4.60 star(s) 45 Votes


Feb 24, 2020
Radnor : Just catching up on the blog while looking for more mods and ran across the cyber idea. Interesting. My take on making this work would be to add a Medlab to the workshop, and a Medic to the skills. She would evolve from First-aider to Plastic/Neuro Surgeon in her training. Combat training would be how the broken bot gets her mobility functions back. (Think as in terms of a coma, or paralysis from a fight, or too much rough sex. The Medlab would have a grow tank for regenerating cyber-skin, etc.)


Active Member
Sep 9, 2019
I operated under the belief that it depends on the parts,
A bot with all E tier parts looks like a real doll that's walking around while a bot with all S tier parts is physically indistinguishable from a human short of an x-ray or cutting it open.

In any case time to share my mod, no longer W.I.P now in beta it:

Incorporates the original models mod
Adds 7 new models of bot (1 C, 2 B, 2 A, 1 S)
Adds 22 new parts with defects
totally blows out the games balance.
Still need to balance the spawn rates especially at the higher tiers.
You will have to provide your own images, easy enough to do with Reddit, Handbreak and VLC Media player.

  "mod_id": "Megamod",
  "mod_description": "Adds 7 new models from the Diadek Corporation, incorporates original models mod and adds 22 new parts from Sendai Components complete with faults and defects",
  ("bots agmx_9","mod_bots agmx_9"),
  ("bots agrx_10","mod_bots agrx_10"),
  ("bots agptech","mod_bots agptech"),
  ("bots akira","mod_bots akira"),
  ("bots jkb_12","mod_bots jkb_12"),
  ("bots DiadekQJ940","mod_bots DiadekQJ940"),
  ("bots DiadekGV270","mod_bots DiadekGV270"),
  ("bots DiadekAT178","mod_bots DiadekAT178"),
  ("bots DiadekBN700","mod_bots DiadekBN700"),
  ("bots DiadekML312","mod_bots DiadekML312"),
  ("bots DiadekVQ535","mod_bots DiadekVQ535"),
  ("bots DiadekEA817","mod_bots DiadekEA817"),


    "model_id": "DiadekQJ940",
    "model_name": "Diadek QJ940",
    "model_description": "A pleasure model targeted at the upper middle class domestic market. Diadek succeeded in creating an affordable high end sex bot at the cost of reduced duribility.",
    "name_variants": "european_names",
    "gender": "female",
    "rate": "B",
    "price_mult": 1.5,
    "psychocore_stability_decay_mult": 1.0,
    "part_damage_mult": 1.3,
    "default_traits": [],
    "skin": "SynthSkin",
    "cpu": "QPU77k",
    "eyes": "HE7",
    "vocoder": "aria",
    "powercore": "klaxon",
    "arms": "arms_composite",
    "legs": "legs_composite",
    "list_target chances": {

    "all": 10,
    "luxury": 4,
    "good": 15,
    "nice": 10,
    "cheap": 8,
    "generate_bot_mind_table": "default",
    "model_id": "DiadekGV270",
    "model_name": "Diadek GV270",
    "model_description": "Last generations GV series of sex bots from Diadek has a solid track record in domestic use applications",
    "name_variants": "european_names",
    "gender": "female",
    "rate": "B",
    "price_mult": 1.3,
    "psychocore_stability_decay_mult": 1.0,
    "part_damage_mult": 0.8,
    "default_traits": [],
    "skin": "SynthSkin",
    "cpu": "QPU77k",
    "eyes": "HE7",
    "vocoder": "aria",
    "powercore": "klaxon",
    "arms": "arms_composite",
    "legs": "legs_composite",

    "list_target_tag_chances": {
    "all": 10,
    "luxury": 4,
    "good": 15,
    "nice": 10,
    "cheap": 8,
    "generate_bot_mind_table": "default",
    "model_id": "DiadekAT178",
    "model_name": "Diadek AT178",
    "model_description": "Diadek's premium consumer sex bot",
    "name_variants": "european_names",
    "gender": "female",
    "rate": "A",
    "price_mult": 1.7,
    "psychocore_stability_decay_mult": 0.7,
    "part_damage_mult": 0.7,
    "default_traits": [],
    "skin": "SynthSkin",
    "cpu": "neurotech7",
    "eyes": "FE2",
    "vocoder": "OU56Q",
    "powercore": "ORU429",
    "arms": "mt6",
    "legs": "PL5",

    "list_target_tag_chances": {
    "all": 10,
    "luxury": 10,
    "good": 15,
    "nice": 8,
    "cheap": 4,
    "generate_bot_mind_table": "default",
    "model_id": "DiadekBN700",
    "model_name": "Diadek BN700",
    "model_description": "Diadek's ultra premium offering, only available to select clientele",
    "name_variants": "european_names",
    "gender": "female",
    "rate": "S",
    "price_mult": 2,
    "psychocore_stability_decay_mult": 0.2,
    "part_damage_mult": 0.2,
    "default_traits": [],
    "skin": "OrgSkin",
    "cpu": "MCP1",
    "eyes": "EE4",
    "vocoder": "VS34",
    "powercore": "taurus",
    "arms": "ha5",
    "legs": "hl5",

