2.70 star(s) 11 Votes
Nov 21, 2018
You can open the file with , if you want to see whats inside, but its not the same as playing the game, and the pics arent in the correct order
Ill try to add the adult.rpa file to the original game i got from , if i succeed, ill post everything here
Nov 21, 2018
Well... good new, bad news..
Good news is that even though i have no experience with the program and the type of files used for this game, i know how to combine the DLC with the cracked version of the game, after which i can post it here.
Bad news is that, something has been changed, removed or added (something is missing) and because, again, i have no experience with these type of files, i dont know, exactly, what is missing. Without that missing part, i can not get the game to load the DLC.
Now, good news again is that our friend that posted the DLC, dacris69, has the original steam game, which has, somewhere, within its files the missing part.
Now if he were to zip the entire game folder, from the download location and sent it here, we would not be able to play it since it is protected. BUT!! I could what has been added to allow the DLC to work (in other words, what is missing from the cracked game) and combine that with the DLC and the cracked version itself.
And thats it pretty much it :D
Nov 21, 2018
it took a few hours but I DID IT!!! xD

I am using WeTransfer to share the game with you guys, which is my favorite way of sending files, unfortunately max size is 2gb (the game is ~ 2.5gb) thats why there are 2.rar files and why you will see 2 links below, for the 1st and 2nd .rar file (to clarify, its 1 .rar file split into 2)

Link for 1st .rar file:

Link for 2nd .rar file:

Once AND ONLY ONCE! you download both files, extract them while hovering (selecting) over both or just the first one (if you only select the first one, it should automatically load the 2nd as well)

After extracting to a location of your choosing, you should see a folder called (unless renamed by you) "Dawnbreaker ORIGINAL GAME!!!", click on that and start the .exe file "DawnbrakerAeonsReach" (ignore the other .exe file "DS-CRACKiNTRO_03", thats from the crack group DARKSiDERS and is just there to.. well.. crack the game or something, just ignore it)

You dont have to do anything else, i simplified it as much as possible

Enjoy the game!!

Btw you may see my save files even though i have deleted them, for some reason the game saves files outside the save folder and i have no idea why or where... which is pissing me off.. if anyone figures it out, please tell me, i have checked like everywhere without results..

IMPORTANT: WeTransfer links last for 2 weeks, so you have until then to download from there, if the person who started the tread wants to put it to MEGA or wherever and add it on the first page, feel free to do so, thats it from me

No need to congratulate me, Im a genius, i know :p
Nov 21, 2018
What did you change to integrate the adult.rpa? Downloading now, you'll get a like if it worked :)
I added an extremely simple notepad command, i say simple, but the simplest things are difficult when you dont know what you are doing
And as i said above i had to combine it with a crack from a well known scene group
And i got a like, so i guess it works ahahha


Conversation Conqueror
Mar 6, 2021
Dawnbreaker - Aeon's Reach [v1.0 DLC] [CrazySky3D] crunched

Original / Compressed Size PC*: 2,37 GB / 355 MB - DawnbreakerAeonsReach-1.0-DLC-pc-crunched.zip
Original / Compressed Size Mac: 2,35 GB / 338 MB - DawnbreakerAeonsReach-1.0-DLC-mac-crunched.zip

Download (PC*/Mac): -

(y)L O A D 'n' L I K E - If you L O A D it then L I K E it!(y) If not, like it anyway! (y) Thanks! ;)

This compression is unofficial and untested, use at your own risk.
Compressing process reduces quality and can break the game.

*PC = Win+Linux

Tools: UnRen v0.91 (Sam@f95zone) - YAC v3.1c (hngg@f95zone) -
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2.70 star(s) 11 Votes