3.50 star(s) 126 Votes


Aug 5, 2017
is there any way to run ch 18 in the program if you didnt play the previous ones? The Web version is really shitty.

edit: Also the story, who fucked up is the story? wtf


Apr 12, 2018
I think the problem is, you cannot get both a funny realistic story AND an one about incest
To get both -realistic and about incest- you got to write an horror story basically, so the MC is some psyhopathic abuser and the girl a psychotic victim, and as soon as any other character know about it ends.

They started with the idea of a game about incest bs, but then they did a fun story with realistic characters leaving the logic behind, either because Patreon or (I think?) they changed writers and the writer was good writing realistic funny girls (and you can't go realistic about incest without going into horror so the incest thing was lost in favour of fun)

Imo the only way to fix and make the whole thing work is either by erasing any incest bs of the story, or, just enjoy the game for the dialogue and funny and realistic girls and pay no attention to anything else
Realism can mean different things. For instance, I can play Max Payne and accept that time slows or painkillers somehow stop bullet wounds, but there's still an expectation that the character will move in a human way and when I fire a gun, a bullet will be shot at my target. Again it's about what has been established and within context for this world.

In the same way, whatever else might be permissible within this world, there's still an expectation for the character to act like human beings, which they aren't doing. We're supposed to accept Amanda as sweet and caring, despite all of her actions pointing to the contrary. The MC is also given no means to confront her about this, instead simply accepts her back into her life, barely seems angry and becomes rapidly fatalistic at the drop of a hat. It all feels superficial and unlike any interaction between any normal people, regardless of 'incest bs' or not.

You don't need to 'fix' the incest in the game. It's a route within the game, and the early build up to it is genuinely what got me into this game (that and Heidi). Their acknowledgement that it's weird and needs to be hidden is fairly realistic. What requires 'fixing' is the latter half of the game, where half of the characters stop acting like people, like they've been body snatched or something. Even then body snatchers would be consistent about trying to steal your life and these characters seem to change on a dime.


Active Member
Oct 3, 2018
I think the problem is, you cannot get both a funny realistic story AND an one about incest
To get both -realistic and about incest- you got to write an horror story basically, so the MC is some psyhopathic abuser and the girl a psychotic victim, and as soon as any other character know about it ends.

They started with the idea of a game about incest bs, but then they did a fun story with realistic characters leaving the logic behind, either because Patreon or (I think?) they changed writers and the writer was good writing realistic funny girls (and you can't go realistic about incest without going into horror so the incest thing was lost in favour of fun)

Imo the only way to fix and make the whole thing work is either by erasing any incest bs of the story, or, just enjoy the game for the dialogue and funny and realistic girls and pay no attention to anything else

What are you thinking of, posting a sexually unexciting, TOTALLY SANE post like that? ;)

Seriously though: I think there's much sense in what you say.

Another conflict too, surely?:

Clearly, many players, & crucially patrons of "adult" games get a serious thrill out of (you'd hope, only fantasy) inc*st - consider how many games have an unofficial, in some cases even official "patch" created for that purpose, to get fam'ly terms into the dialogs as much as possible! - so there must be a strong press of demand on developers to include it, at least as an option, if not central to their game.

I have to admit, "roll your own" (even the smoked variety) is not a turn-on for me - I'm not being virtuous here, or even thinking mainly of practical legalities: just, I don't really see the point of looking inward too much: even in fantasy, why not widen the circle to people different from yourself? - so I came to this game with a slight contortion of the mouth at the original title.

But I saw the quality in the graphics, e.g. the first two smiling, lounging, coolly smoldering girls, who didn't at first sight look much like sisters ..., & the description of the storyline (for once not a MC tragically orphaned at age 12, etc. ...), & that looked promising.

What's maintained my interest has been: (1) super artwork - the girls' *cough* well-rendered & -textured *cough* bodies most of all - (2) light-touch, (in a good sense) sophisticated, witty, sometimes sultry dialog, (3) plot winds & meanders that are (for the most part!) involving, & again (4) for me, the game's twin peaks, Heidi & Kathy - two top creations, both as sexual beings and as engaging, likeably crazy-but-not-so-mad, generous-spirited (!) characters with elements of personal depth unusual in games of sexual content. Realistic, even, though more forgiving. But in a game without the unavoidable agendas, dissatisfactions and/or frustrations, daily pressures, banal necessities or worse hardships, & human cost of real life. (In a word, "fantasy".)

So basically I'm agreeing with your last sentence, too! :D
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Irgendwie Irgendwo

Engaged Member
Jun 30, 2018
To have her as the central girl (the D in DFD) and then went AWOL for most of the second half then butted-in again like nothing really happened without really apologizing. What has been established between her and MC became an afterthought
Yeah, I guess a sentence along the lines of "Dad, I'm sorry that I royally screwed up. I should have trusted you all along and, believe me, that will never happen again" is too much to ask for.


