Oh, she does apologize to a great extent, to the point of admitting how stupid she was for just trusting her aunt instead of asking you, and that she realized this after the mc told his side of the story. She goes on to explain how she didn't think things through, because she just wanted to find out more about her mom, but after the mc showed up, realized she should have gone to the mc instead of playing games with him.
Yeah, that was a serious 'well, duh' moment.
i smell bs, are we the only ones ( from f95 zone) smart enough to realize that he fucked up and he expects us to belive that he knew nothing is wrong with the game? if that's the case he's either a great bs'er or very naive....
Any conversation I've had with Palmer hasn't suggested that he's particularly concerned about how Amanda is coming across now, vs. the earlier game. At most there have been suggestions that this is in character for her age, but usually it's just a 'wait and play the later chapters' as if some great revelation was coming that would explain everything but lol, no, it's literally not even considering that an untrustworthy person would lie, like WTF.
So no, I don't think he actually anticipated this reaction.
The writing certainly not been at its best for me it took a nose dive when the Aunt showed up but this women was very conniving she had Amanda duped with these lies some people can see through it while others can't and Amanda naive as she was is fooled into this.She messed up for sure with the way she dealt with the MC but don't we all make mistakes maybe not as stupid as hers but it happens.Also I believe her way of apologising was
The extent of her cunning was to tell Amanda that her father stole some money.
Again this wasn't someone who was already trustworthy or at least without a reputation. Amanda was warned not to trust her.
It's beyond naive for Amanda to then accept what she's saying at face value. Don't forget, she doesn't just distance herself from the MC but her entire previous life and her friends.
In this chapter Amanda admits that all the evidence that the Aunt provided was documents taken out of context, and that her Aunt promised to tell her about her mother but failed to do so. Even before the MC breaks into the suite, Amanda is already aware that things aren't adding up, but it takes the MC force-ably inserting him into a conversation for her to realize there's been a mistake.
We all make mistakes but Amanda, and the game seems to treat this as the 'right path', is under the assumption that everything can go back to normal within a few hours. The consequences of her abandoning her family and friends is shortlived and practically swept under the rug.
Treating someone like shit and then using sex to 'make it better' isn't an apology. In real life, it's bordering on abuse. In the game, I'd accept it, but I'd need a proper apology first and more than one single walk across the beach before I'd be willing to trust her that much again. I can understand the MC wanting to forgive her, both as her father and as a lover, but the steps by which she goes from point a to point b is far too quick.
It's actually pretty surprising. One of the biggest complaints I noticed about this game in the early stages were players saying it was too slow, and now it's moving too fast.