Thank you for your comments.
okay so i decided to try this game after seeing all the comments in here and i gotta say that the whole ''its either my way or game over'' is really messed up.. not giving choices to the player so early on in the game is like shooting yourself in the foot..better make it a kinect visual novel and be done with it. choices either bad or good(but lets you continue the game) is how you get people to play your game and support you.
IMO, the MC does have a choice. One choice leads to her not continuing with the firm. Depending on earlier choices (and there
are significant earlier choices), that ending can be good, bad or so-so for her.
On the kinetic novel point, I see the game as a cross between a kinetic novel and a game. I say so in the introduction.
I'm not sure what you mean by "support you", though. I'm not asking for money. If people try the game and enjoy it, great. If they try it and hate it, that's fine too.
the game has a decent story,renders are okay,has great potential but if i were you i would rewrite that whole scene if you want your game to succeed and get more players to try it..if you keep forcing your fetishes onto players without giving us a chance to turn it down( and continue the game) i honestly dont know how you can attract more players by doing that
The difficulty with rewriting that scene is that if that event does not occur, or something very much like it, there are numerous subsequent events which cannot occur. In these games, every time the MC is offered a major choice, and the game continues, the game has to accommodate the branching. Maybe Eva Kiss can handle an infinite number of branches, but I can't.
Having said that, I am going to take a look at reworking the scene a bit to see if I can find a middle ground, which meets the stories' needs, but which isn't quite so offputting.