3.50 star(s) 129 Votes


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
if some1 needs save then this should be on choosing heidi or kathy and lily was banged in prev. episode.


Visual art is my magnet. Currently inactive
GFX Designer
Oct 5, 2018
I copy the answer about Ren'Py and Steam DFD argument that gave me in Discord , Turnip (Mods ) : "I don't think so since we're using a custom engine .... Nah, we hope it'll go on Steam and there will be a full version but it will be using a custom engine (like the one we are currently using) "

So i think that information i read about a Ren'Py conversion of this game was completely wrong
Thanks for finding that out! That makes much more sense.

No ren'py conversion and the steam version will use the custom engine, VNE 1 iirc (I believe VNE2 is DH). Converting game engines would take a metric ass ton of work and given our (lovejoint's) schedule, its not feasible.
Thanks @Lonecanuck! Thought so because conversions are a pain as you said so that didn't make sense to me.


Active Member
Oct 3, 2018
So, some responses to Ch.16 - too late to have any influence on the game, I know, as it is almost complete (Ch.19 near completion). But still, some feedback. ~ What do others think?

1) Easily the best part of this chapter is the threesome. And almost the best part of that is the kissing & fondling (and then eating out) between the two girls.

Very erotic (even if Heidi "comes" to regret it before the session is over), partly because in the process they prepare each other for the guy, softening up and naturally lubricating each other - but not only for that reason. They have sex like lovers.

2) Obviously then, it's a pity Heidi cuts this short, and the lesbian part of the love/sex triangle is apparently terminated in the game.

I have to admit, Heidi standing naked & still smiling in the bathroom, ready to talk turkey with the MC but (generous as ever) ready for whatever outcome, does soften that blow a bit, help cushion that ending. She's always a fine sight.

3) 2 or 3 physical quirks!:
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4) I'm not a member of the "Amanda hate club". Suddenly shown what seemed obvious documentary evidence that the MC (her father... figure) had ripped off her dying mother, stolen her inheritance, etc., Mandy's alienation seems plausible to me.

"But surely she should at least demand a face-to-face meeting with the MC, and challenge him?" Maybe. But shock can do odd things even to people who are not so "young and innocent" as A still seems to be.

Yes, of course, ideally, anyone would like Amanda to "grow up" and take more courage, be sensible - and possibly get it on with Moe? heh-heh - but hey, she's still very young, in her sheltered life and way.

Admittedly, I may be being too easily influenced myself here, by the preview picture of Amanda for Ch17 at the end of Ch16 - she looks sensational - but ... ~ No but seriously, why hate Amanda?

5) Now, one little complaint. (Again not a biggie, Palmer! :D ) Now I do get it - the MC (and player) is confronted with a choice he can't duck (apart from opting out of both women). H or K.

I'll no doubt go back and try K, and even try neither. But opting for Heidi in the first instance - reflex sperm thing - the MC (player) really does get hit over the head, again and again, from that point of the chapter! ("This is how it's going to be from now on" - "it's Heidi and only Heidi from this point" - "this is the girl I am committing to, and only her" - "the rest of my life from here is going to be spent with Heidi" - "if I so much as *look* at another woman after today, Heidi is going to hack my nuts off with a blunt cleaver and shove them up my ass" .... well, maybe not quite the last of those, but the rest of them, not quotes but the gist of his thought chatter, pretty much reflect the obsessive dialog!)

When the commitment is so heavily "laid on with a trowel", some devil in my ear makes me want the MC to cheat on Heidi as soon as he gets the chance!! :-O ~ ~ To re-establish the tension of the chase maybe, the risk of getting caught perhaps, but above all, just to stop him neurotically chuntering on and on and on to himself, about how he is the most loyal, committed and devoted partner there has ever been in the world since Adam! :D

All right, so I am exaggerating, but I wonder if anyone else felt a bit the same.