Active Member
Oct 3, 2018
Or else: "Dad - sorry, I know you're not my dad, I meant to say "FFace" - look, I've seen the evidence with my own eyes. Yer guilty as hell, ya stole all that money from my mom - and yer going off to jail for a very, very long time. See ya, sweetcheeks!"

And with that, she hurried off to the motel to see her "friend" Mo once again ...


Active Member
Jun 8, 2017
What's also grating about Amanda is that after turning her down in chapter 17, she makes absolutely no attempt or effort to make you reconsider (as of chapter 18), or anything like that. And she acts like nothing happened. Which again goes against her history and supposed obsession with the MC. Given that my route was Amanda only, i basically have no love interest in chapter 18, and I am playing this just for the lulz now to see how it's handled :LOL:


Feb 26, 2019
Or else: "Dad - sorry, I know you're not my dad, I meant to say "FFace" - look, I've seen the evidence with my own eyes. Yer guilty as hell, ya stole all that money from my mom - and yer going off to jail for a very, very long time. See ya, sweetcheeks!"

And with that, she hurried off to the motel to see her "friend" Mo once again ...
I'll do you one better

"In a Memento-level of twist, MC turns out to have murdered Lanie after Amanda's birth, funneled all the money to his account, and hid the murder weapon in the now-missing toaster"


Oct 1, 2017
Hello, i have some trouble getting the game to work. Last chapter i played was 16 and i don't have the save file any more but i downloaded the backups and put them into the folder according to the instructions. however the game doesn't recognise that and tells me that i need to play ch16. anybody else got that problem and perhaps even found a solution?

edit: nvm, stupid me, just realized it only works on the online versions.


New Member
Aug 25, 2018
Or maybe Lanie is alive somewhere and the toaster going to lead to her . When Mc gets in real deep shit she might come back and save him . Maybe Korean chick knows something too .'' Daughter for desert '' could be mean Mom is the main course. If writer wants to persuade mc ( us ) would fall us down before up high again. If this is the case Mc should be real good person and reject every one for Lanie. Korean chick could be Lanie's spy. Lanie has unsolved business with her inheritance . And the sacrifice made for mc . Is he really worth the effort she made or total prick ? Police officer knows the secret too . The gun he give him wasn't for the invade the hotel .
Last edited:


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
Good writers follow Chekov's gun, in that elements are not superfluous, everything has a reason for being in a story.
The toaster was expensive, a gift and went missing, it's a good bet the evidence needed to clear the MC will be found with the toaster. Perhaps in the way of an inscription on the device from Lanie.
Somehow the aunt will be involved with the toaster going missing.

Amanda's fickle attitude is baffling. She basically pounces on her father, fucks him stupid and then does a 180 on her opinion of him after talking to a complete stranger.
MC should have ass fucked her with a cactus.

Having said that about Amanda I was hoping for a Amanda+Kathy+MC scene.
Better yet an Amanda+Kathy+Lily while MC watches and fucks Heidi.


Active Member
Oct 3, 2018
I'll do you one better

"In a Memento-level of twist, MC turns out to have murdered Lanie after Amanda's birth, funneled all the money to his account, and hid the murder weapon in the now-missing toaster"
No wonder Amanda is so "princess" with him ...
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Active Member
Oct 3, 2018
Good writers follow Chekov's gun, in that elements are not superfluous, everything has a reason for being in a story.
The toaster was expensive, a gift and went missing, it's a good bet the evidence needed to clear the MC will be found with the toaster. Perhaps in the way of an inscription on the device from Lanie.

Amanda's fickle attitude is baffling. She basically pounces on her father, fucks him stupid and then does a 180 on her opinion of him after talking to a complete stranger.
MC should have ass fucked her with a cactus.

Having said that about Amanda I was hoping for a Amanda+Kathy+MC scene.
Better yet an Amanda+Kathy+Lily while MC watches and fucks Heidi.
You set your demands high ... I only hope you don't ever kidnap anyone & demand a ransom ...


