3.30 star(s) 66 Votes


Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

You need to get a hold of one of the staff on the site and let them know that you are a developer so that they can give you the developer tag.


Active Member
Jul 24, 2017
LOL. No, I'm not 3Diddly. And, if I was, why would I hide it? Odd suspicion.

Some elements of the visual style of the game are inspired by KC though.
Why would you hide it?
Because the reputation of the person known as 3Diddly is somewhat tarnished on here, by his previous failures to barely complete any of several projects he's attempted thus far, so I think it's unlikey he would undertake another project using that alias.
Like I said, I wouldn't expect you to admit it.

As for your second point, I'd say the visual style is almost identical to KC, not just inspired by it.

I downloaded your game, more out of curiousity than anything. I tried it and promptly deleted it. I've little to no interest in it.

Some people may well like this kind of thing. I don't, I'm afriad. Good luck with it, anyway.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2017
Thanks. I hope you enjoy it.
Yes I liked it and can't wait to see more :) (as of now there's only one sex scene right?)
I think the quality is there if you'll ever wish to put it on Patreon or similar services (the hopefully upcoming Sponsorion for example)


Active Member
Jul 24, 2017
Well, I disagree with that opinion.

First, I thought that the general quality of what was rendered is fine.

Next, the focus of the game is to interact with many other characters, so I expect the game to be dynamic, perhaps even with some animations here and there to display emotions : eyes, face, hands, posture, etc. Some foreground renders (of the characters) would make perfect sense in that perspective.

Fully rendering everything would make the game more static, not to mention cost and time prohibitive. I'd rather the author release new content in timely fashion than creating yet another never-finished pseudo-kinetic VN with the same copy/paste DAZ characters. F95 is full of those buggy, bloated, uninspired slide-shows, so if that's what someone is looking for they shouldn't have any issues finding something that fits.

Releasing a game in 75 Mo is a commendable feat nowadays, to the credit of the author.
Well, good for you.
We've obviously got different ideas as to what quality is.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't mind criticism and don't take it personally.
Excellent. That kind of attitude will help a lot in the long run.

IMO, once the controversial scene is put in context of the entire story, it will not loom quite so large as an issue. As the game progresses, it does (IMO) become a lot more nuanced and the MC is given a lot more options. Of course, if one simply won't play games with blackmail elements in them, then this is not the game for you, as there are branches and themes in this game which involve that element.
An issue with this is placement. It is the first sexual scene, it is very early on in the story, and it is very much so set up in a messy 'do this or else' kind of way that doesn't make much sense in the context of the story for reasons already described. With no warning or even understanding of why this scene is here and why the player absolutely needs to see it, you are gonna lose a lot of players from the bad taste such a scene leaves. We have no idea what is going to come next, and being forced to go through a scene like that, seemingly without reason, and with absolutely no way around it despite it being a seemingly easy to avoid scenario, doesn't paint a pleasant picture for how the rest of the game will turn out.

It also paints a contradictory picture. You claim that the game won't revolve around blackmail, but that is exactly what this scene sets up. The way it is structured implies that the rest of the game simply cannot happen without this blackmail scene going through without the player trying to fight it. Otherwise, why wouldn't the player be able to find a way out of this? Like having turned in the file to her boss and pointing out that someone could have just used her log-in info to steal the data.

The reason I put so much emphasis on this scene is what it implies for later on in the game. You have wrenched control from the player to make this happen without giving the player any understanding of why, and with the information currently available to us the scene makes little to no sense. We have nothing else to go on, so how do we know that the rest of the game won't be the same? To top it off, it is forcing the player to participate in a very particular fetish that is either loved or hated with little in-between. The only other option made available to the player is simply not playing the game. This heavily implies that the game isn't just going to have elements of blackmail, but that we can expect blackmail to be a centerpiece of the content for all branches. If she couldn't stop it here, how is she going to stop it later? Blackmail has been introduced early on. Someone already has blackmail material on her that she apparently can't fight against without ending the game. I doubt he is simply going to delete those records he has on her because of a handy.

