1. yea. Bar fight being reworked as the keys dont work in android and also different keyboard layouts may encounter problems.Hi. Ask about the 2 different combat system´s? The Bar fight was hard the keybord dont take my input and i lost after the first hit. The enemy take 3 hits and No clue i forgett how many he take to go down. Baut why 2 Differents system using for combat? Why not stick to the first one? or the 2, ? And other question why this 2 People hang around and watch area and not going back to Van? The 3 question is why Sophia has no more content or why no spy cam for her room? THe PC has 9 slots so Bath and the 2 other rooms in near yours,OK but rest? are there rooms near living room to? maybe 2 foors i see ? not sure. Thx for your work and have fun make it. I try again when you finished ep 1.
In the meantime, there's an option to skip the fight. 50% chance of winning so if you wanna win, gotta savescum at the moment.
2. Because Skinner/Tiny are dumb dumb and they assumed mc will be out cold after giving him the Mace. But didn't affect mc much because... well spoilers.
3. Because I have no time and now I focus on other girls.
4. Because there are more floors planned. Plus dungeon and etc etc. Spoilers...
Yeap. Same as above.how to pass the fighting minigames? some keys that appear are usable in renpy shortcuts lol
Oh I remember now. Desmosome. Glad to see you back to shit on my game again.God, you might want to make the restroom easier to spot. That stupid button looks like a wall decoration or something. I was stuck for the longest time. Also, you should let players know through in game text that the heart icon has hints if you hover over the girl. It's not that intuitive since people may just click on the girl too fast to notice a hint.
edit: Ok, after passing the steps and looking back, I'm wondering if my issues were in the mentally challenged category. Part of it might have been because I played through this portion of the game a long time ago and was trying to rush it.
edit2: If you back out of Moe deal, MC refers to Mia as childhood friend even with the patch.
Always good to have you back. And yes, mc is still an idiot. As always. And his hair got even more awesome.
Hope you like the added content.