Once he makes a decision & starts chattering to himself, I feel like teelling the guy: Ok ok, you've chosen "X", so enjoy her, enjoy life, relax a bit (at least till you can try to recapture Amanda from Moe & Co again) ... don't go on and on and on about it, as if you are a massive hero of self-restraint, a near-monk of self-denial, expecting a gold medal for being Mr Perfect! :eek:)

[[[ PS: There's a big sexy option not taken/offered in the game, that I'd like to suggest, & sketch an outline of. It won't be for actual use (too late in any case!), but just to ask what others think? HOWEVER - this post is no doubt too long already, so ... maybe in another post ... or maybe not! ]]]
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Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Dec 17, 2017
No ren'py conversion and the steam version will use the custom engine, VNE 1 iirc (I believe VNE2 is DH). Converting game engines would take a metric ass ton of work and given our (lovejoint's) schedule, its not feasible.
Which means no Mac or Linux versions. But, hey, if you guys want to throw money away, that's your prerogative.
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Apr 12, 2018
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Well, that were you eyeing up? Because that's not what @VonRaschke asked either.

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Suddenly shown what seemed obvious documentary evidence that the MC (her father... figure) had ripped off her dying mother, stolen her inheritance, etc., Mandy's alienation seems plausible to me.

"But surely she should at least demand a face-to-face meeting with the MC, and challenge him?" Maybe. But shock can do odd things even to people who are not so "young and innocent" as A still seems to be.

Yes, of course, ideally, anyone would like Amanda to "grow up" and take more courage, be sensible - and possibly get it on with Moe? heh-heh - but hey, she's still very young, in her sheltered life and way.

Admittedly, I may be being too easily influenced myself here, by the preview picture of Amanda for Ch17 at the end of Ch16 - she looks sensational - but ... :D ~ No but seriously, why hate Amanda?
The problem isn't just her disbelief. Ok, she's young, maybe she's being flippant, but this is way beyond just mistrust. Within a chapter or so, she goes from the honeymoon phase of her relationship to literally not coming home, withholding information and moving in with a woman she barely knows. Let's say her world view is rocked and she needs to process, I don't know a single person, teenager or not, that wouldn't go stay at a friends house. She trusts Kathy with incest fan fiction she wrote of her own father, but decides to move in with her aunt, a woman she's been told can't be trusted? She knows Moe is investigating the money her father apparently stole, but Amanda seems to have went all in on her father being a thief before even hearing the results of that investigation.

TLDR: It's ridiculous that Amanda wouldn't confront her father, but there were dozens of ways this could have panned out that would have made more sense than the rush-job, 180 of Amanda's characterization that the dev went with.
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Active Member
Oct 3, 2018
I thought what I wrote about Heidi's change of heart precisely covered all that?

Threesome - it seems - brings home the inadequacy (to her) of a casual basis.

She was (as I said) heavily drunk the previous occasion. Which overrode her misgivings. Then she had regrets. One more time, less drunk, much as she likes Kathy, mightily enjoyable as Kathy's tongue is - but makes her realize she wants more of the MC, on a more frequent, regular basis - has the effect of pushing her over the edge. To the bathroom.

It's exciting for her - too exciting maybe - but she can't live with it. She wants things simpler. And wants the MC more.

The psychology looks 100% plausible to me.

VonRaschke and yourself seem to be calling it out as an implausible huge twist. It flows completely, to me. Feelings, desires and wishes evolve. From experiences, and experience. They are not set in stone, forever to stay the same.
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Josh M Spicer

Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2018
4) I'm not a member of the "Amanda hate club". Suddenly shown what seemed obvious documentary evidence that the MC (her father... figure) had ripped off her dying mother, stolen her inheritance, etc., Mandy's alienation seems plausible to me.

"But surely she should at least demand a face-to-face meeting with the MC, and challenge him?" Maybe. But shock can do odd things even to people who are not so "young and innocent" as A still seems to be.

