
Jun 17, 2017
I agree. I agree with the rest of your post as well. What I meant to say with "reduce the grind" is that, for instance, in Man of the House, you can choose to wait directly to a certain time. That would help.
A time wait mechanic would help IF the game actually ran off of time like Man of the House but it doesn't as MotH has time down to the minutes whereas Deeper only does time by hour, so a "wait" function simply would not work here, however a "skip day" could be useful.

The other thing is, that the farming in itself is an interesting mechanic and after a few tries I managed to harvest some lettuce, but this is a porn game, not Farm Simulator... I kind of understand that the MC is in a financially very difficult situation and that he needs to do something about it, but I personally don't usually play porn games for the mini games. Perhaps a better option would be to give the option to skip the mini game and go to the monastary once a week to collect, just as what you do with the pool.
Oddly enough, I couldn't seem to get the farming thing to work for me for some reason (did strawberries first so that might be why... no idea).

But given some other posts in this thread I do seem to have missed a significant amount of content... Which brings me to another issue with sandbox-type games: it needs a walkhrough.
Well there's simply not enough content yet to justify a walkthrough, however if there was some in-game way to let us know when we reach the end of a certain content line then that would be great, or at least a hint system to let us know there is still something else left (something with more details than what's currently available as well as covering more stuff rather than just the "main quest" type stuff)

What is ASMR???
Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) is a term used for an experience characterised by a static-like or tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. It has been compared with . ASMR signifies the subjective experience of "low-grade euphoria" characterised by "a combination of positive feelings and a distinct static-like tingling sensation on the skin". It is most commonly triggered by specific acoustic or visual stimuli, and less commonly by intentional attention control.

In short, it is a feedback trigger that activates in you when you hear/feel certain things. It is typically used for relaxation and everyone is a little different. For some fun, google "asmr youtube" and you'll find all kinds of things.

That's kind of the problem - I missclicked and didn't see the message but couldn't roll back to read it again. And then it happened again multiple times due to the nature of the game right now - 90% of gameplay is clicking "next" repeatedly and you don't get any kind of warning that an event is going to pop up.

Rollback doesn't seem to be disabled after choices, it seems to be disabled globally.
Yeah, I noticed that it was easy to miss things because of that, however the global disable of rollback must be new as I don't recall it in the last version but that was a while ago so I may have simply forgot. I just know that I don't play ANY ren'py game without enabling rollback first lol.

Thanks for the tip on how to fix that! Will give it a shot!
No problem =].

That's what I assume, but wouldn't it make much more sense to add that option into the game once the mechanic is ready?

Again, we're talking about a classic "you need to do X in order to unlock Y" type of game here. Adding something like that button (or those shops) is just confusing... Is it supposed to work in this version? Do I need more stats for it to work? Is nothing happening because there's no content yet or because it's bugged?

There really is no reason for that - just remove the button for now. I'd say: remove everything that serves no purpose. Even the Realtor office is pointless at the early stages of the game, isn't it?
Let me start off by saying that I understand your frustration and desire for focus on content, however, with that said I MUST also tell you that you're not quite correct (actually to be blunt, you're extremely incorrect). First off, you have to understand that this is this dev's first game (if I'm not mistaken) and he's trying to do something a little different from a standard ren'py game in some ways... It's almost as if it's trying to emulate a Unity game such as Man of the House/The Twist/etc in terms of how movement, mechanics, interactions, and looks are yet keep the functionality of Ren'Py games like View of Family, Second Happiness, Dating My Daughter, Dreams of Desire, etc. Basically trying to make the "best of all worlds" type thing here with a LOT of flexibility. So far, he's actually doing quite well aside from a few issues here and there but that's part of learning the system. He's got the right approach in focusing on the engine, the mechanics he wants, and it's stability. Without that, you'll just end up with a jumbled mess that becomes very difficult to work with (if at all) unless you restart from scratch.

