
Active Member
Sep 21, 2016
I do not care if mom shows up or not if it help's the story and to settle a few loose ends, for example the cheating and accusing she did and then took the daughter away from her father just to spite him because that is what it came down to and moved so far out of his reach and even now that she(daughter) is visiting she is trying to keep a wedge between them so her showing up I do not mind, however if it turns out she is to be a lover or something in that area for father then I will lose my shit because legit fuck that whore.. If anything in term of lover or friends with benefits or even respectful fuck buddy option then that should be Georgina period and mom showing up to take that spot is just something I cannot accept and I would not give 2 flying superman fucks if she is as hot or in same category as daughter.
Now if she get's raped or banged by Lucas or his lil brother however totally cool with that because fuck that whore.

On side note of titties I do not care really as long as a girl has tits I am good with it be it A or DD as long as it is not bigger then her head we good, more of a butt person myself those have to be there, need something to smack and some cushions when you hitting it from behind, nothing is a bigger mood killer for me when having to hit against a bony ass or when someone with no ass sits on your leg that shit hurts.
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May 13, 2017
I do not care if mom shows up or not if it help's the story and to settle a few loose ends, for example the cheating and accusing she did and then took the daughter away from her father just to spite him because that is what it came down to and moved so far out of his reach and even now that she(daughter) is visiting she is trying to keep a wedge between them so her showing up I do not mind, however if it turns out she is to be a lover or something in that area for father then I will lose my shit because legit fuck that whore.. If anything in term of lover or friends with benefits or even respectful fuck buddy option then that should be Georgina period and mom showing up to take that spot is just something I cannot except and I would not give 2 flying superman fucks if she is as hot or in same category as daughter.
Now if she get's raped or banged by Lucas or his lil brother however totally cool with that because fuck that whore.

On side note of titties I do not care really as long as a girl has tits I am good with it be it A or DD as long as it is not bigger then her head we good, more of a butt person myself those have to be there, need something to smack and some cushions when you hitting it from behind, nothing is a bigger mood killer for me when having to hit against a bony ass or when someone with no ass sits on your leg that shit hurts.
So far we've always been free to deny the advances of anyone that is not the daughter, so I don't see why this would be different. It makes sense for the Mom to have one of two roles, possibly our choice:

1) Story arc where the Dad reconciles with Mom and convinces her to move back in with him. Dad and daughter both played with the idea of what it would be like to get the family back together.
2) Story arc where the Mom is the major block between Dad & Daughter. We still have much story left and all side characters have only driven the two together until now.

At this point the second feels more likely. The story Dad told about how they broke up and the subsequent denial to even contact the daughter left huge scars. She would be one of the few characters capable of effective cockblocking besides Elena, and Elena's master plan is likely to push for a foursome at this point. Daughter doesn't seem to like her stepdad much, her boyfriend still hasn't contacted her even once, and she doesn't seem strongly influenced by anyone else.

That said, the tease at the end of the episode was the daughter mentioning her plan to get her to stay longer. It could be by inviting the Mom to come over. We will see soon!


Active Member
Sep 21, 2016
So far we've always been free to deny the advances of anyone that is not the daughter, so I don't see why this would be different. It makes sense for the Mom to have one of two roles, possibly our choice:

1) Story arc where the Dad reconciles with Mom and convinces her to move back in with him. Dad and daughter both played with the idea of what it would be like to get the family back together.
Like I said if that were to happen I would lose my shit, Like seriously how out of your mind must you be to even WANT to be back with someone like that? After what happen'd you really want to go back to mind games and the thought of if she is going to be faithful? Na man IRL I would sooner shank the bitch and go to jail instead of locking myself back up in a shitty and spiteful relationship yo XD fuck that noise, I can understand and accept them going on more friendly terms as in accepting another's presence and going out and stuff for Daughter but that is as far as Ill accept it. And while all that is happening have some banging on the side in the down low with Elena or that other friend or Daughter or all 3 of em, I know some people do not dig Georgina, I am neutral on that part but I will accept the fact and encourage a route with her as she her attraction and feelings for MC is genuine, I mean she would go so far to take blackmail material to try and make MC his life at his work easier, She was willing to quit the job and do full time modeling so as to not have any barriers preventing a relationship for MC, she genuinely tries to get close and help out the daughter on the modeling part. That alone has made me respect her more then any of the female characters combined except for the daughter of course.

So way I see it is,

Story 1 -> Full on daughter route being together ( while having at the least banged Elena and that friend if options are given with no penalties.)
Story 2 -> Some Sexual relations with daughter and friends but no true relationship, with option to exploit pimp out daughter ( if you checked his walkthrough it does say somewhere an option of making it possible to share daughter depending on certain choices you make )
Story 3 -> Experimented and had some sexual encounter with daughter but ended up in a full relation with Georgina.
Story 4 -> Got both daughter and Georgina.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 3, 2017
As much as i like all those fancy train of thoughts i have trouble with one in particular:

Why on earth would there be any reason to get the mother for a visit or involve her on location at all? There is not a single positive relation to any character that would justify this. The only acceptable thing would be some kind of surprise appearance because she is troubled with the development - but inviting her is completely out of logic here. The father has long gone on with his life without her and has no interest. The daughter is of course afraid because of the strong bonds they had so far but is obviously working on freeing herself a bit from that. And Elena is simply her daughters best friend and as such a diplomat amongst those 2 - but nothing more. As Elenor has her own agenda involving the Mom by her is also completely unlogical.