I'll be honest about my bias here. I hate blackmail as a fetish. Not simply dislike, but complete abhorrence. Partially because of how common it is and partially because of very personal reasons I'd rather not discuss. I can never just play the office slut anymore. These days there always has to be at the very least a random throw away line about how I'll get fired or framed for something if I don't comply, like having the MC's boss being the one saying to get on your knees isn't enough of a powerplay. This sparks my more rebellious side that would rather spite said character than have the sex scene, but rarely does a game let me act on that, typically having even the flimsiest blackmail material suddenly giving some sleazeball complete control over my character without my input. It makes content revolving around that fetish incredibly frustrating, even more so when it is unexpected.


Game Developer
Sep 9, 2017
Excellent. That kind of attitude will help a lot in the long run.

An issue with this is placement. It is the first sexual scene, it is very early on in the story, and it is very much so set up in a messy 'do this or else' kind of way that doesn't make much sense in the context of the story for reasons already described. With no warning or even understanding of why this scene is here and why the player absolutely needs to see it, you are gonna lose a lot of players from the bad taste such a scene leaves. We have no idea what is going to come next, and being forced to go through a scene like that, seemingly without reason, and with absolutely no way around it despite it being a seemingly easy to avoid scenario, doesn't paint a pleasant picture for how the rest of the game will turn out.
Yes, I can see that now. When writing the game, I envisioned the whole thing, not just the first chapter. In retrospect, I didn't really think through how the scene would impact the first chapter in and of itself. The whole story is eight chapters and I maintain that it works in the context of the story as a whole, but I definitely take your point on how it plays out as the only sex scene in the story.

It also paints a contradictory picture. You claim that the game won't revolve around blackmail, but that is exactly what this scene sets up. The way it is structured implies that the rest of the game simply cannot happen without this blackmail scene going through without the player trying to fight it. Otherwise, why wouldn't the player be able to find a way out of this? Like having turned in the file to her boss and pointing out that someone could have just used her log-in info to steal the data.
The game doesn't revolve around blackmail, although that will definitely be an element, or potential element, in the game, depending on how it's played. I won't comment on how that scene effects the balance of the game, to avoid too many spoilers, but, IMO, it was necessary for the story I wanted to tell.

The reason I put so much emphasis on this scene is what it implies for later on in the game. You have wrenched control from the player to make this happen without giving the player any understanding of why, and with the information currently available to us the scene makes little to no sense. We have nothing else to go on, so how do we know that the rest of the game won't be the same? To top it off, it is forcing the player to participate in a very particular fetish that is either loved or hated with little in-between. The only other option made available to the player is simply not playing the game. This heavily implies that the game isn't just going to have elements of blackmail, but that we can expect blackmail to be a centerpiece of the content for all branches. If she couldn't stop it here, how is she going to stop it later? Blackmail has been introduced early on. Someone already has blackmail material on her that she apparently can't fight against without ending the game. I doubt he is simply going to delete those records he has on her because of a handy.
Again, fair enough. I should have had the "blackmail" tag in the first post. However, FWIW, blackmail is not the centerpiece of the game, although, as I said earlier, it is an element of the game, depending on how it plays out.

At the risk of posting spoilers, I should also say that, from the perspective of Christine, at least one of the early endings, where she refuses to comply, is a good ending. Yes, I get it that the player is forced to comply, or end the game, but that's another perspective on it, IMO.

I'll be honest about my bias here. I hate blackmail as a fetish. Not simply dislike, but complete abhorrence. Partially because of how common it is and partially because of very personal reasons I'd rather not discuss. I can never just play the office slut anymore. These days there always has to be at the very least a random throw away line about how I'll get fired or framed for something if I don't comply, like having the MC's boss being the one saying to get on your knees isn't enough of a powerplay. This sparks my more rebellious side that would rather spite said character than have the sex scene, but rarely does a game let me act on that, typically having even the flimsiest blackmail material suddenly giving some sleazeball complete control over my character without my input. It makes content revolving around that fetish incredibly frustrating, even more so when it is unexpected.
Again, I apologize for the lack of the "blackmail" tag when the game was first posted. IMO, the issues and actions presented in the game going forward become more complex and nuanced and more choices are available. Blackmail, or the potential for it, definitely exists, but the game is not definitely not a straightforward "blackmailed into office slut" scenario. IMO, at least.

