I am well aware of the discussions going on on 8chan, we'll see what'll come out of them. But at any rate, you seem to be missing my point again. There are some people (with regular jobs, little time to indulge in their hobbies, and money to invest) who are interested LESS in the AAA experience than in the possibility of having a direct, personal impact on the products they are funding and the life of the creators that makes them. If things gets too big, I doubt that there will still be the possibility of offering additional, user-specific content for, say, 20 dollars a month. Can you imagine Konami giving fans the possibility of building their own characters for that sum? It's simply not feasible, and the same might be said for things like having a functioning "direct line" with your fans, exchanging ideas with them, etc. What I'm arguing is that, even if the western adult game market becomes "richer" and more professional, there will always be space for little projects (at least very good ones) that offer another kind of experience. Back in the Renaissance, it took a powerful prince to support an artist that could not make a living by him/herself selling his/her works at market values; now, thanks to the huge audience of the internet, the possibility of fractioned payments, and a general lowering of expectations (supporters don't want cathedrals, creators don't want castles), all it takes is a bunch of fans with some resources to let it happen. The desire to help "altruistically" an artist whose vision thrills us is something that has always existed, albeit in a sparse minority (obviously the great majority of people is not capable of going beyond questions of market value - but again, now a creator just needs something like fifty people IN THE WHOLE WORLD to back him/her). I'll make another example to illustrate what I'm saying: on patreon there are not just adult game creators, there are also - to make an example - musicians. Now, obviously the music market is already PACKED with big companies, but the idea of helping a single, amateurish songwriter whose talent you believe into, together with the thrill of having a special dedication in his/her first album (much like the dedications to the lord protector at the beginning of a work of literature) is enough to get some people to support him/her, even though for the same price you might have three AAA albums with special "exclusive" content by the biggest stars out there at the moment. It's something different. So, even if the adult games market will "explode" in the near future, I don't think single developers will be left out of the field. My two cents.