    "list_target_tag_chances": {
    "all": 5,
    "luxury": 15,
    "good": 10,
    "nice": 11,
    "cheap": 1,
    "generate_bot_mind_table": "default",
    "model_id": "DiadekVQ535",
    "model_name": "Diadek VQ535",
    "model_description": "A tenth aniversary remaster of the bestselling VQ series, featuring the beloved form factor with support for modern components any enthuisiast would be proud to own.",
    "name_variants": "european_names",
    "gender": "female",
    "rate": "A",
    "price_mult": 1.2,
    "psychocore_stability_decay_mult": 0.6,
    "part_damage_mult": 0.7,
    "default_traits": [],
    "default_parts": {
    "skin": "SynthSkin",
    "cpu": "neurotech7",
    "eyes": "FE2",
    "vocoder": "OU56Q",
    "powercore": "ORU429",
    "arms": "mt6",
    "legs": "PL5",
    "all": 10,
    "luxury": 15,
    "good": 10,
    "nice": 8,
    "cheap": 4,
    "generate_bot_mind_table": "default",
    "model_id": "DiadekML312",
    "model_name": "Diadek ML312",
    "model_description": "Diadeks offering targeting the lower middle class market, this bot performs adequately at household chores.",
    "name_variants": "european_names",
    "gender": "female",
    "rate": "C",
    "price_mult": 1,
    "psychocore_stability_decay_mult": 1,
    "part_damage_mult": 1,
    "default_traits": [],
    "default_parts": {
    "skin": "domskin",
    "cpu": "QPU77k",
    "eyes": "PE1",
    "vocoder": "aria",
    "powercore": "klaxon",
    "arms": "arms_composite",
    "legs": "legs_composite",
    "all": 10,
    "luxury": 4,
    "good": 10,
    "nice": 15,
    "cheap": 8,
    "generate_bot_mind_table": "default",
  "model_id": "DiadekEA817",
  "model_name": "Diadek EA817",
  "model_description": "The EA series was originally designed as a secretarial bot for office applications and without sexual function, by popular demand however Diadek included sexual function starting with the 813 series.",
  "name_variants": "japanese_names",
  "gender": "female",
  "rate": "A",
  "price_mult": 1.2,
  "psychocore_stability_decay_mult": 0.7,
  "part_damage_mult": 0.7,
  "default_traits": [],
  "default_parts": {
    "skin": "SynthSkin",
    "cpu": "neurotech7",
    "eyes": "FE2",
    "vocoder": "OU56Q",
    "powercore": "ORU429",
    "arms": "mt6",
    "legs": "PL5",
  "list_target_chances": {},
    "all": 10,
    "luxury": 10,
    "good": 15,
    "nice": 8,
    "cheap": 4,
  "generate_bot_mind_table": "default",
    "id": "EE4",
    "name": "Eagle Eye 4",
    "description": "Featuring 32K resolution per eye and the ability to view light in the visible, ultra violet and infrared spectrum, Sendai Optics is proud to bring you the bleeding edge in robot optics",
    "rate": "S",
    "price_mult": 3.0,
    "slot": "bot_eyes",
    "damage_mult": 3.0,
    "possible_defects": [
    (None, 100,100),(None,0,0),
    "repair_skills": [
    ("mechanics", 30),
    ("electronics", 60),
    ("computers", 10),
    "difficulty": 4.0,
    "all": 10,
    "luxury": 15,
    "good": 10,
    "nice": 8,
    "cheap": 4,
    "id": "FE2",
    "name": "Falcon Eye 2",
    "description": "Featuring 32k resolution per eye in a mil spec frame the Falcon Eye 2 by Sendai is the choice for those who like to live dangerously",
    "rate" : "A",
    "price_mult": 2,
    "slot": "bot_eyes",
    "damage_mult": 0.5,
    (None, 100,100),(None,0,0),
    "repair_skills": [
    ("mechanics", 30),
    ("electronics", 60),
    ("computers", 10),
    "difficulty": 3,
    "all": 10,
    "luxury": 10,
    "good": 15,
    "nice": 8,
    "cheap": 4,
    "id": "HE7",
    "name": "Hawk Eye 7",
    "description": "Featuring 16k resolution per eye as well as night vision mode the Sendai Components Hawk Eye series is a great product for the enthusiast with a budget",
    "rate": "B",
    "price_mult": 1.8,
    "slot": "bot_eyes",
    "damage_mult": 1.6,
    "possible_defects": [
    (None, 100,100),(None,0,0),
    "repair_skills": [
    ("mechanics", 30),
    ("electronics", 60),
    ("computers", 10),
    "difficulty": 2.0,
    "all": 10,
    "luxury": 4,
    "good": 10,
    "nice": 15,
    "cheap": 8,
    "id": "PE1",
    "name": "Parrot Eye 1",
    "description": "Featuring 8K resolution per eye and Sendai's patented vision co-processor for hardware auto error correction this product is the best bang for buck optics available",
    "rate": "C",
    "price_mult": 1,
    "slot": "bot_eyes",
    "damage_mult": 1.3,
    (None, 100,100),(None,0,0),
    "repair_skills": [
    ("mechanics", 30),
    ("electronics", 60),
    ("computers", 10),
    "difficulty": 1,
    "all": 10,
    "luxury": 4,
    "good": 8,
    "nice": 15,
    "cheap": 10,
    "id": "CE9",
    "name": "Chicken Eye 1",
    "description": "featuring 4k resolution per eye the chicken eye 1 is typically used by high schools to teach students the fundamentals of bot optics on a cheap platform.",
    "rate": "D",
    "price_mult": 0.5,
    "slot": "bot_eyes",
    "damage_mult": 1,
    (None, 100,100),(None,0,0),
    "repair_skills": [
    ("mechanics", 70),
    ("electronics", 20),
    ("computers", 10),
    "difficulty": 0.3,
    "all": 10,
    "luxury": 4,
    "good": 8,
    "nice": 10,
    "cheap": 15,
    "id": "Q9984T",
    "name": "Q-994T",
    "description": "Sendai sends its customers this unit while they wait for the repair under warranty for their actual eyes, they don't even ask for it back after.",
    "rate": "E",
    "price_mult": 0.1,
    "slot": "bot_eyes",
    "damage_mult": 0.1,
    (None, 100,100),(None,0,0),
    ("mechanics", 80),
    ("electronics", 15),
    ("computers", 5),
    "difficulty": 0.1,
    "all": 10,
    "luxury": 0,
    "good": 0,
    "nice": 11,
    "cheap": 20,

