Thanks! Doesn't look to complicated (as long as no encryption comes into place). I found instructions for 3 and would have been fine for the next steps, but I assumed npm was some newfangled package manager on Linux and gave up. But step 1. is doable in Windows.
Absolutely this is very doable. NPM is a great tool. I use basic NPM packages like http-server (fastest local server deployment possible with little effort), or live-refresh (with a little setup allows you to work on html css [and assuming js] in editor and a browser window instantly shows changes [doesn't have some limitations that brackets' live editor has]), and quite a few others. While the vast majority are intended for web developement there are always some that are not and I'm always finding more.
If you do attempt I forgot to mention the -g in the 'npm install -g xxxxpackagexxx' and the importance of it. I recall that that instructs that to install it to a certain localized npm location within your %USERPROFILE% or %APPDATA% user directory. If you do not put the -g in, depending on the %CWD% (current working directory) e.g. if the CMD prompt says 'C:\' or if you open an administrator CMD it might say 'C:\Windows\System32' and you wanna make sure npm puts the package deployment in the correct space.
So I found myself back in node today and I think I now better understand the -g global option.
Installing a package without '-g' or '--global' would be to install in in local mode. Meaning the package will deploy in your current directory; i.e. win='cd' or *nix='pwd; e.g. in windows 10, usually when you start cmd or ps, the current working directory is [in my case for ex:] 'C:\Users\randl' otherwise better known in its environment variable form = %USERPROFILE%. Elevated or Admin CMD will start in C:\Windows\System32
Keeping all the packages together and [AFAIK] following standard procedures (by that I mean what everyone basically instructs you to do that way [what I have seen] 95% of the time) would be to use '-g' or '--global'.
Can lead or trail the package name
npm install -g %NPM_PACKAGE%
npm install %NPM_PACKAGE% -g
where %NPM_PACKAGE% is substituted for the NPM package (without %'s) you wish to recieve. e.g. asar, or http-server etc.
Always willing to help, just summon
EDIT: I am working on an ultra unarchiver. Currently the god developer that gave us universal extractor (development ended) was popular enough that other people have continuted the developement. There is an amazing version that currently can, unarchive any archive of standard form (.zip .rar .tar .7z .00x etc), but it can also for ex: (unrpa, unRPGmakerX, un-msi, un-NSIS, un-InstallShield, as well as a multitude of recogonized headers from vast numbers of .exe's)
You are welcome to try out the amazing form that it is in, but I have been slowly adding more formats central to engines that f95 is familiar with and plan to release a f95 friendly version in some due time here.