is there a way or an easy way for you to put in what they call you? I like master an all. But having a submissive Yuki calling me Daddy would just send it over the edge for me. I know there is no incest in this game but making a submissive call you that mmm
I think that could be managed, I would have to look into how to code it. I agree that it could be a fun addition.
@RenPythagorus i like where it is heading as well. but like you just a couple things i would like to keep and i agree on the hair and face thing with crystal as well. i am just a bit more into asian girls

any chance of adding a red head at some point? i like them way more then asians lol
Funny thing, I actually didn't change Chrystals face other than her makeup, maybe it's the hair that makes it look that way. You also mentioned the redhead preference, have you checked out francesca? She's a redhead, and even though she's got limited content as of now there will be more with her.
If you do hopefully an option so the hair is not as wild I dont like Crystals new hair, but I am fine with the tits.
Seeing as each time I add a new scene for one of the girls I usually render around 10 new pictures just for that one scene, meaning if I have to change the hair on one of them that's more time spent on a variation of the same scene.
I wouldn't have time to make the amount of content needed to really call each version an update.
So I would rather spend the time and resources at my disposal right now into making more scenes and getting more content than to focus on individual tastes.
But, one day I might have some help with the coding or more free time and then I could totally be willing to make variations of some of the girls, since the artwork part of the game is the one I personally have most fun with.