Yes, of course, ideally, anyone would like Amanda to "grow up" and take more courage, be sensible - and possibly get it on with Moe? heh-heh - but hey, she's still very young, in her sheltered life and way.
Two thngs: do we ever actually SEE the evidence or is it just the aunt showing it to Amanda? If it's the latter, than it does seem pretty skeevy that Amanda wouldn't want to talk to her SUPPOSED FATHER. I really can't stress that enough. The guy who's been her father throughout her whole life and now her fuck-buddy is supposedly a person she didn't know. Sorry if people would like a bit more skepticism from that. Oh, and she isn't that "young and innocent" anymore. Screwing one's dad probably eliminates that option.

If it's the former, than I feel like that would be tied in with giving the MC a chance to defend himself. Moe? Sure, have Moe turn on MC in a heartbeat, that's fine. But the MC's daughter? Nah, I'm not buying it, especially when given no reason to believe anything to contrary for years before.

As for being very young and sheltered? No, there's no way that holds up. She helps run a diner for her single father with her best friend and chose to take upon more duties in running said diner. Not to mention she also has begun an incestual relationship with her father. I really wouldn't call that sheltered.


Apr 12, 2018
I thought what I wrote about Heidi's change of heart precisely covered all that?

Threesome - it seems - brings home the inadequacy (to her) of a casual basis.

She was (as I said) heavily drunk the previous occasion. Which overrode her misgivings. Then she had regrets. One more time, less drunk, much as she likes Kathy, mightily enjoyable as Kathy's tongue is - but makes her realize she wants more of the MC, on a more frequent, regular basis - has the effect of pushing her over the edge. To the bathroom.

It's exciting for her - too exciting maybe - but she can't live with it. She wants things simpler. And wants the MC more.

The psychology looks 100% plausible to me.

VonRaschke and yourself seem to be calling it out as an implausible huge twist. It flows completely, to me. Feelings, desires and wishes evolve. From experiences, and experience. They are not set in stone, forever to stay the same.
I can't speak for @VonRaschke, but I don't think it's implausible. It is a twist, designed to make us choose a particular girl, and while I could see someone having second thoughts and backing out of a threesome because they want more, I don't think it was very consistently set up.

We go on precisely one date with Heidi. Since then and now there are numerous opportunities for further sexual exploration. At no point, either before, during or after does Heidi ever suggest that she isn't interested in a casual relationship or that she's only interested in the MC if its a serious, committed relationship, despite the fact that a casual, no-strings, occasional sex relationship is exactly what she's been quite happily partaking in all this time. If this kind of thing was a dealbreaker for her, I'd have expected it to come up before now. It's not like we're still getting to know each other. She works for the MC and took him to a high school reunion.

You're right that feelings, desires and wishes evolve. There's just no evidence that's what happened here.


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
I was kinda leaning towards Kathy and Heidi becoming a couple.
Their storyline seemed to be headed that direction.
Oh well maybe Kathy and Lily.
Or maybe in a M. Night Shyamalan plot twist Kathy will hookup with Amanda.


Jul 4, 2017
People usually get pretty defensive about their partners, that's why it's not a good idea to tell your friend his girlfriend is cheating on him. Amanda fantasized the relationship with her father for a long time, then they risked a lot by starting a taboo relationship. It's definitely weird how fast she turned against him, so if no other information is provided in the last chapter I can see it as unrealistic. But then, you're very naive if you think people don't turn their backs to friends, family and lovers based on the words of strangers, specially young people.

About Heidi, she's a bit older than the other girls, and usually older people (well, young people too, but less often I'd think) assume they are already in an exclusive relationship once you start going out on dates and fucking somebody. Couples usually don't start being faithful or exclusive only after they decide to talk about the rules of their relationship. If I start to see someone and discover she's still fucking a bunch of other guys, even if we're not officially dating, I'll probably move away, that's not how good relationships start.
They are working together, going out on dates, visiting each other... We usually assume a lot of things about our relationships without actually talking about them. And I don't remember Heidi knowing about the MC fucking other people, or saying she was OK with that. Heidi didn't confront the MC in the bathroom, but talked about what she expected with their relationship when seeing that maybe it wasn't going where she wanted, ready to accept any outcome. Naked, exposing her feelings, declaring her love to him. A really nice scene in my opinion.

