How should Henry and Devin's story continue? Should Henry force Devin to be his pet or child?

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Active Member
May 4, 2018
You ask a fair question and I will do my best to give a fair answer.

I like games where the MC has choices, and has to resolve a conflict within themselves. William Faulkner wrote that “The only thing worth writing about is the human heart in conflict with itself.” I think that that applies to games of this type as well.

Now, you have bravely decided that Devin won't be broken or corrupted - that she will remain herself. I say "brave" because that means you have to have a mechanism to force her to be embarrassed beyond the usual suspects: hypnotism, magic, a secret desire to be a slut, etc. You have to have an external mechanism that forces her to take actions that lead to "the hot stuff" but don't change her internally. In theory, this is outstanding. In practice, it is hard... really hard... unless you just make her vapid and unable to unable to predict the consequences of her actions and decisions.

My concern is that you have ended up doing the latter. There is no way Devin, as presented, would stick around in a strip club once she realized what it was. There is no way she would perform bottomless as a cheerleader in front of the whole town. Unless she is just dumb, and cannot predict that kicking her legs up while wearing a short skirt and no underwear will result in her flashing the crowd.

Now, the principal stuff is good. She has a reason to fear his disapproval and obet his orders. She is in conflict with herself – she wants to keep him from firing her, but fears the consequences of following his rules. That’s an extrinsic motivation: she wants one thing, but is forced by outside forces to do another.

That’s lacking in much of the game. She does things with predictably negative consequences without any real motive to do so, like stripping in front of Henry or sitting in the “massage chair” or getting a massage from her students or staying in the strip club.

You’ve set a high bar for yourself, and I admire that. Most game designers won’t try. But there’s a reason they won’t try: because it is really hard. As others have mentioned, the game Agent Alona: The Japan Mission tries to do what you are attempting. It was hard for that author, but at least he had cultural differences to fall back on. I couldn’t do what you are attempting, for sure.

So, my overall impression is that suspension of disbelief isn’t really possible in your game, for me. Others obviously feel differently, so you should concentrate on satisfying them and not me. It isn’t like I don’t like your game, overall. You have lots of hot scenes and even if I groan a bit it’s not likely that I will pass up updates to the game.

As for the games I like, I’d highlight Valiant Warrior Astrid. Though she’s being corrupted, she thinks it’s in a good cause: that Don is actually helping her. I can suspend my disbelief because she thinks she is paying a price that is worth it (the restoration of her warrior skills).

My advice is that you shouldn’t over think my criticisms. I am honestly just trying to be helpful, and recognize that I am not your target audience. I want to reiterate that I admire your bravery in trying to do something different.
That's what I call a realistic analysis, apart from fair! Unless I understand it correctly you missing, the Mytos of Devin is forcing her to act that does not seem stupid! As an example a necklace that is loaded with magic and in certain moments influences her action.
The animal lives by its instinct with nature. Humans from his mind against nature. This conflict is in his heart 'Quote from Faulkner' but faith excuses us.
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Dec 1, 2017
I Heard about this game and wanted to try it out to see how good it was.....and holy shit this game does a good job pissing me off. She goes through all this shit and stills deals with it man. She is strong but at the same time i think she's a idiot. Hopefully something good ACTUALLY happens to her like her getting her revenge if possible. I mean c'mon, Who doesn't want to see those bastards suffer?


Active Member
May 4, 2018
I Heard about this game and wanted to try it out to see how good it was.....and holy shit this game does a good job pissing me off. She goes through all this shit and stills deals with it man. She is strong but at the same time i think she's a idiot. Hopefully something good ACTUALLY happens to her like her getting her revenge if possible. I mean c'mon, Who doesn't want to see those bastards suffer?
@Joe Steel post a very good sense to this game one page before. The topic from you " the game pissing you off and an Idiot take revenge to all" sounds that masochist inside you is sronger as will to play another game.


Game Developer
Jul 30, 2017
@billyjones Good, it should piss you off. That poor girl is going through hell and is trying to still find the good in these people and hopes that're not all evil bastards. Unfortunalty, some times people are just evil bastards. I don't think she is an ideat, she is just trying to make the best of the situation.

I hope you'll stick around and keep playing. Because, yes, Devin absolutely will get her revenge. Hopefully you will also find some of the content funny and hot before that happens.


