
New Member
Aug 8, 2017
    1. A certain level of grinding is a sign of sociopathy.
    2. I am really fed up with doing ever and ever the same thing since January 2018
    3. Some "bug" like missing image are really easy to avoir, isn't it
    4. The concept is good but random DOES NOT exist in coding
    5. The art is awesome
    6. The potention is here
    I gonna wait a next updade
Some might disagree with 4.



New Member
Nov 23, 2017
No i think the grip is you have to pay to play the complete game ..forgive if i am wrong but that kinda sux ..do you not think ..since it is posted on free site thank you ..but i could be wrong just saying if the updates public gets is teases to real game feels more like extortion and not good will
P.S. I dislike this game because its mostly grind and no reward but for watching others have fun or getting the ugly ones out of the characters i donate to other dev because they post games here complete just saying
So basically, like the two other guys you are complaining this game is early alpha and Thundorn does not release it untested&unfunded in 10 years.
You know, you have to consider some of the hardware&software which helps getting faster/better results is quite expensive. This money does not come from nowhere. I see projects like these more like a crowdfunding. If you'd pay, you are not paying for a full game. You are an alpha/beta-tester investing in it. Some of it even needs extensive research. I'm just starting getting into gamedevelopement myself and I'm looking forward to getting shit thrown at me for attempting to create a game :)

to my understanding yes from what I have read but will never know because i will not donate for reasons above
yes there is some special content for people who support the project.

Problem with randomized events, in case of the sister going to the hospital the first time. It can trigger before you can do the "help her shower" scene with the mom, and then you will never be able to do it.
yea thats quite a race in the beginning. You'll have to insist on helping her every time possible before noon. But I agree its too tight at the moment, in most of the playthroughs it doesn't happen at the current release. I'm sure it'll be adjusted.


Jun 10, 2017
So basically, like the two other guys you are complaining this game is early alpha and Thundorn does not release it untested&unfunded in 10 years.
You know, you have to consider some of the hardware&software which helps getting faster/better results is quite expensive. This money does not come from nowhere. I see projects like these more like a crowdfunding. If you'd pay, you are not paying for a full game. You are an alpha/beta-tester investing in it. Some of it even needs extensive research. I'm just starting getting into gamedevelopement myself and I'm looking forward to getting shit thrown at me for attempting to create a game :)

yes there is some special content for people who support the project.

yea thats quite a race in the beginning. You'll have to insist on helping her every time possible before noon. But I agree its too tight at the moment, in most of the playthroughs it doesn't happen at the current release. I'm sure it'll be adjusted.
ok let me dumb this down so you understand ..this game is no different from other games posted here except you have to understand have to pay to play complete game..games posted here gives feed back to dev so game is better (fixing bugs) but no dev here has 2 versions of same game for non paying and paying persons except this one ..all this site gets is grind and like i said no one that people want to have relations with ..game look promising but no one on cover is getable understand now PS other dev wait if they want to make paying people happy but release whole game here when time passes
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Aug 24, 2017
Lol. You know, if you say "INB4", it does not make it less true. Just like "HURHUR I IDENTIFY AS ATTACK HELICOPTER".
Its probably Perlen vor die Säue as we say in Germany, but here you go and educate yourself. I looked one up which is explained by a guy, so you don't have to fear your wang falling off by listening to a woman.
check youtube for "Human Sexuality is Complicated..." (embeds don't seem to work)
Ah yes, the logic of an sjw - if I think that there are only two genders then I'm automatically a misogynist and I think women as lessen human beings. Good mental gymnastics there, buddy.


May 19, 2017
So basically, like the two other guys you are complaining this game is early alpha and Thundorn does not release it untested&unfunded in 10 years.
You know, you have to consider some of the hardware&software which helps getting faster/better results is quite expensive. This money does not come from nowhere. I see projects like these more like a crowdfunding. If you'd pay, you are not paying for a full game. You are an alpha/beta-tester investing in it. Some of it even needs extensive research. I'm just starting getting into gamedevelopement myself and I'm looking forward to getting shit thrown at me for attempting to create a game :)

yes there is some special content for people who support the project.

yea thats quite a race in the beginning. You'll have to insist on helping her every time possible before noon. But I agree its too tight at the moment, in most of the playthroughs it doesn't happen at the current release. I'm sure it'll be adjusted.
I will have to point out for the record. There has been a fair amount of Patreon developers who have justified their fees behind buying equipment and hireing staff. More than a few of these claims have turned out to be bogus. This is also a "no right or wrong" argument. You can say that I am paying to play this and should be patient and willing to drop money for what well may take a year to develop. Paying ultimately an incredible amount of money. you can also argue that I am being charged to beta test a game. Regardless, as a customer I have a right to expect prompt, solid updates and a reasonable short development window. Why should I drop $400 or more to help a developer create a game that he can ultimately sale as a completed project to make even more money? I have made that mistake one time to many. As a customer I have the right to expect ceratin things, you do not agree with some of the other consumers. Not an issue, we all haver our priorities. HOWEVER...being SNARKY about it only lowers you, it does not make you right.


Devoted Member
May 10, 2018
ok..i keep giving this game chances..but it may be the slowest grind in gaming history..zero satisfaction playing it...whats the point in playing a game when it contains zero fun?...i want to word this careful so Mods dont punch me in the "comment-balls" i know this is a pirate site and i've no actual say in anything although many Dev's interact with us peons and listen to our input..but this is perhaps..the worst game on this site period....it has all the elements to be among the best..but the Dev seems to be lost on how to make a compelling game and keep people hooked..there is zero hook left after SO MUCH TIME..patience is limited and mines gone..pity..this could have been great .


Aug 24, 2017
ok..i keep giving this game chances..but it may be the slowest grind in gaming history..zero satisfaction playing it...whats the point in playing a game when it contains zero fun?...i want to word this careful so Mods dont punch me in the "comment-balls" i know this is a pirate site and i've no actual say in anything although many Dev's interact with us peons and listen to our input..but this is perhaps..the worst game on this site period....it has all the elements to be among the best..but the Dev seems to be lost on how to make a compelling game and keep people hooked..there is zero hook left after SO MUCH TIME..patience is limited and mines gone..pity..this could have been great .
The dev is going about it the wrong way if you ask me. If people like the game, and if they were willing to give money on patreon in the first place, they'd do it when they are happy with the game. Cutting content off and making it grindy will not make people want to donate to him, it won't make those people that won't/can't donate in the first place decide to suddenly give him money to skip the grind - they'll just move over and not bother.


Devoted Member
May 10, 2018
The dev is going about it the wrong way if you ask me. If people like the game, and if they were willing to give money on patreon in the first place, they'd do it when they are happy with the game. Cutting content off and making it grindy will not make people want to donate to him, it won't make those people that won't/can't donate in the first place decide to suddenly give him money to skip the grind - they'll just move over and not bother.
one thing to many Dev's seem closeminded about is..this site is the very best free advertising they get..it DOES attract patreons and make them money..SO..give us the full version..even if its 3-4 weeks after patreon release...do not give us a cut up featureless piece of crap..if he wants more money..show us the full monty..if its actually good..some of the commentors here will put up money..its proven time after time..a good game will get a pirates money.
2.60 star(s) 33 Votes