Personally for me the issue in the DFD story arc was the aunt’s character.
Had the Aunt started out sweet, charming and caring while slowly poisoning Amanda against the MC, her betrayal would have been understandable. You’d think it was stupid of Amanda to take what the Aunt had to say at face value, but she’s young, impressionable and too eager to reconnect with the mother’s memory and the aunt seemed so nice that she let herself be blinded. And personally, I’d have no problem forgiving her (Although I’d still want an apology and an episode or two to rebuilt trust)
However, the aunt come off as the wicked witch, looking down at everyone around her, spewing hatred everywhere she goes. So, it makes absolutely no sense for Amanda to believe a single word out of her mouth. And all I can think when putting myself in the MC shoes is that I’m hurt that you’d for one second believe all the wicked think this clearly vile and vindictive woman would say about me and even worse not give me chance to defend myself.
Having said all that, I’m still a fan of DFD. It’s a great game and I love the renders. And I’m looking forward to playing the last 2 episodes. Still need to get me some of that Heidi fix, always did have a thing for redheads
Keep up the good work Palmer, and I’m really looking forward to seeing how Double Homework plays out. Specially considering we get a double dose of cute redheads