    "name": "MCP v 1",
    "description": "The Meta-Cognitive Processor is the cutting edge of Quantum CPU Tech. By law a sentience limiter must be hardwired into this product",
    "rate": "S",
    "price_mult": 3.0,
    "slot": "bot_cpu",
    "damage_mult": 0.2,
    (None, 100,100),(None,0,0),
    "repair_skills": [
    ("electronics", 80),
    ("computers", 20),
    "difficulty": 4.0,
    "list_target_chances": {

    "list_target_tag_chances": {
    "all": 10,
    "luxury": 15,
    "good": 10,
    "nice": 8,
    "cheap": 4,
    "name": "QPU 77k",
    "description": "Quantum Processor Unit model 77k is a solid entry level quantum style CPU",
    "rate": "B",
    "price_mult": 1.8,
    "slot": "bot_cpu",
    "damage_mult": 0.8,
    (None, 100,100),(None,0,0),
    "repair_skills": [
    ("electronics", 80),
    ("computers", 20),
    "difficulty": 2.0,
    "list_target_chances": {},
    "list_target_tag_chances": {
    "all": 10,
    "luxury": 4,
    "good": 10,
    "nice": 15,
    "cheap": 8,

    "id": "OrgSkin",
    "name": "Cybernetic Skin",
    "description": "Cloned Human Flesh (XX or XY per request) maintained and fed via nanobots, it feels real because it is real. Bots equipped with this skin are indistinguishable from humans in appearance and feel.",
    "rate": "S",
    "price_mult": 4.0,
    "slot": "bot_skin",
    "damage_mult": 0.1,
    "possible_defects": [
    (None, 100,100),(None,0,0),
    ("Cfreck", 80,1),
    "repair_skills": [
    ("computers", 100),
    "difficulty": 4.0,
    "list_target_chances": {},
    "list_target_tag_chances": {
    "all": 10,
    "luxury": 15,
    "good": 10,
    "nice": 8,
    "cheap": 4,
    "id": "SynthSkin",
    "name": "Synth Skin",
    "description": "The closet to real skin you can get without it being real, 90% of people surveyed can't tell the difference",
    "rate": "A",
    "price_mult": 3.0,
    "slot": "bot_skin",
    "damage_mult": 0.4,
    "possible_defects": [
    (None, 100,100),(None,0,0),
    "repair_skills": [
    ("mechanics", 30),
    ("electronics", 30),
    ("computers", 40),
    "difficulty": 3.0,
    "list_target_chances": {},
    "list_target_tag_chances": {
    "all": 10,
    "luxury": 10,
    "good": 15,
    "nice": 8,
    "cheap": 4,
    "id": "milskin",
    "name": "Mil-Spec Skin",
    "description": "The civilian version of Sendai's military spec bot skin, Substantially more durable than other types making it popular in industrial applications",
    "rate": "B",
    "price_mult": 2.0,
    "slot": "bot_skin",
    "damage_mult": 0.1,
    "possible_defects": [
    (None, 100,100),(None,0,0),
    ("mechanics", 60),
    ("electronics", 30),
    ("computers", 10),
    "difficulty": 1.0,
    "all": 10,
    "luxury": 4,
    "good": 10,
    "nice": 15,
    "cheap": 8,
    "id": "domskin",
    "name": "domestic skin",
    "description": "This bot skin is designed for domestic applications and can stand up to typical household chores, looks real but feels slightly off",
    "rate": "C",
    "price_mult": 1,
    "slot": "bot_skin",
    "damage_mult": 1,
    (None, 100,100),(None,0,0),
    ("mechanics", 60),
    ("electronics", 30),
    ("computers", 10),
    "difficulty": 0.8,
    "all": 10,
    "luxury": 4,
    "good": 8,
    "nice": 15,
    "cheap": 10,

