
May 30, 2017
Anyone know if the sharing stat is for having 3/4somes with the daughter and her friends or is it for 3somes with random dudes? If it's the former idm leveling it otherwise i'm not interested.


Game Developer
May 26, 2017
Right now, a lot of artist, programmers, script writters, etc, all around the world that can´t find jobs in the regular market (because they are still students, lack of the profesional experience most employers demand, the crisis of the economy, or other reasons) are seeing that some people (not a lot, but some people) are making a decent amount of money thanks to erotic games in Patreon. Its a very common topic of conversation in forums like 8chan, for example. That means they are going to try the same. They are doing it right now. Work groups are being organized through internet, not just a single guy at home. That means this niche market is going to become professional pretty soon, and there will be competence. Patron/supporters are going to become in buyers/customers very soon too. It´s just the way business develops. In my opinion, of course. I can be wrong.
I am well aware of the discussions going on on 8chan, we'll see what'll come out of them. But at any rate, you seem to be missing my point again. There are some people (with regular jobs, little time to indulge in their hobbies, and money to invest) who are interested LESS in the AAA experience than in the possibility of having a direct, personal impact on the products they are funding and the life of the creators that makes them. If things gets too big, I doubt that there will still be the possibility of offering additional, user-specific content for, say, 20 dollars a month. Can you imagine Konami giving fans the possibility of building their own characters for that sum? It's simply not feasible, and the same might be said for things like having a functioning "direct line" with your fans, exchanging ideas with them, etc. What I'm arguing is that, even if the western adult game market becomes "richer" and more professional, there will always be space for little projects (at least very good ones) that offer another kind of experience. Back in the Renaissance, it took a powerful prince to support an artist that could not make a living by him/herself selling his/her works at market values; now, thanks to the huge audience of the internet, the possibility of fractioned payments, and a general lowering of expectations (supporters don't want cathedrals, creators don't want castles), all it takes is a bunch of fans with some resources to let it happen. The desire to help "altruistically" an artist whose vision thrills us is something that has always existed, albeit in a sparse minority (obviously the great majority of people is not capable of going beyond questions of market value - but again, now a creator just needs something like fifty people IN THE WHOLE WORLD to back him/her). I'll make another example to illustrate what I'm saying: on patreon there are not just adult game creators, there are also - to make an example - musicians. Now, obviously the music market is already PACKED with big companies, but the idea of helping a single, amateurish songwriter whose talent you believe into, together with the thrill of having a special dedication in his/her first album (much like the dedications to the lord protector at the beginning of a work of literature) is enough to get some people to support him/her, even though for the same price you might have three AAA albums with special "exclusive" content by the biggest stars out there at the moment. It's something different. So, even if the adult games market will "explode" in the near future, I don't think single developers will be left out of the field. My two cents.


Active Member
May 12, 2017
Anyone know if the sharing stat is for having 3/4somes with the daughter and her friends or is it for 3somes with random dudes? If it's the former idm leveling it otherwise i'm not interested.
both M/FF and MM/f will be optional so i'm guessing it will be sharing in general, both men and women


Jun 11, 2017
Imagine "dating my daughter" from the daughters perspective. We get to sample that a bit throughout the game, and i feel her point of view is seen more in the newest update. I cant wait for the next update. I wish i could helping make this game
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Jeff Steel

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jun 2, 2017
Reason why big money probably won't take over a patreon type system, but high quality will -- there is no after market for the product as everyone can easily pirate it without paying for it; thus only fan support will keep any artist group going - and fans generally like the talented little artist groups over corporate. So a company with no profit beyond the creation stage is not likely to buy into the system. However, the Patreon system probably only has so many patrons at this stage - and with limited capital to invest in an artist, the best products will win while the lesser products will get more limited support. I agree it is a system that will reward a top number of quality artist and artist groups but not businesses.


Sep 5, 2016
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

Before loading the script.
error: Error -3 while decompressing data: incorrect header check

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
File "D:\oyun\The_Sims_4_DE_All_DLC_RePack_MAXAGENT\Dating_My_Daughter-0.10-win\Dating_My_Daughter-0.10-win\renpy\bootstrap.py", line 295, in bootstrap
File "D:\oyun\The_Sims_4_DE_All_DLC_RePack_MAXAGENT\Dating_My_Daughter-0.10-win\Dating_My_Daughter-0.10-win\renpy\main.py", line 300, in main
File "D:\oyun\The_Sims_4_DE_All_DLC_RePack_MAXAGENT\Dating_My_Daughter-0.10-win\Dating_My_Daughter-0.10-win\renpy\loader.py", line 135, in index_archives
index = loads(f.read().decode("zlib"))
File "/home/tom/ab/x64lucid-deps/install/lib/python2.7/encodings/zlib_codec.py", line 43, in zlib_decode
error: Error -3 while decompressing data: incorrect header check



May 4, 2017
Reason why big money probably won't take over a patreon type system, but high quality will -- there is no after market for the product as everyone can easily pirate it without paying for it; thus only fan support will keep any artist group going - and fans generally like the talented little artist groups over corporate. So a company with no profit beyond the creation stage is not likely to buy into the system. However, the Patreon system probably only has so many patrons at this stage - and with limited capital to invest in an artist, the best products will win while the lesser products will get more limited support. I agree it is a system that will reward a top number of quality artist and artist groups but not businesses.
I think that piracy is a worry with most developers anyway. I mean games on steam could be ripped and made available. The key is that the games are most *easily* accessible from a single source. You make a great point and it's one that I've seen talked about, as well as talked about myself. Adult games need a medium for distribution.

