I’m in process writing a scene for DMD V.18, so work is still progressing. The scene I’m writing is fabulous - absolutely fabulous. (And I’m pretty self critical.)It seems like Mr.Dots want his Patreon shekels back no matter what, hence the entire new project option.
Idk, but it looks like DmD funeral.
You forgot modest! You're the most modest person you, or anyone else, knows! :coldsweat:I’m in process writing a scene for DMD V.18, so work is still progressing. The scene I’m writing is fabulous - absolutely fabulous. (And I’m pretty self critical.)
Thats not how it went, this is how you could restore content.Yes. DmD had a patch to restore banned content, and Patreon came after Mr Dots for said patch appearance on the interwebs. That's why he was given the ultimatum to remove DmD and any reference to it.
I'm not saying it is a courtroom, I'm saying if anyone had a problem with how Patreon operated (if they allowed "not-exactly-incest" content), Patreon could pretty much shrug it off without having to worry about public backlash, which is why I find this 'interesting': If Patreon was fully profit oriented, they'd likely just ask to remove/change incest content only (i.e. change "daughter" to "step-daughter"), they could allow "restoration patches" to circulate (strictly outside of Patreon), and as for public opinion, they could save face by stating "we do not allow incest, period".I think the problem here is it doesn't matter. Patreon is a private company, and this isn't a courtroom. If they feel that Mr Dots is trying to circumvent the rules, they can make him do what Patreon wants, or Mr Dots can lose his Patreon privileges. Also, I don't think Patreon is combing the web to find people breaking Patreon rules. I believe it's a disgruntle person or group getting these devs in trouble with Patreon, and in essence letting Patreon know when the devs are trying to work around Patreon's rules. Maybe Patreon has proof by lifting posts Mr Dots has posted on Patreon or other websites claiming to be Mr Dots?
In the end, what you or I think is fair or not doesn't matter. Patreon has it's own agenda to make money, and if they believe being known as a site that turns a blind eye to 'art' with incest, rape or loli, will give them a bad rep and drive customers, $$$, away, they'll do what they think is best for them.
It will be a faster burn. (Lol, hard to get a burn slower than DMD).This new project is going to be a tough sell. MrDots is removing the F/D relationship but otherwise the MC is still an older man romancing younger lovelies.
The HUGE problem is that in DMD, there were many apologists for the early (up to 0.5) slow-burn because crossing the incest barrier may well be very difficult.
Without the incest barrier, and planning an even slower burn--and with Patreon having editorial/censor privileges!--the only hope for the dev-team is to come up with such great models that patrons stick around.
Only Trump is more modest than I am.You forgot modest! You're the most modest person you, or anyone else, knows! :coldsweat:
I'm not saying it is a courtroom, I'm saying if anyone had a problem with how Patreon operated (if they allowed "not-exactly-incest" content), Patreon could pretty much shrug it off without having to worry about public backlash, which is why I find this 'interesting': If Patreon was fully profit oriented, they'd likely just ask to remove/change incest content only (i.e. change "daughter" to "step-daughter"), they could allow "restoration patches" to circulate (strictly outside of Patreon), and as for public opinion, they could save face by stating "we do not allow incest, period".
If you are right and they can do pretty much whatever they want, then the only reason I can think of as to why they would nuke "not-incest" content is because of their personal preferences, which they seem to value more than profit.
Maybe removing actual incest *is* a good business decision, you are right about that, but entirely nuking everything that was or is, in any way, related to incest? It is most definitely not a decision that'll end in more profit or better reputation.
Not because "boo-hoo, we incest lovers can't have our fun", but because this decision says "whatever business you have, it is not safe on Patreon as they can just fuck you over on a whim".
You know, that ONE time you'd actually want a company to focus on profit but then they go and grow a conscious...who really knows, maybe its like you said, because they actually have preferences and standard over profit (gasp!)
Most of the dozens of games are indistinguishable from all their other games. A lot are just plain god awful grind fests with little to no payout. They've been making these games for years and people were dumb enough to pay them for it. That's the only reason why they have such a big library. When one of your hotly anticipated game takes two years to come out and can be finished in an hour, with no sign of future expansions, you've wasted people's time. This is why their subscriber count is dwindling. Their sense of quality is virtually gone just so they can continue making the same game over and over again. They don't listen to fans and narrow their goals. They plan for the future but have no plans for the present. You come out with a mediocre game like Snake Valley when all your followers have been asking for LwT2, don't be surprised when the cash flow starts to dwindle.Those sites do not offer short updates but rather full games, most of the time thoroughly tested with no bugs before being released. Quality might have fallen off last year of so, but for 20 bucks, you can play dozens of games, most of them very good.