I believe Kathy was in love with the MC and Heidi, and dreaming about ending up with them both. She has a more 'whatever' attitude, but she was probably devastated about the whole situation, a somewhat sad ending for her story arc no matter what.

I used to think that choosing between Heidi and Kathy would be impossible, but at this point I'm Heidi all the way. Kathy should go to Vegas with Moe; she has more interesting stories to live for now, and to grow up a bit more before having meaningful relationships. Unfortunately I didn't see a good character growth in her story, maybe because she was only about having sex and using drugs.


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
Two thngs: do we ever actually SEE the evidence or is it just the aunt showing it to Amanda? If it's the latter, than it does seem pretty skeevy that Amanda wouldn't want to talk to her SUPPOSED FATHER.
"dear" auntie showed things to amanda and morelli and amanda left her daddy and mo almost shot mc in ch15 and we heard mc's and amanda's mother's tale 1st time fully.

Josh M Spicer

Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2018
"dear" auntie showed things to amanda and morelli and amanda left her daddy and mo almost shot mc in ch15 and we heard mc's and amanda's mother's tale 1st time fully.
So no, we do not. As a character, we only get what the MC says, which should be the truth, as an unreliable narrator in a game like this is just foolish.

Which means Amanda's betrayal is even more ridiculous.

Moe can do what he wants. He could shoot me and I'd still serve him toast and coffee right after.


Apr 12, 2018
People usually get pretty defensive about their partners, that's why it's not a good idea to tell your friend his girlfriend is cheating on him. Amanda fantasized the relationship with her father for a long time, then they risked a lot by starting a taboo relationship. It's definitely weird how fast she turned against him, so if no other information is provided in the last chapter I can see it as unrealistic. But then, you're very naive if you think people don't turn their backs to friends, family and lovers based on the words of strangers, specially young people.
I don't necessarily have a problem with the actual turning. I can see that maybe the aunt showed Amanda something relating to the finances, that it was marked for her mother's medical health and used it to start-up his business, painting it as if her father practically killed her mother. I can see how that might get her to distance herself from the MC.

Where I start to lose the thread is when she swings full tilt in the other direction and pretty much replaces one guardian for another. I think it's unrealistic that if she was angry she wouldn't be yelling and confronting her father, which would give him a chance to explain, instead she's methodical and cool and just moves out. Even ignoring that, she's learned she can't trust the one parental figure she had. Why doesn't this new found mistrust extend to the other adults in her life who are trying to control her? If she's that confused, and mixed up, shouldn't she be trying to get space from both of them? When you feel betrayed, you don't go, 'this person was untrustworthy, but this person must be telling me the truth', generally, you begin to see betrayal in other people too, and worry that they're two-faced as well.

They are working together, going out on dates, visiting each other... We usually assume a lot of things about our relationships without actually talking about them. And I don't remember Heidi knowing about the MC fucking other people, or saying she was OK with that. Heidi didn't confront the MC in the bathroom, but talked about what she expected with their relationship when seeing that maybe it wasn't going where she wanted, ready to accept any outcome. Naked, exposing her feelings, declaring her love to him. A really nice scene in my opinion.
I agree that Heidi doesn't know about the MC being with other girls, though there's reason to believe she might suspect. When she calls to ask him to the reunion, she asks if hes doing anything with Lily later after hearing that she called. And while I also agree that people don't necessarily talk about these things and take it for granted, the MC did already ask her about it.

