eh his look and expressions are a separate matter but eh sorry no. Cant say I like protags that are this dense and never learn.
Id also like to suggest, at some point, just lose the 'open world' aspect. Your side quests taken out of order make plot holes of epic proportions as everything is written as if you do a, then b, then c. where as I kinda did a then d then f then c and I end up with some seriously huge continuity issues and/or spoilers.
I personally hate the minigames like the click to climb and other things but I understand the investigation mode and the find the item on screen ones. Not my favorite thing but I understand their use esp in this story. However at least for this 'season 1' the open world is kinda pointless and causes issues.
On the whole the writing is quite good and characters are distinct. Im also enjoying the meta plot. Its mostly just the MC playing to the anime density tropes and porn protag disease levels of brain dead that really turn me off of the title.
Hell I even enjoy a lot of the cheeseball humor like the burglar brothers