    "id": "VS34",
    "name": "VS 34",
    "description": "The Vocal Simulacrum differs from other vocoders as it is a cloned human mouth (XX or XY per request),tongue, teeth, facial muscles, trachea, wind pipe and lung. All fed, cleaned and maintained by nanobots this unit speaks the same way a human does via inhalation and exhalation through vocal cords",
    "rate": "S",
    "price_mult": 4,
    "slot": "bot_vocoder",
    "damage_mult": 0.1,
    "possible_defects": [
    (None, 100,100),(None,0,0),
    "repair_skills": [
    ("computers", 100),
    "difficulty": 4.0,
    "list_target_tag_chances": {
    "all": 10,
    "luxury": 15,
    "good": 10,
    "nice": 8,
    "cheap": 4,
   "id": "OU56Q",
   "name": "Oration Unit",
   "description": "This unit mimics a human mouth complete with facial muscles for seamless lip syncing and saliva (water). Pitch ,tone and accent can adjusted and speech impediments can be activated if one wishes",
   "rate": "A",
   "price_mult": 3,
   "slot": "bot_vocoder",
   "damage_mult": 0.5,
   "possible_defects": [
    (None, 100,100),(None,0,0),
   ("computers", 20),
   ("mechanics", 40),
   ("electronics", 40),
   "difficulty": 3.0,
    "all": 10,
    "luxury": 10,
    "good": 15,
    "nice": 8,
    "cheap": 4,
  "name": "Parlez",
  "description": "Mass market vocoder by Sendai. Affordable and sounds right but lip sync is tied to the lips only and not the underlying facial 'muscles' giving a slight uncanny valley effect when the bot speaks",
  "rate": "C",
  "price_mult": 1,
  "slot": "bot_vocoder",
  "damage_mult": 1,
  "possible_defects": [
    (None, 100,100),(None,0,0),
  ("computers", 20),
  ("mechanics", 40),
  ("electronics", 40),
  "difficulty": 1,
    "all": 10,
    "luxury": 4,
    "good": 8,
    "nice": 15,
    "cheap": 10,
    "id": "taurus",
    "name": "Taurus",
    "description": "The Taurus is the pinnacle of bot powercore tech, the fuel pellets on board last for 80 years and the unit self maintains anything other than severe damage",
    "rate": "S",
    "price_mult": 4,
    "slot": "bot_powercore",
    "damage_mult": 0.2,
    (None, 100,100),(None,0,0),
    "repair_skills": [
    ("electronics", 70),
    ("mechanics", 20),
    ("computers", 10),
    "difficulty": 4.0,
    "list_target_tag_chances": {
    "all": 10,
    "luxury": 15,
    "good": 10,
    "nice": 8,
    "cheap": 4,
    "id": "ORU429",
    "name": "Organic Reactor",
    "description": "The Organic Reactor can be powered via the consumption of carbohydrates, sugars and proteins. This is popular in bot brothels as an average ejaculations worth of semen contains enough protein to power the bot for 3 hours",
    "rate": "A",
    "price_mult": 3,
    "slot": "bot_powercore",
    "damage_mult": 0.7,
    (None, 100,100),(None,0,0),
    ("electronics", 70),
    ("mechanics", 20),
    ("computers", 10),
    "difficulty": 3.0,
    "all": 10,
    "luxury": 10,
    "good": 15,
    "nice": 8,
    "cheap": 4,
    "id": "klaxon",
    "name": "Klaxon mk 2",
    "description": "The Klaxon mk 2 is Sendai's Mil-Spec powercore, offering rugged durability.",
    "rate": "B",
    "price_mult": 2,
    "slot": "bot_powercore",
    "damage_mult": 0.1,
    (None, 100,100),(None,0,0),
    ("electronics", 70),
    ("mechanics", 20),
    ("computers", 10),
    "difficulty": 2.0,
    "all": 10,
    "luxury": 4,
    "good": 10,
    "nice": 15,
    "cheap": 8,
    "id": "ha5",
    "name": "Hyper Arms",
    "description": "These arms are made from a proprietary hyper alloy making them both stronger than steel and lighter than human bone, coupled with bleeding edge actuators these arms provide unmatched dexterity.",
    "rate": "S",
    "price_mult": 4,
    "slot": "bot_arms",
    "damage_mult": 0.1,
    "possible_defects": [
    (None, 100,100),(None,0,0),
    "repair_skills": [
    ("mechanics", 85),
    ("electronics", 10),
    ("computers", 5),
    "difficulty": 4.0,
    "list_target_chances": {},
    "list_target_tag_chances": {
    "all": 10,
    "luxury": 15,
    "good": 10,
    "nice": 8,
    "cheap": 4,
    "id": "hl5",
    "name": "Hyper Legs",
    "description": "These legs are made from a proprietary hyper alloy making them both stronger than steel and lighter than human bone, coupled with bleeding edge actuators these arms provide unmatched dexterity.",
    "rate": "S",
    "price_mult": 4,
    "slot": "bot_legs",
    "damage_mult": 0.1,
    "possible_defects": [
    (None, 100,100),(None,0,0),
    "repair_skills": [
    ("mechanics", 85),
    ("electronics", 10),
    ("computers", 5),
    "difficulty": 4.0,
    "list_target_chances": {},
    "list_target_tag_chances": {
    "all": 10,
    "luxury": 15,
    "good": 10,
    "nice": 8,
    "cheap": 4,
    "id": "PL5",
    "name": "Precision Legs",
    "description": "These legs are constructed from carbon composites and contain industry leading actuators for high performance dexterity",
    "rate": "A",
    "price_mult": 3,
    "slot": "bot_legs",
    "damage_mult": 0.6,
    "possible_defects": [
    (None, 100,100),(None,0,0),
    "repair_skills": [
    ("mechanics", 85),
    ("electronics", 10),
    ("computers", 5),
    "difficulty": 3.0,
    "list_target_chances": {},
    "list_target_tag_chances": {
    "all": 10,
    "luxury": 10,
    "good": 15,
    "nice": 8,
    "cheap": 4,
    "id": "mt6",
    "name": "Med-Tech arms",
    "description": "These arms contain a suite of sensors allowing the bot to monitor heart rate, blood O2, temperature and muscle tension. While designed for medical applications these units are also popular in sex bots as the sensor data allows bots to respond to their partners physiological signs during intercourse",
    "rate": "A",
    "price_mult": 3,
    "slot": "bot_arms",
    "damage_mult": 0.4,
    "possible_defects": [
    (None, 100,100),(None,0,0),
    "repair_skills": [
    ("mechanics", 40),
    ("electronics", 40),
    ("computers", 20),
    "difficulty": 3.0,
    "list_target_chances": {},
    "list_target_tag_chances": {
    "all": 10,
    "luxury": 10,
    "good": 15,
    "nice": 8,
    "cheap": 4,