As for removing the unneeded mechanics and only add them in when there's content: That's exactly how you DON'T want to do it because adding mechanics in at a later date tends to have severe consequences such as causing a lot of errors, issues, etc. A good design in game making (and many other fields/aspects) is that you build your framework FIRST and then add in the other stuff first. Like building a house where you put up the entire framework first before putting in the plumbing, electricity, insulation, drywall, etc. The way you're suggesting would be you build the floor, tile/carpet/whatever THEN you start adding the framework of the walls then add the stuff, then do the roof, etc... That doesn't make for a good and sturdy house as well as it will cause a LOT of issues later on in the building cycle (such as having to rip up parts of the floor in order to properly install the walls or having to tear out part of the already done walls to secure the roof properly, etc). Another way to look at it is that you're putting on the paneling/doors/windows of a vehicle before you've even put in the engine, transmission, fuel tank, exhaust system, wiring, etc. It just doesn't really work that way and only ends up causing far more issues in the long run (especially later down the line).

A LOT of game suffer from this and quite a few have failed directly due to this while other games that laid down the bulk of their framework first tend to be far better off (Summertime Saga, Man of the House, Haramase Simulator, and a few others). Not to mention that adding in new mechanics to the framework at a later date tends to literally break saves which causes people to have to start all over from the beginning or risk getting a lot of game breaking errors.

No, it's my issue with the game's development being a little bit all over the place.

I mean, why seeds? Of all the things that a teenager (or: just barely adult) could be saving in his pocket, why seeds? If it's supposed to "hint" at the gardening mechanics, wouldn't an event be a better idea? Say, the sister needs some remedy to heal her sore skin after lying so much, the mother sends the protag off to the monastery to check if the monks have some, since the actual medicine costs too much. The monks say "sure, why not, and by the way, how about you work our garden a bit?"

Wouldn't that make more sense, be a more natural introduction to the mechanic than placing some random seeds in the inventory?
Think of it like this: All people know that plants grow, there are farms, and many plants (especially food) starts from seeds. Being in the situation they are in, you priorities would be Water, Shelter, then Food. They got the shelter and water (temporarily at least), and while they can eat at that restaurant, it's not something that's likely to last... Also, everyone eats as it's necessary for survival. I don't know about you but if I was in that situation and I had some seeds, I'd be looking for some place where I could plant and grow them. Then look to sell the excess for extra cash for anything else I might need. If you think about it, it will actually make sense. Also, it's not like he has a ton of options at his disposal at the present time.

I get that the game is in early development and what not, but it shouldn't be a problem to re-balance things for these early stages and then again for when there's more/different content later on.
What you're suggesting is that the dev greatly increase his workload for your pleasure. Put yourself in the shoes of a dev working on an early build of an in-progress game that's going to take you months on end (or even years) to be able to complete.... Would you want to waste your time constantly re-adjusting the balance of things week after week, month after month for each minor change you make or would you rather set a meduim/general aim and adjust it after you get the bulk of what you're planning added in first? Personally, I would choose the 2nd as that would give me more time to work on the framework and content overall thus more focus rather than having to constantly divide my attention going back over things I've already done only to have to re-adjust them again in the future. It makes no sense, it amounts to nothing more than literal "busy work" that has no real purpose other than to increase your overall workload, especially over the long term.

We literally have to click through two-three weeks just waiting to earn some money, doing nothing, since we can only clean the pool once a week.

And it also ties to the very start of the game - is that intentional? Will there be an event to unlock something automatically? Do I need to run around the city looking for something to do? If so - where and at what time of day? No way to know until you've clicked "wait" 100000 times.
You keep saying that you know it's an early build, yet you're acting like this should be nearly 1/2 done already. There are few options and a lot of waiting BECAUSE it's an early build. There is not much content in the game right now and likely won't be for a while as he is focusing on making the framework as complete as possible so that he can focus on content, not to mention that having the framework completed/fleshed out means that you'll get more overall content each month once the content starts to really pick up as all the framework will already be done. It would just be a matter of "plugging" it in at that point. The issue here is that we have to learn patience, and for a game like this... I have patience (like for man of the house).

