3.50 star(s) 125 Votes


Shadows of the Past
Game Developer
Sep 20, 2017
Try playing the last two chapters :)
i think i will sit this one out, wait for the conclusion and if there is possibility to end with any other girl than i will buy your game on steam or wherever you will sell it on :)
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Game Developer
Sep 26, 2017
i understand we're all humans and make mistakes and i think the dev knew he fucked up when he decided to give the daughter her second personality just to add more ''drama'' to the game but what bothers me more is that you as the player dont get any closure ,no real apologies ,no remorse ,no redemption from the daughter NOTHING. That imo is the real low blow from the dev to the players
That was completely determined in advance. Amanda is a young girl, a bit naive. The MC receives apologizes from Amanda and there's a long dialogue about it :) Thanks for you your feedback bud! Also, hope you like the last two free chapters!


Game Developer
Sep 26, 2017
i think i will sit this one out, wait for the conclusion and if there is possibility to end with any other girl than i will buy your game on steam or wherever you will sell it on :)
You can end up with any girl you want (each with 3 endings), or Moe, depending on your decisions throughout the series. There are also cheat codes that makes it a lot easier to pick an ending, instead of having to replay several chapters.


Shadows of the Past
Game Developer
Sep 20, 2017
You can end up with any girl you want (each with 3 endings), or Moe, depending on your decisions throughout the series. There are also cheat codes that makes it a lot easier to pick an ending, instead of having to replay several chapters.
now we are talking, that's very interesting. cheating is not my thing i rather play from the beginning to be honest but now you forced my hand i guess :)


Jul 9, 2018
Is there somewhere I can download the saves for the downloaded version? Been playing online this whole time and I want to play this new chapter.


Jun 7, 2017
I like how 'my daughter' is replaced by 'my childhood friend' or any other family related pronouns.



Apr 12, 2018
i smell bs, are we the only ones ( from f95 zone) smart enough to realize that he fucked up and he expects us to belive that he knew nothing is wrong with the game? if that's the case he's either a great bs'er or very naive....
Any conversation I've had with Palmer hasn't suggested that he's particularly concerned about how Amanda is coming across now, vs. the earlier game. At most there have been suggestions that this is in character for her age, but usually it's just a 'wait and play the later chapters' as if some great revelation was coming that would explain everything but lol, no, it's literally not even considering that an untrustworthy person would lie, like WTF.

So no, I don't think he actually anticipated this reaction.
Try playing the last two chapters :)
That was completely determined in advance. Amanda is a young girl, a bit naive. The MC receives apologizes from Amanda and there's a long dialogue about it :) Thanks for you your feedback bud! Also, hope you like the last two free chapters!
Case in point


Active Member
Oct 23, 2017
Are there plans for some future release with all the chapters in a single game?

Every new chapter presented a new problem to load my saved game, so I ran out of patience and stopped playing, but I really liked a lot this game


Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
Well, some chapters ago @Palmer told me after my critic of how Amanda´s character was destroyed, that he knew what he was doing, was certain to be right and that I should wait for later chapters, because they would explain why their take on was correct since the authors know the storyline best.

Now it is several chapters later and my opinion that Amanda was character assassinated is even reconfirmed by the last chapters. I even go as far as calling it now extremly poor character handling, no matter that Palmer went for a TV series type of story.
And I deeply pity Palmer if the standard teenagers around him are such dramaking/queen as... ! Yes, there are teenagers like that, but they have their backgrounds why they became such subjects.
But in the case of Amanda pushing her into this mould no matter what, is character derailment, poor handling and simply done for drama reasons. Many other players and I myself already stated a bunch of reasons why true Amanda had not a single reason to believe her aunt even one word.
It got worse with how shallow, callous Amanda treated her Dad and friends, a total 180° turn in behaviour without any logical reasoning. And no, it is not enough to excuse it with naive teenage behaviour, even most teenagers do not become vindictive, abusive a... within the drop of a hat.

I am a HEA ending type with most stories because the world needs some sunshine every day, but in this case I would not hesitate to kick her out for her callous, abusive and untrusting behaviour. If her character at the beginning or in later development showed a change you could say ok, but the Amanda up to about ch11 is not naive, pursues her Dad, knows that he loves her, knows that he loved her Mom, was always there for her and more things in his favour. There is NO, absolutely no reason a girl like that would believe one word of the vile accusations of an unknown aunt openly stating she wants to ruin the MC.
Sorry, but that is drama for drama´s sake as is the reconciliation. It breaks immersion and ruins a lot of the story.
I am sorry for this harsh verdict, because the start of DFD was very promising and without this drama before all it would be a really good game.

As for the statement that only on F95 storyline critic came up: Is it possible that Palmer´s patreons are partly the same ones which back gumdrop´s Dual Family? Those are likewise backer you can tell that Earth is flat and the sun rises in the north without them raising a fuss.


The Crawling Chaos, Bringer of Strange Joy
Oct 23, 2016
As for the statement that only on F95 storyline critic came up: Is it possible that Palmer´s patreons are partly the same ones which back gumdrop´s Dual Family? Those are likewise backer you can tell that Earth is flat and the sun rises in the north without them raising a fuss.
Liked for just that last bit. That just made me lol.
And yeah, saying that the criticism was only voiced here and not on patreon, if true that just goes to show that there are people who blindly follow devs. Why should it be any different with this type of games as it is with triple A titles?

I do remember though that when people here started complaining about Amanda's change in behaviour, that several of Palmer's actual patrons posted here saying that the explanation wasn't working and that her character was destroyed in their eyes.

So there were at least a few patrons who felt that way.

In general I still like the game, but I don't like Amanda that much any more.
Back before the drama I was dead set on choosing her and saw all other girls just as a distraction, but now Lily is my number one.


Game Developer
Sep 26, 2017
Well, some chapters ago @Palmer told me after my critic of how Amanda´s character was destroyed, that he knew what he was doing, was certain to be right and that I should wait for later chapters, because they would explain why their take on was correct since the authors know the storyline best.
Uhm, no. I never said that. Also, play all chapters.
3.50 star(s) 125 Votes