Active Member
Sep 21, 2016
We are not talking about an invitation for her to show up, I don't think anyone her was thinking of a chance for her to receive an invitation.The only possible person to extend such a thing would be the Daughter and that would be if she were to try to let those to settle their differences so there is no hostility between the two of them and with that no barring the daughter from seeing her father.This however applies only to the mother's side as father clearly doesn't give 2 flying fucks about the past so long as he can spend time with his daughter, I doubt he would be pissed at seeing her, more surprised then pissed if you ask me. But that all aside, what people are talking about is the mother showing up of her own accord because she cannot fathom the idea of Daughter and Father getting along, It goes against every fiber of her existence, The way I see it is after having kept them separated for so long she was not expecting it to go very well between the father and daughter, But the moment she figured out she was wrong after having spoken to Elena she lost her shit when she found out that the her Daughter was spending a lot of time with her Father even to the point of iirc to say she was not happy to have found out they spend a lot of time together but this was coming from Elena.
And the fact that she is now going so far to even Call the father she is getting desperate.This is why people have the idea that she will eventually make an appearance.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 3, 2017
Still - showing up out of nowhere would be typical male thinking. As a woman knowing that she wasnt honest about what happened in the past the worst move would be to show up in person now. That would be oil into a burning fire.


Active Member
Sep 21, 2016
Like I said her goal was to spite him as much as possible and to hope that those 2 never got along however her plan probably backfired and what happens when most people their plans do not work? they get desperate and in that case she will have to make a move.
It is not a typical male of female thinking it is a Hateful Human behavior not a gender specific behavior,
Also it all depends in said situations. Also remember daughter has not answered phone calls and has not bothered calling, As a parent if you have doubts that something might be wrong with your children you will want to figure out what is going on and if text or phone calls are not enough you will go over personally to verify what is going on. She is a lying filthy whore but I have not heard anything that would make her a bad parent/mother other then them not spending too much time on her, they(mom/step dad) still have taken care of her well enough.

ps: I know plenty of females that do the most dumbest s hit in history when they were or are in the wrong so no idea why you thought it was a male typical thinking when it is merely a spiteful Human(male/female) nature that is not in anyway tied to any specific gender.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
May 3, 2017
Elenor took care of the 'concerned about her whereabouts' issue - so that is off the table. 'Hate' is something you use and is a very strong word for what we have been presented with so far. Neither the mother or the father are depicted as being hateful so far. Not being happy about your child bonding with the other part of a past relationship isnt hate - its pretty common for divorced children to be treated like this when the parents part on bad terms. It is one of the major reasons why many countries have introduced shared custody as the base line by now and not the exception.

You are stereotyping both genders into the same behaviour where I stereotype each gender into their own - both is bad :)


Active Member
Sep 21, 2016
Elenor took care of the 'concerned about her whereabouts' issue - so that is off the table. 'Hate' is something you use and is a very strong word for what we have been presented with so far.
You are stereotyping both genders into the same behaviour where I stereotype each gender into their own - both is bad :)
If you have played the game then you should know these things.

1)Mother accused father of cheating when there was no proof and with her own "bestfriend" no less.
2)Mother has been cheating on the father and was caught red handed with someone the father knew.
3)Clearly left out the fact that she was cheating when she was telling her daughter was to why it did not work out between her and her father.And the fact that she got caught red handed riding a dick not slipped and fell on it no riding it as father explained.
4)Mother has custody if child and left far away from the father the next day after being caught cheating ( this here is done a fuck ton by mothers to avoid shared custody and there is no law so far that as proven one can not move to a different state, it is then up to the father to go over every weekend to god knows where to see said child, only after turning 18 can the children decide to see the father without the law being involved. This however also happens in those rare cases where fathers have the custody of the children. )
4)Where about have been cleared by having spoken to Elena but also has been made clear she was NOT happy about the fact her daughter was spending so much time with MC.
5) Before finding out they spend a lot of time together she NEVER bothered to even call him or check in on him or even ASK if daughter has arrived safely or how their day's went,She only decided to call AFTER she found out.

All that on the above applies HATE and SPITE so what you called "off the table" is pretty much in clear view ON the table like the ugliest vase you can pretty much come to imagen.

Someone who has no hate or spite or ill feelings,

Would NEVER have submitted to petty actions that the mother pulled.I have not stereotyped gender, as I clearly have stated my opinion clearly on what we have seen heard and spoken off by both the daughter and the father and to some extent the extra's about the mother,I clearly hereby am only judging the mother not females in general but MC his ex wife and Daughters mother.

So that she would make her presence known by these facts alone is not strange and to that end it would also close in the loose ends and if needed bring out the full truth, because she KNOWS what she has left out in her story so out of desperation she will do stupid things, which is still falls under being Human even though she is a lying person.
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Active Member
May 12, 2017
lol.. was all caused cause i said "I have that strange thought that the Mom will come up as sexual partner eventually"?
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