
Sep 9, 2017
Thank you for your reply

First, I want to clarify that "render quality" may not have been the most appropriate term. What slightly put me off as far as I remember were skin and lighting quality (outside of the no background thing, and "slightly" is the important part). But by looking again at the preview images, this was either fixed or not as bad as I remember.

Second, I hadn't read your new year post, only the last few pages of the thread. I guess I'm used to developpers putting their patreon news behind paywalls which is dumb imo since there isn't any content and I want to know how a dev deliver on his promises before pledging. Anyway, now I read the post and I must say I'm fucking hyped. I love Godot, I've been closely following their progress for more than a year and a half and I can't wait for 4.0. I would love to see a fully fonctional VN plugin for Godot. Are you planning to release your Rakugo rework as a fork/open source project?

Finally, I think I'm gonna get up to date with the game. I can't wait to see what it has in store.

PS1: You may want to drop the link to your devblog in your description or at least set up a cron job for let's encrypt because the SSL certificate expired (I guess)

PS2: I didn't know gunsmithing was a thing. Leaving France to go to a gunsmithing school in the US, now that's an interesting career path.


Harder Better Faster Cheater
Game Developer
Jun 2, 2017
Thank you for your reply

First, I want to clarify that "render quality" may not have been the most appropriate term. What slightly put me off as far as I remember were skin and lighting quality (outside of the no background thing, and "slightly" is the important part). But by looking again at the preview images, this was either fixed or not as bad as I remember.

Second, I hadn't read your new year post, only the last few pages of the thread. I guess I'm used to developpers putting their patreon news behind paywalls which is dumb imo since there isn't any content and I want to know how a dev deliver on his promises before pledging. Anyway, now I read the post and I must say I'm fucking hyped. I love Godot, I've been closely following their progress for more than a year and a half and I can't wait for 4.0. I would love to see a fully fonctional VN plugin for Godot. Are you planning to release your Rakugo rework as a fork/open source project?

Finally, I think I'm gonna get up to date with the game. I can't wait to see what it has in store.

PS1: You may want to drop the link to your devblog in your description or set up a cron job for let's encrypt because the SSL certificate expired (I guess)

PS2: I didn't know gunsmithing was a thing. Leaving France to go to a gunsmithing school in the US, now that's an interesting career path.
I don't think the renders changed much since the beginning, the images on the OP are quite old for some.

We cannot put any NSFW images on public since Patreon doesn't allow it (yeah we know, it is stupid). So as many like to put images in those kind of posts...

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And yeah I have not considered making DD open source. Due to the nature of Ren'Py It kind of is now except for the comments. But I don't think we want to have that private part of our communication being exposed like that, because it is exactly that, a communication channel.
I consider I did enough pro bono work with Rakugo, I know opening the source of DD wouldn't be exactly that but still. Maybe once the game is passed its final version.

That poor devblog would need quite a dusting. Well it is not like I did much dev to log for a while, before I started working on the port that is.
I should probably give it a bit more love. But I'm quite terrible at doing post, only a few ever get finished. While at the same time I can write walls of text in forums and chats.

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Sep 9, 2017
I feel like pretty much every point in my post was lost somewhere in the back and forth of translation so I'm gonna try to clarify some points.

On patreon news, I wasn't talking about Game content, the opposite in fact. For some reasons, a lot of devs put text news like this new year message as patreons only (unlike you). For updates, polls and content why not but for simple text walls describing what they did recently, I feel like opening them to public costs nothing and shows the devs dedication and progress to potential patreons.

On Rakugo, I'm not clear on what you consider DD code and what you consider Rakugo code. In the NY post, you wrote:
I started fixing things here and there and a thing leading to another, ended up rewriting and redesigning it from the ground up.
From this I assumed that you developped a program relatively similar to Rakugo for your personal use and used it as a base for the DD port. That's why I was asking if you were planning to release this base so other devs could use it for their own VN. However, from your post it seems that a part of your work is already merged in the official Rakugo, plus in practice the separation may not be that clear and DD content and your "custom Rakugo" mix up in code. The idea anyway was that if you feel your version is better or has other uses than the official, maybe you could release it as a fork. You say that you had differences in opinion with the maintainer of Rakugo, that's exactly in this kind of situation that forking a project is interesting (see vim and nvim).