There isn't really anything out there right now that works well. Plenty of sites out there have links to stuff, but there is no "steam for adult games," which is something that could completely turn the market on its head. That wouldn't be an easy thing to do though. One of the biggest problems that I see is the fact that these kinds of games sometimes veer nearly into illegal content territory. Be it that the characters are potentially underage (especially in loli games), or bestiality, or even just that some areas don't allow any sort of hardcore adult content... it's a pretty big question mark legally.

Now, if someone were to start building a platform for Buying adult games, I think that it would not only draw content creators to it to publish their games, but would draw us consumers there. If the devs are active, even occasionally, at looking for pirated content they could pursue having their stuff removed to keep the only available source be the paid site.

I hope it happens though. I'd gladly be a part of the team building something like this.
I think that adult gaming is a growing market. It has been for probably a decade, but the last two years or so have been exploding with this kind of content, and a lot of it is good.
Sending MrDots, or any creator, $20 a month for a game in development is ridiculous though. I'd pay $20 for a full game. But if you consider that this game releases monthly and we probably have at least 10 more updates to go... There are people out there paying $200+ for this one game.
That's fucking nonsense.
Patreon is both helping the market grow by showing people that it CAN make money, but it's also hurting the consumer by not providing pretty much just stealing their money for an unfinished product.
I'll totally throw MrDots $20 when the game is done though, because I do enjoy it.
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May 1, 2017
I'm pretty sure itch.io allows ero games on it, or is at least so loosely curated that they don't notice a game formerly named Trap RPG which is full dicks, butts, and fucking.

oh, and Coming out on Top and Siters' Secret are both explicit dating/ero games available for purchase on itch.io


Game Developer
May 26, 2017
Reason why big money probably won't take over a patreon type system, but high quality will -- there is no after market for the product as everyone can easily pirate it without paying for it; thus only fan support will keep any artist group going - and fans generally like the talented little artist groups over corporate. So a company with no profit beyond the creation stage is not likely to buy into the system. However, the Patreon system probably only has so many patrons at this stage - and with limited capital to invest in an artist, the best products will win while the lesser products will get more limited support. I agree it is a system that will reward a top number of quality artist and artist groups but not businesses.
Hi Jeff, I'm Gaetano from mrdots team, happy to see you here too. ^^


Jun 6, 2017
I am well aware of the discussions going on on 8chan, we'll see what'll come out of them. But at any rate, you seem to be missing my point again. There are some people (with regular jobs, little time to indulge in their hobbies, and money to invest) who are interested LESS in the AAA experience than in the possibility of having a direct, personal impact on the products they are funding and the life of the creators that makes them. If things gets too big, I doubt that there will still be the possibility of offering additional, user-specific content for, say, 20 dollars a month. Can you imagine Konami giving fans the possibility of building their own characters for that sum? It's simply not feasible, and the same might be said for things like having a functioning "direct line" with your fans, exchanging ideas with them, etc. What I'm arguing is that, even if the western adult game market becomes "richer" and more professional, there will always be space for little projects (at least very good ones) that offer another kind of experience. Back in the Renaissance, it took a powerful prince to support an artist that could not make a living by him/herself selling his/her works at market values; now, thanks to the huge audience of the internet, the possibility of fractioned payments, and a general lowering of expectations (supporters don't want cathedrals, creators don't want castles), all it takes is a bunch of fans with some resources to let it happen. The desire to help "altruistically" an artist whose vision thrills us is something that has always existed, albeit in a sparse minority (obviously the great majority of people is not capable of going beyond questions of market value - but again, now a creator just needs something like fifty people IN THE WHOLE WORLD to back him/her). I'll make another example to illustrate what I'm saying: on patreon there are not just adult game creators, there are also - to make an example - musicians. Now, obviously the music market is already PACKED with big companies, but the idea of helping a single, amateurish songwriter whose talent you believe into, together with the thrill of having a special dedication in his/her first album (much like the dedications to the lord protector at the beginning of a work of literature) is enough to get some people to support him/her, even though for the same price you might have three AAA albums with special "exclusive" content by the biggest stars out there at the moment. It's something different. So, even if the adult games market will "explode" in the near future, I don't think single developers will be left out of the field. My two cents.
You (and others) have really good points. But I don´t think a lot of people is eager to spend for say, 20 bucks a month for helping the development of a game, if this development is going to last two or three years. As other user says, some people would pay 20 or 30 bucks for a good erotic game, but can´t spend 200 or 300. At some point, even generous people stops supporting. For example, I have been supporting for more than a year a developer of comics, about 12 bucks per month, but no more. I like what he makes, but I can´t continue supporting him.

I´m not saying that adult games will "explode" and become a big industry with developers like Bioware or Nintendo, but I think that there will be some kind of profesionalization of the genre. Taking DmD as example, I see two possible sceneries:

First one: at some point, after more than a year of development, patrons start getting tired of supporting MrDots, not because the game is bad, but because they can´t spend so much money for a few minutes of new gameplay per month, so, the game dies.

Second one: MrDots is making some decent money, so hires more people. Not a big company, of course, just a couple or three more 3d artist, programmers, or whathever it is needed, and starts releasing updates every week or twice a month; so patrons would be happier, the product would more attractive, more people would be interested, more money would be donated... And, after DmD he makes a new and best game, and another... It does not means to lose the contact with supporters. It would not be Konami, just an independent developer being more professional and providing a more attractive and competitive product.

It is happening. Right now, there is competence between developers for the patrons because not a lot of people can support several developers at the same time. Guys like MrDots or Darkcookie that deliver a better product make way more money that other developers that deliver an inferior product. I think this is the tendence of this niche of the market.

Darth Helmet

May The Schwartz Be With You
Respected User
Apr 7, 2017
Can anyone reupload the walkthrough or share a save from day 7 with me?
3.80 star(s) 334 Votes