Ok, we have different definitions for what "public version" is.??? Maybe I'm doing things wrong?
On this site the version is 40.1 and patron is 40.4
I have trouble at the sex shop when buying various toys, making the green serum, I have some toys but it will not reconize that I have them(I got stuck with Harley not being able make her read.)
I am always getting old txt msg's repeating. Then I start getting repeat txt I know that the game is going to crash when I go to the sex shop.
I can start posting the error logs but if you are posting errors for a old version it seems like a waste of time.
For me the public version is the version available to everyone on Patreon, the v0.39.1.
Currently patrons have an early access to the v0.40.x, that version will be made public the 28th of July, but currently it is not.