
Oct 5, 2017
1. Am I understand right that if you go for hypnotherapy (Moscow's best Analrapist) quest you will play as a bimbo?
2. Can you somehow go without underwear if you are not a bimbo? I don't really like intelligence drain themes, tho I would love to see a heroine as a full slut...
3. For some reason CTRL key does not work for me, how can I fix it?


Active Member
Sep 17, 2019
1. Am I understand right that if you go for hypnotherapy (Moscow's best Analrapist) quest you will play as a bimbo?
2. Can you somehow go without underwear if you are not a bimbo? I don't really like intelligence drain themes, tho I would love to see a heroine as a full slut...
3. For some reason CTRL key does not work for me, how can I fix it?
1 You get the option during it to be a bimbo, either that or a slut, to be honest last time I played neither of them really did anything, they did not increase lust, though the bimbo option did drop the characters int by about 6 or so.

2 Think so but not too sure what is required to allow it.

To be honest I found the mind control stuff a bit odd as it was supposed to turn you into a sex toy of whichever sort, but never actually increased lust which blocked pretty much every choice you could make for most of the sex stuff as lust was never high enough. And there never seemed to be a way of increasing lust by more that about 1 point, once.

3 Try hitting enter then trying ctlr to speed things up it seems that sometimes it does not register the ctrl.
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Aug 19, 2017
Since it seems I have to wait forever, what's he saying in the last update?

Howdy! I’m alive and here with another progress report, plus some insight into our heads:
Both me and Moana were away to visit our friends and families, due to the new year and orthodox christmas (I’m not sure what exact religion that is, but our families celebrate it).
While we would normally forget about any celebrations and work on the update instead, we just couldn’t do it this time, because it’s the only time of the year when we need to be with our families, apart from birthdays, marriages and other human traditions.
We knew that this would happen - we knew that we will take a break, that’s why we were rushing to release 0.4.7 before the new year.
That said, we resumed our work this Wednesday, and finished what we wanted to release last year in one day. We’ve tested it yesterday and it works, but since we’ve delayed our game anyways - we decided to take a different route and add more stuff for it (stuff that was cut for time reasons).
I will explain what was our reasoning behind all of this next, and hopefully you will be able to understand why we did what we did.

Looking back, I believe we had two options:
Option A
- finish what we can before the new year.
Pros: Celebrating holidays at peace, pleasing our supporters, speeding up the development of the game, bring in new patrons. In case of success it’s good for everyone - players, developers, the game and the project in general.
Cons: Most likely the release won’t have the artwork for npcs, items and a shop, which we will then add in the bugfix. Needs a “release date” to work, and we might fail and disappoint everyone, including ourselves. In case of failure - we will lose supporters.

Option B - release new version two or so weeks later, but complete.
Pros: New version will be complete - all artwork and all events. Minimal disappointment and stress, minimal risk and losses.
Cons: It won’t be a “new year” release and we wouldn’t be able to rest with it over our heads. Without the release date we won’t work as efficiently as we can, so it’s less efficient than “option A”.

Clearly we went with the first option and made a bet on ourselves. In our eyes, it was a high risk - high reward type of deal.
To give ourselves an additional motivation and a fighting chance, we decided to announce the release date. We were aware that in case of failure the consequences would be “less than ideal” to put it lightly, but we believed that the reward was worth it.
Because of that decision, we worked day and night when we could (sometimes for 30 hours straight), and almost immediately it became painfully apparent that we wouldn’t make it by the end of the year. So we decided to cut down some stuff - npc character art, item’s art, artwork for the shops and etc.
Unfortunately, even with our “cuts” we couldn’t finish it in time, due to a variety of quite diverse problems - wrong art, wrong text and etc.
Clearly option A was a failure, and we were left with no choice but to announce the delay and watch the consequences, while doing our best to not think about the game and “celebrating” holidays.
That said, We started working again this Wednesday and finished what we wanted to release last year in one day - version without npcs, items and shop art. We were so close to making it work.
You might have noticed that our game has a lot of unfinished quests and locations, that’s because we easily get distracted with new ideas, and we usually move on without ever finishing our quests. That’s why we want to finish the entire gym now - so we could forget about it. And that’s why I was writing farm at the same time as we were working on the gym - so we could finally start doing “complete” quests and events moving forward.
Due to everything I’ve mentioned above, “Option B” became our “Plan B”, and we are now working on the “complete” Defenestration styled gym experience.