    "id": "dead_pixels",
    "name": "Dead pixels",
    "description": "Eyes' iris display has some dead pixels, breaking iris patterns.",
    "part_price_mult": 0.25,
    "repairable": False,
    "id": "wart",
    "name": "Wart",
    "description": "A Wart like growth has appeared on this organic component",
    "can_apply_multiple": True,
    "part_price_mult": 0.8,
    "repairable": True,
    "fix_requirements": [],
    "difficulty": 3.5,
    "disabling": False,
    "destroyed": False,
    "id": "Cfreck",
    "name": "Cute Freckles",
    "description": "The bot has developed freckles, normally a defect these actually improve the bots appearance",
    "can_apply_multiple": False,
    "part_price_mult": 1.2,
    "repairable": True,
    "fix_requirements": [],
    "difficulty": 3.5,
    "disabling": False,
    "destroyed": False,
    "id": "Ufreck",
    "name": "Ugly Freckles",
    "description": "The bot has developed freckles that detract from its appearance",
    "can_apply_multiple": True,
    "part_price_mult": 0.8,
    "repairable": True,
    "fix_requirements": [],
    "difficulty": 3.5,
    "disabling": False,
    "destroyed": False,
    "id": "cancer",
    "name": "Cancer",
    "description": "This organic component has developed cancer beyond what its nanites can correct causing unsightly growths",
    "can_apply_multiple": True,
    "part_price_mult": 0.1,
    "repairable": False,
    "fix_requirements": [],
    "difficulty": 3.5,
    "disabling": False,
    "destroyed": False,
    "id": "dead",
    "name": "Dead",
    "description": "The organic part of this component is dead, throw it in the garbage before it starts to stink",
    "can_apply_multiple": False,
    "part_price_mult": 0,
    "repairable": False,
    "fix_requirements": [],
    "difficulty": 100,
    "disabling": True,
    "destroyed": True,
    "id": "Sticky",
    "name": "Sticky Actuator",
    "description": "An actuator has started to stick inhibiting freedom of movement in the limb",
    "can_apply_multiple": True,
    "part_price_mult": 0.6,
    "repairable": True,
    "fix_requirements": [],
    "difficulty": 1,
    "disabling": False,
    "destroyed": False,
    "id": "frozjoin",
    "name": "Frozen Joint",
    "description": "A major joint has fused, while the other limb has full mobility this one cannot be fixed and must be replaced.",
    "can_apply_multiple": False,
    "part_price_mult": 0.2,
    "repairable": False,
    "difficulty": 100,
    "disabling": False,
    "destroyed": False,
    "id": "BlAct",
    "name": "Blown Actuator",
    "description": "An actuator has failed replacement required.",
    "can_apply_multiple": False,
    "part_price_mult": 0.3,
    "repairable": True,
    "fix_requirements": [],
    "difficulty": 2,
    "disabling": True,
    "destroyed": False,
    "name": "Uncalibrated Sensor",
    "description": "A sensor has lost calibration",
    "can_apply_multiple": True,
    "part_price_mult": 0.6,
    "repairable": True,
    "fix_requirements": [],
    "difficulty": 1,
    "disabling": False,
    "destroyed": False,
    "id": "snap",
    "name": "Snapped Limb",
    "description": "The limp has snapped completely and is dangling by cables held in place only by the skin",
    "can_apply_multiple": False,
    "part_price_mult": 0.1,
    "repairable": False,
    "fix_requirements": [],
    "difficulty": 100,
    "destroyed": True,
    "id": "paralax",
    "name": "Parallax Calc Error",
    "description": "The software than runs parallax calculations for depth perception is returning NAN to function calls",
    "can_apply_multiple": False,
    "part_price_mult": 0.5,
    "repairable": True,
    "fix_requirements": [],
    "difficulty": 1.4,
    "disabling": True,
    "destroyed": False,
    "id": "RotFail",
    "name": "Rotation failure",
    "description": "An eye actuator is damaged reducing the range of movement in the eye.",
    "can_apply_multiple": True,
    "part_price_mult": 0.8,
    "repairable": True,
    "fix_requirements": [],
    "difficulty": 1.0,
    "disabling": False,
    "destroyed": False,
    "id": "shatlens",
    "name": "Shattered Lens",
    "description": "The Lens on the eye is completely shattered",
    "can_apply_multiple": False,
    "part_price_mult": 0.1,
    "repairable": False,
    "fix_requirements": [],
    "difficulty": 100,
    "disabling": True,
    "destroyed": True,
    "id": "quantunn",
    "name": "Quantum Tunneling",
    "description": "Electrons moving through the processor have begun teleporting via quantum tunneling, the processor cannot function",
    "can_apply_multiple": False,
    "part_price_mult": 0.1,
    "repairable": False,
    "fix_requirements": [],
    "difficulty": 100,
    "disabling": True,
    "destroyed": True,
    "id": "therthrot",
    "name": "Thermal Throttling",
    "description": "The cooling on this processor has failed to keep pace with thermal output causing a thermal throttle",
    "can_apply_multiple": True,
    "part_price_mult": 0.6,
    "repairable": True,
    "fix_requirements": [],
    "difficulty": 1.1,
    "disabling": False,
    "destroyed": False,
    "id": "bentsock",
    "name": "Bent Socket",
    "description": "The socket connector on the CPU has bent",
    "can_apply_multiple": False,
    "part_price_mult": 0.3,
    "repairable": True,
    "fix_requirements": [],
    "difficulty": 1.1,
    "disabling": True,
    "destroyed": False,
    "id": "chiplet",
    "name": "Bad Chiplet",
    "description": "One of the several chiplets on the CPU has irreparably failed, CPU still functions but at diminished capacity",
    "can_apply_multiple": False,
    "part_price_mult": 0.4,
    "repairable": False,
    "fix_requirements": [],