As for the waiting thing, that's why I mentioned the hint system.


New Member
Feb 25, 2018
You use to have a radio in the room now both the radio and tv are listed as TV as you can't click on the radio and it says that you don't own a TV when you mouse over the radio.

On your save pages you could squeeze 3 more slots per page beside her leg so that there are 6 save slots to a page. You could probably also squeeze a few over by her arm and shoulder as well.

Would also be nice if you could hide the text bar at the bottom with the H key instead of it only hiding the text options.

I changed (But if you and your sweet little sister) to (But if you and your sister) as the other way makes him sound like one of those ugly fat bastard molesters.

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Traceback after talking to the mother in the shower.

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
File "game/script.rpy", line 48, in script call
call mainloop
File "game/mainloop.rpy", line 4, in script call
call placeLoop
File "game/mainloop.rpy", line 16, in script call
call menuInteractions
File "game/functions.rpy", line 97, in script
$ uichoices = renpy.call_screen("playerMoney", _layer="screens")
File "game/functions.rpy", line 97, in <module>
$ uichoices = renpy.call_screen("playerMoney", _layer="screens")
File "game/screens.rpy", line 1532, in execute
screen playerMoney():
File "game/screens.rpy", line 1532, in execute
screen playerMoney():
File "game/screens.rpy", line 1880, in execute
for q in chains:
File "game/screens.rpy", line 1881, in execute
if q.isActive:
File "game/screens.rpy", line 1884, in execute
if DIALOGUE.RightTime(Dialogues[q.LiveEvent]):
File "game/vars.rpy", line 228, in LiveEvent
return self.evnt[self.stage]
IndexError: list index out of range
I got the same error

Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
So what is there to do ? Sit in the motel room to skip hour by hour until you sleep? Read a book called menu for a crash to happen.. :/


Jun 17, 2017
Sadly, in spite of creating a decent UI for the game that completely messes the UX and that kinda kills the game for me.

If I open a books inventory and click on a book - I expect a book to open and not the next screen to say "Thats not how this works".

Back to the drawing board dude.
It says that because of either an error, you don't have the item, or the content is not yet in the game (or actually usable at that time).


Jun 17, 2017
So what is there to do ? Sit in the motel room to skip hour by hour until you sleep? Read a book called menu for a crash to happen.. :/
The crash shouldn't happen if you've extracted the archive.rpa file. (use unren.bat file that can be found here on f95). There's a few things to do, but there's not much (...yet). It's a few events involving the mother, sister, laura, and a handful of other things (such as hospital visit, school, etc). It's mostly a small bit of story and almost entirely mechanic/engine work. If you're looking for content then you may be waiting a little while unfortunately, however there's just enough here to get a feel for the general direction and play style this game will be heading in as well as a taste (and hint) of the story itself (dark as fuck start with chance of uplift/redemption for the family as things slowly start turning around... also get the feeling that there will be quite a few twists coming down the line and a few of them are likely to involve laura but not as a "bad guy"... at least I don't think lol).

TL;DR: Currently it's mostly engine/mechanic works with a little bit of content. Treat it like a "taste of things to come" or a preview of sorts.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2018
Pointless statement because you gave absolutely NO info as to what errors you were receiving were. That's like saying "hey, there's something wrong over there somewhere" without pointing in any direction or like saying "there's something wrong with this vehicle" and nothing else. So basically all you said was "it don't work for me, fix it!" while giving absolutely no info as to what issues you were having. That's how it is a completely pointless statement.
they is already a lot of people telling the dev what errors they are .. didn't think to tell the dev the same errors that was already been said.anyhow the game don't work 100% he knows of the errors people are having so will wait till the dev fix them before playing any new updates that's all I meant .... don't mean to be rude . I like the game so far what iv played of it 5-10 mins of it