Before the reunion, the MC wonders if going means that he's Heidi's boyfriend. Amanda comments that the relationship is getting serious if you tell her. Heidi tells you to call yourself her boyfriend and make up stories. At the reunion, her friends comment that she doesn't usually bring dates and that it probably meant more than she was letting on by inviting him. If you go to the bar, he asks her what she meant by bringing him, after the sex scenes, Heidi acts coy and basically tells him to figure it out for himself. Only then two chapters later to tell him she wants an exclusive relationship.

Honestly, I'd much rather have Heidi than a harem route, so I'm not against being asked to choose, or the Heidi being naked in the bathroom. But it seems strange to me that despite the relationship having been explicitly discussed before that only now does she demand exclusivity. I understand it's a plot device designed to force us down one route or another, I just don't like it when plot devices don't make sense narratively.


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
So no, we do not. As a character, we only get what the MC says, which should be the truth, as an unreliable narrator in a game like this is just foolish.

Which means Amanda's betrayal is even more ridiculous.
daddy's version sounds better than "dear" aunt's version (moe accused mc of stealing amanda's mother's money and told part of other side of story) which we might hear fully on next chapter.


Jul 4, 2017
Where I start to lose the thread is when she swings full tilt in the other direction and pretty much replaces one guardian for another. I think it's unrealistic that if she was angry she wouldn't be yelling and confronting her father, which would give him a chance to explain, instead she's methodical and cool and just moves out. Even ignoring that, she's learned she can't trust the one parental figure she had. Why doesn't this new found mistrust extend to the other adults in her life who are trying to control her? If she's that confused, and mixed up, shouldn't she be trying to get space from both of them? When you feel betrayed, you don't go, 'this person was untrustworthy, but this person must be telling me the truth', generally, you begin to see betrayal in other people too, and worry that they're two-faced as well.
All good points. But maybe that's just how she is. I usually prefer to think "what a crazy person" instead of "what an unrealistic person" when judging characters in stories, but there are of course exceptions. That being said, it can be very alluring having someone filthy rich wanting to bring you to their life. I'd also say that while some people start distrusting a whole category of people once they had a bad experience, others just jump from person to person trying to find the comfort they desperately need.

Heidi acts coy and basically tells him to figure it out for himself. Only then two chapters later to tell him she wants an exclusive relationship.
Women, I'm a right? :rolleyes: :ROFLMAO:

But it seems strange to me that despite the relationship having been explicitly discussed before that only now does she demand exclusivity. I understand it's a plot device designed to force us down one route or another, I just don't like it when plot devices don't make sense narratively.
Heidi wasn't really into the first threesome, she was just going with the flow. When the same situation started to develop again, and noticing a pattern, the now less drunk/high Heidi decided to take some time off to rethink their relationship and decide what she really wanted. You go after her after a while and she tells you her conclusions. It makes sense to me.


Apr 12, 2018
All good points. But maybe that's just how she is. I usually prefer to think "what a crazy person" instead of "what an unrealistic person" when judging characters in stories, but there are of course exceptions. That being said, it can be very alluring having someone filthy rich wanting to bring you to their life. I'd also say that while some people start distrusting a whole category of people once they had a bad experience, others just jump from person to person trying to find the comfort they desperately need.
Well, see, the reason for that is simply that I don't treat characters in stories as real people. Unlike real life (though who knows, maybe this is all a really high quality sims like simulation and free will is just an illusion :p ), I know that there's someone behind these characters informing their thoughts, like pulling a puppet's strings. The puppet only has a voice that the puppeteer gives it. And I know the puppeteer didn't set out to write Amanda as crazy. This was considered to be a completely logical, rational response for this character, to which I say 'that's unrealistic'. If I heard of someone in rl doing this kind of thing I'd say 'they're insane', because that would be the logical assumption. Even if she's considered to be tricked, her response is intended to be considered misinformed, but still rational.

Beyond that, I'd simply say that it doesn't fit her established character to be pulled in by money or attention.
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3.50 star(s) 129 Votes