    "difficulty": 1.1,
    "disabling": true,
    "destroyed": False,
    "id": "muscle",
    "name": "Muscle Tense",
    "description": "The simulated muscle under the skin has locked into an always tense state, the bot looks like it's flexing the 'muscle' constantly",
    "can_apply_multiple": True,
    "part_price_mult": 0.8,
    "repairable": True,
    "difficulty": 1,
    "disabling": False,
    "destroyed": False,
    "id": "skeldet",
    "name": "Skeletal Detachment",
    "description": "The Skin has detached from the bots endo-skeleton",
    "can_apply_multiple": False,
    "part_price_mult": 0.2,
    "repairable": True,
    "fix_requirements": [],
    "difficulty": 1,
    "disabling": True,
    "destroyed": False,
    "id": "deglove",
    "name": "Degloved",
    "description": "The 'flesh' covering the bots hand has been completely torn off, while still functional the hand is unsightly and internal components are exposed to the elements.",
    "can_apply_multiple": False,
    "part_price_mult": 0.2,
    "repairable": False,
    "fix_requirements": [],
    "difficulty": 100,
    "disabling": False,
    "destroyed": False,
    "id": "brn",
    "name": "Burns",
    "description": "The skin sub system has been subjected to electrical overload causing severe burns. The unit is non functional and cannot be repaired.",
    "can_apply_multiple": False,
    "part_price_mult": 0.1,
    "repairable": False,
    "fix_requirements": [],
    "difficulty": 100,
    "disabling": False,
    "destroyed": True,
    "id": "langcorr",
    "name": "Language compiler has detected a fatal kernel error. The vocoders bios will need to be re-flashed.",
    "can_apply_multiple": False,
    "part_price_mult": 0.3,
    "repairable": True,
    "difficulty": 1,
    "disabling": True,
    "id": "magfail",
    "name": "Magnetic driver failure",
    "can_apply_multiple": False,
    "part_price_mult": 0.2,
    "repairable": False,
    "difficulty": 100,
    "destroyed": True,
    "id": "decmembrane",
    "name": "Decoupled membrane",
    "description": "The vibration membrane has decoupled from its housing and cannot be re-seated, while the unit still functions it sounds like an old FM radio when you drive into a tunnel",
    "can_apply_multiple": False,
    "part_price_mult": 0.1,
    "repairable": False,
    "fix_requirements": [],
    "difficulty": 100,
    "disabling": False,
    "destroyed": False,
    "name": "Oxidised Pellet",
    "description": "The fuel pellet that powered this Taurus unit has been exposed to oxygen which has oxydised the pellet and is thus no longer capable of generating power",
    "can_apply_multiple": False,
    "part_price_mult": 0.1,
    "repairable": False,
    "difficulty": 100,
    "destroyed": True,
    "name": "Organic corrosion",
    "description": "The internal contacts in the organic reactor have corroded, the device is no longer functional",
    "can_apply_multiple": False,
    "part_price_mult": 0.1,
    "repairable": False,
    "difficulty": 100,
    "destroyed": True,
    "name": "Partial corrosion",
    "description": "The internal contacts in the organic reactor have partially corroded, the device functions at diminished capacity",
    "can_apply_multiple": False,
    "part_price_mult": 0.1,
    "repairable": False,
    "difficulty": 100,
    "disabling": False,
    "destroyed": False,
    "id": "bachinf",
    "name": "Bacterial Infestation",
    "description": "The organic reactors reaction chamber has become host to a strain of bacteria that is reducing the efficiency of the catalyzation process",
    "can_apply_multiple": True,
    "part_price_mult": 0.8,
    "repairable": True,
    "difficulty": 1,
    "disabling": False,
    "destroyed": False,
    "id": "biota",
    "name": "Microbiota failure",
    "description": "The organic reactor functions with the assistance of helpful bacteria, this bacteria has died and must be replaced for the unit to function",
    "can_apply_multiple": False,
    "part_price_mult": True,
    "repairable": True,
    "fix_requirements": [],
    "difficulty": 1,
    "disabling": True,
    "destroyed": False,
    "id": "uvolt",
    "name": "Under Volt",
    "description": "The powercore is not outputting the expected voltage while still functional it is operating at a reduced capacity",
    "can_apply_multiple": True,
    "part_price_mult": 0.5,
    "repairable": True,
    "fix_requirements": [],
    "difficulty": 1,
    "disabling": False,
    "destroyed": False,
    "id": "ccasing",
    "name": "Cracked Casing",
    "description": "An internal casing has cracked preventing the unit from generating power.",
    "can_apply_multiple": False,
    "part_price_mult": 0.3,
    "repairable": True,
    "fix_requirements": [],
    "difficulty": 1,
    "disabling": True,
    "id": "EMFF",
    "name": "EMF Failure",
    "description": "Failure might be a bit strong but the magnetic containment has diminished forcing the unit to operate at a diminished capacity, its cheaper to replace the whole unit than replace the magnets",
    "can_apply_multiple": False,
    "part_price_mult": 0.2,
    "repairable": False,
    "difficulty": 100,
    "disabling": False,
    "destroyed": False,
    "id": "catdam",
    "name": "Catastrophic Internal Damage",
    "description": "The internal components look like someone hit it with a frag grenade.",
    "part_price_mult": 0.1,
    "repairable": False,
    "fix_requirements": [],
    "difficulty": 100,
    "destroyed": True,
Edit: Corrected spelling errors and reduced the spawn rate of the S tier bot, corrected the the name tag in the Parlez vocoder
Why are none of the pics loading? Is there a particular name this json should be?


