new patched version of v15?
Hey man, can you explain it to me?
I still don't get it. i copied my save files from chapter 1(v.14) to chapter 2 (v.15) and still couldn't play with chapter 1 .


New Member
Jan 1, 2018
Saves from version 14 wont work, just download the "PATCH" extract into "Game Folder of Version 15-Chapter 2 and replace the original and you're all set!
Am really sorry, but I tried understanding what the thread wrote about the "an exception as ocurred"
here is what I did, I downloaded chapter 2 from Page 1, and pasted the saved files from Chapter 1 to chapter 2 save files. (even thought am not done with the game, am mid-way) . what should I do next?


New Member
Dec 21, 2017
Hello guys. I'm new to this game. I don't understand the v0.16 installation properly. I finished v0.14, then I extract the content of the v0.16 to the v0.14 folder but when I want to continue with my saved games I receive some script errors.


New Member
Jan 1, 2018
I can't save my files in chapter 1, it give me "an exception has ocurred" and gives me file name that I wrote

what should i do?


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
great story, fantastic graphics
sucks about Patreon changing the rules mid-stream
Ever think about adding another customize option like the way in which you can customize MCmale and MCfemale names, add an option wherein after the game is downloaded the players can customize sort of nicknames Main CHaraters have for each other
Then IF the players want to input customized nicknames like "Daddy" or "Daughter" for the MCs to call each other it was the players doing after the fact and not in the game format proper.
Just saying


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2017
Hey man, can you explain it to me?
I still don't get it. i copied my save files from chapter 1(v.14) to chapter 2 (v.15) and still couldn't play with chapter 1 .
Am really sorry, but I tried understanding what the thread wrote about the "an exception as ocurred"
here is what I did, I downloaded chapter 2 from Page 1, and pasted the saved files from Chapter 1 to chapter 2 save files. (even thought am not done with the game, am mid-way) . what should I do next?
Hello guys. I'm new to this game. I don't understand the v0.16 installation properly. I finished v0.14, then I extract the content of the v0.16 to the v0.14 folder but when I want to continue with my saved games I receive some script errors.
If you want to play Chapter 1 (v.014), do it like you're used to. (download it and extract it to your DMD folder [where your DMD v.013 is located] and just play it)

If you want to play Chapter 2 (v.016) NO SAVE GAMES from v.014 or v.015 will work!

Unzip v0.16 into a new folder.
And that's how it worked for me:

1- Start DMD V016
2- Continue from Ch.1
3- Click on 'Save doesn't appear?'
4- Enter your name, your daughter's name, friendship points, love points, and all stats
(Find your stats by playing DMD V014 and when you talk to the lady at the airport, enter the console [shift 'O'] and type all stats pressing enter after each of them:
5- DMD V016 ready to begin without crashes.

If you want to start from v.016 using someone else's v.016 save you can download this 'daughter only path' save ( ) (there are other saves available, but you'll have to search this thread to find them)
You can change the main characters names by clicking on D's face (top right of the screen), in the same place you can also set your relationship with Elena and or Georgina.
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3.80 star(s) 334 Votes