did that, and still pressing (V) but Qel dose not show up. Now I'm stuck on the islandHello all
To open the map, go to inventory -> Key item and use the item "travel map"
As for your other question, who is Qel ?
And if anyone know how i can find the birds (or talk to the person who suppose to find them for me) in Astrid village please tell me. I don't know what to do in there (after found the two priest that argue). The second floor in church is locked and i can't find the key
PS: Ok i found who is the Qel. It appear that when you find him, you MUST NOT stop in Astrid village, because Qel dissapear. Fly to some other location (for example new light restaurant) and when you take off in the cicle, Qel continue to be there, so came back to overmap, step in cicle and press "v" and you can ride him. Then you can return to Astrid village (or any other location) and Qel don't disappear
PS2: I can't find a way to return to West after i take Qel. Is there a way ?
also is there a way to disable the auto save? its overwriting my main saves. thank in advance