New Member
Aug 9, 2017
I've put together a small, 4 Bot mod with 3D animation as an experiment and figured I'd share it for the greater good.
There's 1 B, 2 A's and one S. I tinkered with the drop rates and values to try not to screw up too much balancing, but that'll depend on what other mods are running I suppose.
Oddly enough, I think I had the most fun writing the fluff text...

Cheers, and enjoy!
  • Like
Reactions: Radnor


Game Developer
Nov 9, 2021
Radnor : Just catching up on the blog while looking for more mods and ran across the cyber idea. Interesting. My take on making this work would be to add a Medlab to the workshop, and a Medic to the skills. She would evolve from First-aider to Plastic/Neuro Surgeon in her training. Combat training would be how the broken bot gets her mobility functions back. (Think as in terms of a coma, or paralysis from a fight, or too much rough sex. The Medlab would have a grow tank for regenerating cyber-skin, etc.)
This probably would work better as capsule upgrade i think. As for extra Medic skill, i thought about adding some sort of "meatbags expertise" skill to bots, same as MC has "computers". Would fit nicely to clinic clients/locations. Also if i add MC implants would work quite well with "nurse" role or something like. Maybe, but no promises. Still thinking about it.
  • Like
Reactions: JoStark


Game Developer
Nov 9, 2021
Has anyone managed to find a way to mod the max number of capsules at all? 6 is just too few for people like me who gotta catch 'em all.
I don't know anything about modding, etc, but I wonder if someone could make the pod list, like the shelf list where you can go to the next shelf. Sorry if that's a dumb suggestion.
Will try to squeeze at least bulk offline storage option next update, adding more closets will require extra work on UI.
I personally don't think having 50 pages of bots is something good, but eventually i will add some workshop upgrades to list of moddable things, including capsules count.
Technically game should work with lots of bots, it is mostly UI rework.


