Mar 5, 2017
For the French Revolution anniversary. So someone is going to give head... to be chopped off


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2017
From what i have read on this thread, it looks like there is one or two dev from the game here. Makes me wonder what they think from a dev standpoint to see quite a lot of people here (myself included, just found this forum a week ago) that downloaded their creation for free. What is their thought on that?


May 31, 2017
This is the best adult game ever. Does anyone have a save at the end of .09 that rejected elena? Thanks.


Jun 6, 2017
From what i have read on this thread, it looks like there is one or two dev from the game here. Makes me wonder what they think from a dev standpoint to see quite a lot of people here (myself included, just found this forum a week ago) that downloaded their creation for free. What is their thought on that?
I´m not one of those developers, but I think (someone correct me if I´m wrong) they are making some marketing here. People knows about this kind of games thanks to forums like this. What they are saying here is "Guys, we know you can download the game for free, but, see, it´s a great game, so, do the right thing and pay a few bucks for it and support developers". Developers of AAA games as CDProject Red send the same message to the people not including anti-piracy measures in their games.


Game Developer
May 26, 2017
You (and others) have really good points. But I don´t think a lot of people is eager to spend for say, 20 bucks a month for helping the development of a game, if this development is going to last two or three years. As other user says, some people would pay 20 or 30 bucks for a good erotic game, but can´t spend 200 or 300. At some point, even generous people stops supporting. For example, I have been supporting for more than a year a developer of comics, about 12 bucks per month, but no more. I like what he makes, but I can´t continue supporting him.

I´m not saying that adult games will "explode" and become a big industry with developers like Bioware or Nintendo, but I think that there will be some kind of profesionalization of the genre. Taking DmD as example, I see two possible sceneries:

First one: at some point, after more than a year of development, patrons start getting tired of supporting MrDots, not because the game is bad, but because they can´t spend so much money for a few minutes of new gameplay per month, so, the game dies.

Second one: MrDots is making some decent money, so hires more people. Not a big company, of course, just a couple or three more 3d artist, programmers, or whathever it is needed, and starts releasing updates every week or twice a month; so patrons would be happier, the product would more attractive, more people would be interested, more money would be donated... And, after DmD he makes a new and best game, and another... It does not means to lose the contact with supporters. It would not be Konami, just an independent developer being more professional and providing a more attractive and competitive product.

It is happening. Right now, there is competence between developers for the patrons because not a lot of people can support several developers at the same time. Guys like MrDots or Darkcookie that deliver a better product make way more money that other developers that deliver an inferior product. I think this is the tendence of this niche of the market.
Do you know akabur? He has been releasing less than a game per year, with no updates between each release, and yet there is a bunch of people that has been pledging him 20+ dollars per month for three years now without pauses, just because they really, really like his style. That's what a real patronage looks like imo, and apparently there exist people who are up for it.
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Game Developer
May 26, 2017
From what i have read on this thread, it looks like there is one or two dev from the game here. Makes me wonder what they think from a dev standpoint to see quite a lot of people here (myself included, just found this forum a week ago) that downloaded their creation for free. What is their thought on that?
I am one of the scriptwriters, and the way I see it, the Internet is simply too big to prevent piracy. Communities like f95 exist and will exist, so no point in getting angry over it. I download a lot of free stuff myself, among which some adult games through pastebins found on 4chan. Hell, this is how I discovered dmd in the first place, then I started pledging, and now I am part of the dev's team. Things change. I do think that these forums help spreading the word about the game too, and I like to imagine that some of the users will drop some money every once in a while. But that's not the point anyway. I am happy with patreon precisely because backers there are supporting creators, helping them survive and produce new content, not simply buying products. That's the way I see it at least. I've pledged a lot in the last few years to various creators, and never got angry when stuff got leaked. I was not giving money for the privilege of exclusive content anyway. I was just happy to be able to sustain people worth to be sustained, while at the same time enjoying little perks here and there - mentions in the game, tips, the occasional poll... Add to the mix that I am something of a left wing anarchist, so fuck copyright. XD That said, I don't know what mrdots thinks, and he might very well not share my ideas about this, so please don't take my very personal take on the question as the official position of the team.


Jun 6, 2017
ch of people that has been pledging him 20+ dollars per month for three years now without pauses, just because they really, really like his style. That's what a real patronage looks like imo, and apparently there exist people who are up for it.
Three years ago, there were one guy releasing decent erotic non-hentai games: akabur. Right now, there are dozens, and more will come. Just see this forum. There are new games every single week, and some of them are not crap. How many developers do you think one patron can support, 20 bucks each, for several months? Now, there is competence.

By the way, Akabur is hiring, if I´m not in a wrong. Maybe he´s trying to improve the product in order of not to falling behind.


Well-Known Member
Respected User
Aug 11, 2016
Just went to the whole game with all the forks (thanks to the mod) and really enjoy this update.
Lots of plot, lots of background story, and really great ending !
(specially if you reject Elena, but don't worry, with the mod you can have it all without reloadin from day 2 !)

Deleted member 7072

From what i have read on this thread, it looks like there is one or two dev from the game here. Makes me wonder what they think from a dev standpoint to see quite a lot of people here (myself included, just found this forum a week ago) that downloaded their creation for free. What is their thought on that?
Looks like they don't see it as free advertisement as they should, the Mega link for v10 and the v10 walkthrough has been taken down. Thankfully we have a lovely user hosting a torrent for it :)
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