Good morning all. Thank you for the comments and feedback.
Too many to address in the short window I have before going back to work so I will do as many as I can.
I live in the UK and $216 equates to about £150 which is about enough to pay my phone bill and buy food for a week. The cost of living in the UK is $3000 per month and that is for a bare minimum existence. As it stands Doing a full time job isn't optional. I spend every spare moment of time that I have working on Deeper to try and keep development at a reasonable pace, I appreciate your patience. For those people who are less patient... tough shit basically.
A lot of the criticism is from people who clearly haven't played the new update so I wont address those.
Laura is a main character in the game. There was never intended to be an alternative but Having received quite a large number of emails from people, mostly gentlemen, mostly from eastern Europe and mostly quite aggressive, I decided to provide the Marcus story-line as an alternative to Laura which removes her completely from the game. I'm not going to say anymore on that topic.
This next point is going to come across as a bit brash but I hope you understand that I have addressed it so many times that my responses have grown increasingly blunt. Deeper is in Alpha development. That means that I am focusing on getting all of the many mechanics in the game to work smoothly together, as well as adding new mechanics for the finished game and all it's many features. All Alpha games are "grindy", if you don't want to play them, you can filter your search results to only include games with the [Completed] tag.
Christine is now located at the nurses station rather than the entrance to the hospital. When you arrive at hospital there is a large icon on the right hand side of the screen with a tool-tip that says "Go to the Nurses station" when you hover over it. This will take you there. She goes to the mall on her lunch break. This isn't a bug, it's what people do