Finally, I don't know why I was convinced your school was in the US. I guess the combination of foreign country and firearms did not leave any choice to my imagination. You really got me with the gun eroticism, it's very well said. Maybe the next decade will see you found a privately funded french gunsmithing school forming reknown gunsmiths for the decades to come :D


Jul 3, 2020
To what extent ?

I mean, is it any kind of depiction of pregnant women that you would consider "having pregnancy" ?

Would you consider negatively having a simple character ending with a girl being pregnant (spoilers, Lola will have one of her route with that ending) ?

Maybe your bar is at a few scenes like Harley's park content and the ending following ?

Or is it indulging into the fetish on a character specific basis like Yuki's petplay content that started with light on her early stages to ramp up ?

Or it be full game-wide fetish like for BDSM is for this game ?

Good point. For me the turn-off would be any actual depiction of a pregnant girl. I could care less if there is some storyline saying that the girl is/will be pregnant! :)
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New Member
Jan 3, 2021
To what extent ?

I mean, is it any kind of depiction of pregnant women that you would consider "having pregnancy" ?

Would you consider negatively having a simple character ending with a girl being pregnant (spoilers, Lola will have one of her route with that ending) ?

Maybe your bar is at a few scenes like Harley's park content and the ending following ?

Or is it indulging into the fetish on a character specific basis like Yuki's petplay content that started with light on her early stages to ramp up ?

Or it be full game-wide fetish like for BDSM is for this game ?

Yeah, I understand what you're saying. I wasn't very clear, I guess: for me, the "problem" would be *showing* any girls actually pregnant. It's OK (at least, it is OK for me!) to have that into the story, as long as it not graphically shown.
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Harder Better Faster Cheater
Game Developer
Jun 2, 2017
I feel like pretty much every point in my post was lost somewhere in the back and forth of translation so I'm gonna try to clarify some points.

On patreon news, I wasn't talking about Game content, the opposite in fact. For some reasons, a lot of devs put text news like this new year message as patreons only (unlike you). For updates, polls and content why not but for simple text walls describing what they did recently, I feel like opening them to public costs nothing and shows the devs dedication and progress to potential patreons.

On Rakugo, I'm not clear on what you consider DD code and what you consider Rakugo code. In the NY post, you wrote:

From this I assumed that you developped a program relatively similar to Rakugo for your personal use and used it as a base for the DD port. That's why I was asking if you were planning to release this base so other devs could use it for their own VN. However, from your post it seems that a part of your work is already merged in the official Rakugo, plus in practice the separation may not be that clear and DD content and your "custom Rakugo" mix up in code. The idea anyway was that if you feel your version is better or has other uses than the official, maybe you could release it as a fork. You say that you had differences in opinion with the maintainer of Rakugo, that's exactly in this kind of situation that forking a project is interesting (see vim and nvim).

Finally, I don't know why I was convinced your school was in the US. I guess the combination of foreign country and firearms did not leave any choice to my imagination. You really got me with the gun eroticism, it's very well said. Maybe the next decade will see you found a privately funded french gunsmithing school forming reknown gunsmiths for the decades to come :D
Well yeah I started making changes first as DD code. But when I realize that features I needed (like rollback) wasn't going to come from Jeremi, I started rewriting things I didn't liked. So I rewrote everything, as a public fork of Rakugo.

The question of my version becoming a fork or the new version of Rakugo was asked. He chose to accept my vision and design. It is just that he didn't adopted it nor really understood it, I think.

So yeah my version of Rakugo became the version 3.0.0 and I yell at Jeremi pretty much every time he does something. I try to teach him to take his time and think things through before pushing stuff to the "official" repo. But it is a process. Being deliberate in his actions and code is not something he does yet.
As I said he is still in the framework mindset, he put getters and setters just "because" without thinking about it an realizing that they are useless thus being noise.

I'm also trying to make him understand how it is actually an (unpaid/very underpaid) job for me and I won't accept carelessness more akin to a hobby/pet project.

You are absolutely welcome to consider me an asshole. But I consider that a project I spent hundreds of hours fixing and cleaning is owed the respect of not messing it up again.

About the separation between DD and Rakugo. Well that where having clear ideas come in handy. I know what Rakugo should have as a base so anything out of that scope is DD.