Oct 19, 2018
I've put together a small, 4 Bot mod with 3D animation as an experiment and figured I'd share it for the greater good.
There's 1 B, 2 A's and one S. I tinkered with the drop rates and values to try not to screw up too much balancing, but that'll depend on what other mods are running I suppose.
Oddly enough, I think I had the most fun writing the fluff text...


Cheers, and enjoy!
One of your text seems wrong, on the first bot:
"Sociologists marked the appearance of the At least she fixes the... adverts for the 161T in Women's Household magazines as a turning point in the cultural acceptance of Sex-Bots"
The "At least she fixes the..." seems like a bad copy-paste


New Member
Aug 9, 2017
One of your text seems wrong, on the first bot:
"Sociologists marked the appearance of the At least she fixes the... adverts for the 161T in Women's Household magazines as a turning point in the cultural acceptance of Sex-Bots"
The "At least she fixes the..." seems like a bad copy-paste
Thank you! I had tried putting that in quotes, i.e. that the Adverts were using the text "At least she fixes the..." but I couldn't get the quotes to work within the quotes for the script so I just axed them. I've updated the script for clarity (hopefully):

"model_description": "The Breitling 161T was originally marketed towards Mechanics with adverts placed in car and workshop magazines, but later it came to have the highest acceptance rating amongst spouses. Sociologists marked the appearance of the 161T advertising campaign 'At least SHE fixed the dishwasher...' in Women's Household magazines as a turning point in the cultural acceptance of Sex-Bots.",

I've also updated the file in the Mega folder to reflect the change. Cheers!


Oct 19, 2018
Thank you! I had tried putting that in quotes, i.e. that the Adverts were using the text "At least she fixes the..." but I couldn't get the quotes to work within the quotes for the script so I just axed them. I've updated the script for clarity (hopefully):

"model_description": "The Breitling 161T was originally marketed towards Mechanics with adverts placed in car and workshop magazines, but later it came to have the highest acceptance rating amongst spouses. Sociologists marked the appearance of the 161T advertising campaign 'At least SHE fixed the dishwasher...' in Women's Household magazines as a turning point in the cultural acceptance of Sex-Bots.",

I've also updated the file in the Mega folder to reflect the change. Cheers!
You can use other quotes like this ones “” to use in the text.
  • Like
Reactions: CuriousCorvus


Game Developer
Nov 9, 2021
Thank you! I had tried putting that in quotes, i.e. that the Adverts were using the text "At least she fixes the..." but I couldn't get the quotes to work within the quotes for the script so I just axed them. I've updated the script for clarity (hopefully):

"model_description": "The Breitling 161T was originally marketed towards Mechanics with adverts placed in car and workshop magazines, but later it came to have the highest acceptance rating amongst spouses. Sociologists marked the appearance of the 161T advertising campaign 'At least SHE fixed the dishwasher...' in Women's Household magazines as a turning point in the cultural acceptance of Sex-Bots.",

I've also updated the file in the Mega folder to reflect the change. Cheers!
"This is description with \"quoted\" part."
'This is another description with "quoted" part.'


Nov 6, 2017
Why are none of the pics loading? Is there a particular name this json should be?
That's his first version. It doesn't have any assets so you have to make your own or remove the bots from the json. Check the mod link in the OP and there's a link to his update which includes assets.


Aug 16, 2017
Will try to squeeze at least bulk offline storage option next update, adding more closets will require extra work on UI.
I personally don't think having 50 pages of bots is something good, but eventually i will add some workshop upgrades to list of moddable things, including capsules count.
Technically game should work with lots of bots, it is mostly UI rework.
I'm not saying that 50 pages of bots is a good idea, but six does seem a rather small coterie when you're planning to include new mission types along with other new features involving them.

Not to mention the collecting thing. :)
  • Red Heart
Reactions: X-Topic


Jun 2, 2017
I'm not saying that 50 pages of bots is a good idea, but six does seem a rather small coterie when you're planning to include new mission types along with other new features involving them.

Not to mention the collecting thing. :)
I'd just add a storage option. Put the ones in timeout under the floorboards or somethin. They're in your inventory, just not in pods and you'll have to put another away if you want to use your super fighter or whatever.
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: Radnor


Jun 2, 2017
I'd just add a storage option. Put the ones in timeout under the floorboards or somethin. They're in your inventory, just not in pods and you'll have to put another away if you want to use your super fighter or whatever.
Wut? You put me in a dingy craphole at bottom of nowhere. Gotta make use of available space. I agree however. 6 pods is more than enough.
Get to moving on up, to a D-lux apartment in the sky. You can add a couple more pods.
  • Angry
Reactions: X-Topic
4.60 star(s) 45 Votes