Feb 26, 2019
Or maybe Lanie is alive somewhere and the toaster going to lead to her . When Mc gets in real deep shit she might come back and save him . Maybe Korean chick knows something too .'' Daughter for desert '' could be mean Mom is the main course. If writer wants to persuade mc ( us ) would fall us down before up high again. If this is the case Mc should be real good person and reject every one for Lanie. Korean chick could be Lanie's spy. Lanie has unsolved business with her inheritance . And the sacrifice made for mc . Is he really worth the effort she made or total prick ? Police officer knows the secret too . The gun he give him wasn't for the invade the hotel .
Lily just happened to find the Diner and started working as Saul left, taking much of MC's time and attention as Amanda started seeing auntie, even invited MC to a walk in the park when he's supposed to meet Amanda after the holdup with Moe

I don't think it was coincidence
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New Member
Aug 25, 2018
Lily just happened to find the Diner and started working as Saul left, taking much of MC's time and attention as Amanda started seeing auntie, even invited MC to a walk in the park when he's supposed to meet Amanda after the holdup with Moe

I don't think it was coincidence
And she appeared when they decided to keep Lanie alive as in jukebox . I will not be surprised if Lanie somewhere In that village. And sAul could be on Lanie's side . The fact is writers knows what are they doing )) I feel this games going to be bigger than what it is now .
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Oct 28, 2018
Realism can mean different things. For instance, I can play Max Payne and accept that time slows or painkillers somehow stop bullet wounds, but there's still an expectation that the character will move in a human way and when I fire a gun, a bullet will be shot at my target. Again it's about what has been established and within context for this world.

In the same way, whatever else might be permissible within this world, there's still an expectation for the character to act like human beings, which they aren't doing. We're supposed to accept Amanda as sweet and caring, despite all of her actions pointing to the contrary. The MC is also given no means to confront her about this, instead simply accepts her back into her life, barely seems angry and becomes rapidly fatalistic at the drop of a hat. It all feels superficial and unlike any interaction between any normal people, regardless of 'incest bs' or not.

You don't need to 'fix' the incest in the game. It's a route within the game, and the early build up to it is genuinely what got me into this game (that and Heidi). Their acknowledgement that it's weird and needs to be hidden is fairly realistic. What requires 'fixing' is the latter half of the game, where half of the characters stop acting like people, like they've been body snatched or something. Even then body snatchers would be consistent about trying to steal your life and these characters seem to change on a dime.
I know, but it's easier to get a ''new realism'' where laws of physics doesn't run than a realism where a 'good guy' can get laid with his own daughter without being a criminal, I mean I honestly can't think of a spectable logic in a reality like that
(maybe thay planned to go incest all the way to the end and the trial were about that, and the woman rescued the girl by make her realize she was being abused by a psychopath, which was true, and then they moved away from it and the story went totally random? idk)
What are you thinking of, posting a sexually unexciting, TOTALLY SANE post like that? ;)

Seriously though: I think there's much sense in what you say.

Another conflict too, surely?:

Clearly, many players, & crucially patrons of "adult" games get a serious thrill out of (you'd hope, only fantasy) inc*st - consider how many games have an unofficial, in some cases even official "patch" created for that purpose, to get fam'ly terms into the dialogs as much as possible! - so there must be a strong press of demand on developers to include it, at least as an option, if not central to their game.

I have to admit, "roll your own" (even the smoked variety) is not a turn-on for me - I'm not being virtuous here, or even thinking mainly of practical legalities: just, I don't really see the point of looking inward too much: even in fantasy, why not widen the circle to people different from yourself? - so I came to this game with a slight contortion of the mouth at the original title.

But I saw the quality in the graphics, e.g. the first two smiling, lounging, coolly smoldering girls, who didn't at first sight look much like sisters ..., & the description of the storyline (for once not a MC tragically orphaned at age 12, etc. ...), & that looked promising.

What's maintained my interest has been: (1) super artwork - the girls' *cough* well-rendered & -textured *cough* bodies most of all - (2) light-touch, (in a good sense) sophisticated, witty, sometimes sultry dialog, (3) plot winds & meanders that are (for the most part!) involving, & again (4) for me, the game's twin peaks, Heidi & Kathy - two top creations, both as sexual beings and as engaging, likeably crazy-but-not-so-mad, generous-spirited (!) characters with elements of personal depth unusual in games of sexual content. Realistic, even, though more forgiving. But in a game without the unavoidable agendas, dissatisfactions and/or frustrations, daily pressures, banal necessities or worse hardships, & human cost of real life. (In a word, "fantasy".)

So basically I'm agreeing with your last sentence, too! :D
Ha, yeah, I click on almost anything with good graphics too

Actually I remember I played an old online version of the game ''Milf city'', which was both realistic and about incest and it was a really good horror story, it would make a perfect prequel movie about a serial killer, showing the enviroment where a kid is made into a monster or something like that

anyway, the writer of ''Dessert for Dinner'' (that is the new title?) really knows women, Kathy is an Awesome character
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Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
And she appeared when they decided to keep Lanie alive as in jukebox . I will not be surprised if Lanie somewhere In that village. And sAul could be on Lanie's side . The fact is writers knows what are they doing )) I feel this games going to be bigger than what it is now .
Wasn't there mention of epilogue stories?
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3.50 star(s) 126 Votes