Concerning the release date - I already did the artwork for half of the involved npcs and finished the item’s shop art, all that's left to do from “major stuff” is to make a repeatable “fifth” event for the gym, and test out how gropings system works - Moana is currently on it.
We still need some time to finish it, because I won’t be able to work on the weekends, but the end is right around the corner.
In conclusion, our old friend “deadline” did what it always does, it speeded up the development and we, in turn, have failed it (as per usual).
This year we have a lot of major plans for the game, and we will continue to experiment with our development cycle to find the most efficient and pleasant solution for everyone involved.
Most likely, we will attempt this again for the next “New Year” release, but for now, we will stay away from any dates in order to not disappoint you.
Please tell us if we’re overthinking it, and unnecessarily overcomplicating things. I will stay away from all social media for a couple of days more, just so I could focus on the game. Plus, I still have some relatives to see and I’m currently juggling between the game and my personal life.
Thank You for your support, patience and, most of all, for tolerating our weird behaviour, we’ll do our best to do better!

itMe Bobby

Dec 19, 2018
Due i think fresh mulan really need a break after this 0.4.7 update , it seems he been working real hard on the game :v


New Member
Oct 7, 2019
Who would have thought, another delay... Well I am "truly" surprised by this kind of development... When is it set now I wonder next week, month or maybe even next year who knows? Place your bets here, as for the winnings well you already have them, you have massive pile of disappointment, who would refuse such generous award...


Game Developer
Mar 23, 2018
Who would have thought, another delay... Well I am "truly" surprised by this kind of development... When is it set now I wonder next week, month or maybe even next year who knows? Place your bets here, as for the winnings well you already have them, you have massive pile of disappointment, who would refuse such generous award...
I bet it will be ready by next year, but who knows?


Mar 26, 2018
anybody know how to get rid of the tail? i put it on wanting to see what that "curious kitty" option was now it's stuck and last time i saved was forever ago. (edit) on another note just decided to soldier on and deal with the shitty tail and found a nice infinite loop glitch during the AI quest so i suggest staying away from the computer
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Oct 14, 2016
so, i played it (till the point where you enter deep sewer), i like it. the art at first, seemed bad... you know... the uncanny valley kind but then it grew on me pretty quick. i like it. the world building is neat and the gameplay is good also. though i just cheated to add cash cos the waiter mission is broken. the dialog is hilarious. now.... let's get to the bad part.....
dont turn into bimbo if you dont like placeholder plastered behind your character. it also breaks the getting caught in new you mission by making your character become a girl with a failed mohawk hairstyle. the game also seems to have memory lek since running it slowly increases my ram usage faster than witcher 3 does. solution? save and f5. it resets the rpgmv and thus the ram usage goes down. hope the dev fixes it. also, the new you uniform kinda breaks when you leave the hospital 'sometime' by which i mean you appear to still be wearing hospital outfit on the side art whch is easily fixed by pressing ~ button. thats all can think of.
now, some things to wrap this up. i like the game (though the start should be fixed to make sense better since i remember being lost after coming back to dorm after the game starts unlike every other transition object till that point(doors and such) the subway one needs you to press enter/z to interact and you cant just walk into it to work while the liquor+waitress thing just confuses you. made me feel like i failed in correctly downloading the game. also just in case if a certain change will lead to "placeholder" like bimbo change, please add a warning about it or give an option to change back to older look temporarily. also, i should add i really like the outfit you get when you get caught in new you (kinda always like the idea of bondage clothing in games that also effect gameplay) and hope that you either add it as an option in outfits or it makes a comeback. XD
thanks for making the game and FreshMulan i know people are railing you hard for the buggy release, but next time take your time. fans can be understanding when say we may need to delay release instead of make a buggy release. that coupled with the fact that progress reports are usually behind patreon kinda could peeve some people off. (i noticed you do interact with people here so maybe you release the reports here too but... well.... there are 90 pages and i am only human... :p )
cheers. looking to your next release so i can continue the game.
ps-does selling katya out have any gameplay and story effect?
pps- also, do the stats mean anything for now?


Sep 18, 2018
It's a shame that I have to make this my first post out of lurking, but I figure I owe the game creator one.

1. Let's chill on Mulan. I got this for free here, and it's a fine piece of work. At least you know they're working on it.

2. Tracing art is not "stealing." Lots of artists trace when they first start out, that's one of the ways you learn. Time and effort still needs to be put in, and transformative works of originals are also protected under most copyright laws.


Jul 24, 2017
It's a shame that I have to make this my first post out of lurking, but I figure I owe the game creator one.

1. Let's chill on Mulan. I got this for free here, and it's a fine piece of work. At least you know they're working on it.

2. Tracing art is not "stealing." Lots of artists trace when they first start out, that's one of the ways you learn. Time and effort still needs to be put in, and transformative works of originals are also protected under most copyright laws.
The problem is not that he is late, or tracing. He lied several times about releasing an update. Year ago he started rework, and for several months was promising that it was almost done, starting voting for new content. He released it half done after 8 months, and right now it is still not fully remade. December 25 he was promising to post new update and disapeared. Now he is back with some promises, of course because patreon payment is closing. He fell of the hype train his game had when he was updating regularly, and now is milking old patrons, doing nothing visible.
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