I hope you give chapter two a try when it's posted and find something you enjoy about the game. However, if you don't, I understand and appreciate the thoughtful response.


Oct 26, 2017
Sure, I'll give chapter two a try when it comes out. You've been very responsive and open-minded when it comes to criticism, and I must admit that your responses have made me both curious and hopeful for what comes after. To give you fair warning, you will most likely end up getting some 'critics' that do just want to tear you down rather than give anything meaningful. There isn't any particular reason for that, it is just something that all game devs have to deal with at some point. When those people do come, please try to keep in mind that not everyone who voices distaste for parts or features of the game are like that. A good number of us genuinely want you to succeed in your endeavors.


Game Developer
Sep 9, 2017
Sure, I'll give chapter two a try when it comes out. You've been very responsive and open-minded when it comes to criticism, and I must admit that your responses have made me both curious and hopeful for what comes after. To give you fair warning, you will most likely end up getting some 'critics' that do just want to tear you down rather than give anything meaningful. There isn't any particular reason for that, it is just something that all game devs have to deal with at some point. When those people do come, please try to keep in mind that not everyone who voices distaste for parts or features of the game are like that. A good number of us genuinely want you to succeed in your endeavors.
Thanks for the comments and I appreciate your points. I also hope that you do find something in the game to enjoy. However, it is possible that the game / VN is not for you and, if that turns out to be the case, I appreciate you giving it a fair shake.

As for the wanting to tear down, heh... this is the internet, right? :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2017
I hope you realise there are people that actually like blackmail stories and find them fun to play.
Ok the positive criticism, but when I read something like this:
I'll be honest about my bias here. I hate blackmail as a fetish. Not simply dislike, but complete abhorrence. Partially because of how common it is and partially because of very personal reasons I'd rather not discuss. I can never just play the office slut anymore.
..I wonder why you're still here writing walls of text, unless you just want the developer to change his game to your taste.


Oct 26, 2017
..I wonder why you're still here writing walls of text, unless you just want the developer to change his game to your taste.
Instead of passive aggressive accusations, you could try debating any of the points I've made.

I was being honest when I said that what he made had initially caught my interest and I genuinely want him to succeed. The worst thing you can do to a content creator is withhold valid criticism, as there is no way for anyone to correct or learn from our mistakes if we don't realize we made a mistake in the first place. On top of this, despite my hate for blackmail content in general, I included ways I thought the blackmail could have been done better. I still wouldn't have liked it in the slightest, but I included it nonetheless. But by all means, if you have reason to believe any of my criticisms were invalid, tell me why.

No one needs to take my advice or criticism to heart, but I'm going to give it on the off chance it actually helps someone. I may just be another rando on the internet throwing his piece into the fray, but, at the risk of tooting my own horn, I have a long history involving analyzing storytelling techniques in games, movies, theater, and the importance of audience interaction in such mediums. It is incredibly important to keep in mind what a scene says to the audience, not just directly, but the implications it has for the rest of the story as well. I'm not exactly green on this topic and have a few works under my own belt.


Oct 26, 2017
Thanks for the comments and I appreciate your points. I also hope that you do find something in the game to enjoy. However, it is possible that the game / VN is not for you and, if that turns out to be the case, I appreciate you giving it a fair shake.

As for the wanting to tear down, heh... this is the internet, right? :)
If it turns out to just not be for me, well it happens. I'm glad you've been such a good sport about this. These days trying to give any form of criticism is akin to shouting to wind in hopes of finding someone willing to listen. To vent a little, too much importance is put on name recognition these days. Because I don't typically like throwing around the title of being a dev myself, I've grown used to the usual responses of, 'Oh yeah, well lets see you do better!', or, 'You've never made a game before, so how you know anything about it!?', and the like.

Neymar Jr

Mar 26, 2017
i'm still missing some freedom of choice in this game, but as far as i can see for now, it's a great game with a great future, but still missing choices xD
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3.30 star(s) 66 Votes