Jun 17, 2017
they is already a lot of people telling the dev what errors they are .. didn't think to tell the dev the same errors that was already been said.anyhow the game don't work 100% he knows of the errors people are having so will wait till the dev fix them before playing any new updates that's all I meant .... don't mean to be rude . I like the game so far what iv played of it 5-10 mins of it
You're fine and weren't rude at all. If anything, I might have been a bit rude as I was a little irritated already due to a few other things, for which I do apologize if I came off as rude or an asshole... I tend to rub people wrong sometimes and having aspergers doesn't help. It's all good as my only real issue with your post was the lack of any details, constructive criticisms, error reports, thoughts, etc.

Fair enough and didn't meant to imply that you were rude, just that your post really offered nothing (in game terms: no content lol). Like you said, most already know that there are (currently) a lot of issues and errors with the game (and most are being reported). I only meant that there wasn't really any point to your post as you weren't sharing your thoughts, views, enjoyment, issues, etc other than the simple "it's broken, fix it" type of post.

Yeah, there are a lot of errors and even if others reported theirs, you should report any you have as well just to be safe (as it's possible you may have an error that someone else doesn't unless you want to try and personally check each one yourself to see if it's already been reported).... I've reported quite a few errors myself as well as pointing out a few issues that didn't trip an error but was an issue for one reason or another (such as the sis bathroom "event" triggering when she was supposed to still be in the hospital for example). It'd likely help if you just report any issues you have (especially considering he's trying for something a little unique/more difficult than what is normal for a ren'py game). Another thing to think about as to why you should post your errors/issues anyway is because sometimes you can get an issue that (almost) no-one else gets, but if it doesn't get reported then it can't get fixed.
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I only play good games
Oct 5, 2017
Some devs are trying to make Renpy games on Unity while this dev is trying to make a Unity game on Renpy.

Why not just use the engines that suit your needs.


Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017
On the mall map it has 7 listed twice once in the number 2 spot and once in the number 7 spot.

Is Shelly a transgender as well? Because with those eye brows I think she must be one. She might actually look hot if she took a weed burner to those eye brows of hers.

I'm also wondering where the mother goes at times as she's not always at the motel and you would think that she would be there working most of the time but would also be there to look after her daughter or is she whoring around somewhere?
Last edited:


Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

Use unren or enable dev mode renpy to extract the game files there are instructions on how to do everything one page back with a download and 2 posts from me with instructions.


Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017
I just made 2 copies of cm_1_2.jpg and named one idle and the other hover and the crashes were gone then I clicked on the comic book to the left.


Active Member
May 11, 2017

Unzip enable dev mode renpy outside of the Deeper-0.0.31-pc folder then run the .exe file in the enable dev mode renpy and select the Deeper-0.0.31-pc folder and let it run till it closes. Start game and hitting shift + O should open console if you hit shift + D you can check under variables and see if there are any listed there then open the console and change stuff like that.
Where is that zip download for the dev mode? or console mode`?


Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
File "game/script.rpy", line 48, in script call
call mainloop
File "game/mainloop.rpy", line 4, in script call
call placeLoop
File "game/mainloop.rpy", line 16, in script call
call menuInteractions
File "game/functions.rpy", line 140, in script call
call chatstart
File "game/dialogues.rpy", line 11, in script call
call expression talkchoice
File "game/laura.rpy", line 106, in script
L "I need you to pick up a box of {color="
Exception: Open text tag at end of string u'I need you to pick up a box of {color='.

I think this ones just missing the }"


Active Member
May 11, 2017
i keep getting error when i try to open the megazin that i bought from the comic shop and i keep getting error when i get a task from trans asking to get her some stuff for her client and where do i get aspirin?


Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

The error with the magazine is caused by there being 2 .JPG's missing in the image folder. I just copied a picture in the comic book folder and renamed those 2 copies idle and hover after that you can click on the book to the left.

The error with Laura is caused by part of the script being missing.
Last edited:
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