Basically, currently if you don't modify the "template" (the base GUI) you can do a VN without much effects, the only one there is a letter by letter typing effect for the text box (that I'm kind of regretting making since it makes the text box code a big blob that looks complicated.
For me if you go for Godot-Rakugo instead of Ren'Py, that means that you want to have more (and better) control on how you set things up. So that you will use Godot's GUI capabilities.

So the template is there to be a simple base with easily readable and understandable code (most of the code of the in game GUI is few functions of couple of lines each). It is there to show you as a user "here is how you can do your own".

The core (the addon itself) is the core, so anything that goes in there is de facto Rakugo. The core should not contain game logic. By that I mean that it should not influence your game logic more than needed for it to work.
An example of the opposite of this design philosophy would be RPGMaker, you can make a VN out of it but you are not going along the grain.

So thanks to those guidelines it is easy for me to discriminate.
And that's why it clashes a bit with Jeremi as he wants to show how Rakugo can do it all and add every piece of game logic feature people ask for.

It also help that I have been not been working much on the port itself and more on making Rakugo viable for it. Hehe.

So yeah if you want to take a look at Rakugo currently on github the 3.1.0 is basically my version.


New Member
Jan 3, 2021
Is it possible to "Get Private Dance" from Harley when she is on her "second phase" transformation? I can only get to see her perform the pole dance, but not the "private dance" – although the option is there, just nothing happens when I click it.
This is by design or is it a bug? It does work when she is on her "first phase", though.
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Jul 3, 2020
Is it possible to "Get Private Dance" from Harley when she is on her "second phase" transformation? I can only get to see her perform the pole dance, but not the "private dance" – although the option is there, just nothing happens when I click it.
This is by design or is it a bug? It does work when she is on her "first phase", though.
I'm having the same problem. Assuming this is a bug and not a feature, of course.


Harder Better Faster Cheater
Game Developer
Jun 2, 2017
I'm having the same problem. Assuming this is a bug and not a feature, of course.
It is more an oversight than a bug, there is no private dance at that stage, but the check for the option only check if any girl is stripping.

If you want a workaround, put your mouse over "Get private dance", close you eyes, click, and imagine them boobies.
That should work.


Dec 22, 2020
Hello everyone it's my first time seeing Lossless | Light | UltraLight Win what is the meaning of this can you explain sorry for my stupidity.


Harder Better Faster Cheater
Game Developer
Jun 2, 2017
Hello everyone it's my first time seeing Lossless | Light | UltraLight Win what is the meaning of this can you explain sorry for my stupidity.
It is the compression applied to the images. Lossless is the best quality, ultralight is extremely light and only there if you are very limited in download volume.


New Member
Jul 4, 2020
First thing first : I love your game.
Great storytelling, great characters and realy cool design.
If there is just one thing I'd add, it would be a follow up pannel. It's sometime hard to remember all that has been done over the years.

Anyway...great job guys


Dec 20, 2020
Damn, this game is great. I think I'll sub in the next update. I wonder though if the game is near the ending though, since the devs are already talking about the ending...?
Last edited:
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Harder Better Faster Cheater
Game Developer
Jun 2, 2017
First thing first : I love your game.
Great storytelling, great characters and realy cool design.
If there is just one thing I'd add, it would be a follow up pannel. It's sometime hard to remember all that has been done over the years.

Anyway...great job guys
Oh, sorry, forgot to reply.

Thanks mate, nice to see it motivated your first post.

What do you mean by "follow up panel" ?
Damn, this game is great. I think I'll sub in the next update. I wonder though if the game is near the ending though, since the devs are already talking about the ending...?
Thanks you too.

Well we are finishing it.
I don't really know how much time we will need to finish, but it is probably not "near" though. There is still quite a few ending to give to characters : both of Lola's routes, Francesca and Luna, Chrystal non-pornstar, Yuki earlier stages, and some guys too.

That will take time, even more if Jan feels that something is missing and add some small events like the last stage yuki gym training on the latest update.


New Member
Jul 4, 2020
What do you mean by "follow up panel" ?
I'm not a big fan of achievments, but it's mainly about what you've done. An history of your adventure, if you prefer.
I'm not going to say "the time between two release is too long", but when I last load my save for the last version, I was like "gosh...what did I do again in this one ? Is this the onewhere I already have harley's and kara's endding ?"
See what I mean ?
Could be a simple gallery with a finish pictures of the endings you've done...of an "achievment pannel"...of just a simple history :p
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4.10 star(s) 58 Votes