Active Member
May 4, 2018
My Airplane engine have a failture and I have to jump out before it crashed somewhere. I landing in the middle of an jungle. No compass.knife,gun and the wrong clothes. The monkeys and all other animals have fun with Devine. The mosquitoes love her skin and treat her all the time.
Whats the point: The ethics when people play against humans has a high judgement. Humans agains animals, the morality looks different. When I start this game and standing at the Train-station my laguage was gone the Policeman give a shit about this and my booked House was a fake. Now I have to sleep by wild looking guy. I know from this moment that´s a " Monkey town". No way to return, so face the shit doesn´t matter what happen!!
It´s a jungle-town now. Like in a jungle when she stand near the waterfall take a bath with clothes and all monkey´s coming closer and start jerking, but she strip off and all cum´s in a row and disapear and she not get hurt.
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Active Member
May 4, 2018
End of this week we know more about her clothes! Schooldress in the School and some kind of jogging clothes in her new modern bedroom. Maybe we make a bet, where she sleeps next night? Next Point, how to make @Joe Steel more satisfy. I think the best way is to pay some rent for Henry and work in Casino, than many things can happen. Yen have to blackmail her more or she will show the picture to Farsin. Chad can do this as well now with the letter she sign. To use a magic Neckless is to late, that things happen with her " That looks not stupid".


Active Member
May 4, 2018
I wonder why is it so quiet here? Only 2 days left for the update as @taboo22 said- end of this month-. There mention here the revenge many times from Devine, but I hope this starts not before 0.85 then 2-3 update will be enough. I like to see maybe some revenge early witch not works in the way as Devine want´s to be, and give her more tough time.
But first let see what happen in 0.5 if it still in time.


As long Devins go through enf scenes despite herself like Alona , i think the game is already really different what we have used to see on the forum.


Active Member
May 4, 2018
As long Devins go through enf scenes despite herself like Alona , i think the game is already really different what we have used to see on the forum.
I think we have no need to compare this game with others anymore, it´s good enough to run alone. All scene are great so far and keep in mind the words from @Joe Steel that she not doing " stupid action " like the strip in front of Henry for no reason. Everybody will be happy if she force to events there are smart for humiliation.


Active Member
May 4, 2018
I don´t mind that someone "like" my post about the update, but to get a reply if this update coming out the 2 days, thanks in advance.
May 14, 2017
I have been playing rpg maker games for over 5-6 years and I can say this is one of my most enjoyable games.
One question is how come there is a lust bar, did we need that in any part of the game?

Also if you skip scenes fast enough the game just crashes.


Game Developer
Jul 30, 2017
I have been playing rpg maker games for over 5-6 years and I can say this is one of my most enjoyable games.
One question is how come there is a lust bar, did we need that in any part of the game?

Also if you skip scenes fast enough the game just crashes.
I'm not sure why the game crashes for you when you skip throught it quickly. It seems to work fine for me. Maybe I need to do some more image compression or something.

Originally I was going to try and have Devin get lustful and stuff like in Valintinas Story and games like that. But it just didn't fit with the games. And it would take a lot more time to program. I am adding a few more stats that will Effect the storyline, but not lust.


Active Member
May 4, 2018
So, i quest either the gamemaker not anybody else here care about my question will be an update this month or not.
It´s not funny to post 3 times the same issue.
May 14, 2017
I'm not sure why the game crashes for you when you skip throught it quickly. It seems to work fine for me. Maybe I need to do some more image compression or something.

Originally I was going to try and have Devin get lustful and stuff like in Valintinas Story and games like that. But it just didn't fit with the games. And it would take a lot more time to program. I am adding a few more stats that will Effect the storyline, but not lust.
I think its because there is a pause between every few scenes where it shows the maps.


Active Member
May 4, 2018
I get my first humiliation from @taboo22! Her the post to me on page 26 " Likely not before the end of the month. The next update will be more then just the one day."
Now I standing naked and frozen in the rain. You are lucky then no picture of my 70 years old body where is nothing left to enjoy, only hope to get an answer about this update.


Game Developer
Jul 30, 2017
I get my first humiliation from @taboo22! Her the post to me on page 26 " Likely not before the end of the month. The next update will be more then just the one day."
Now I standing naked and frozen in the rain. You are lucky then no picture of my 70 years old body where is nothing left to enjoy, only hope to get an answer about this update.
Hi Man, I never said it would be at the end of the month. I said not before the end of the month. I appreciate you're eagerness, but I would much rather give you guys slow quality than fast crap.


Active Member
May 4, 2018
Hi Man, I never said it would be at the end of the month. I said not before the end of the month. I appreciate you're eagerness, but I would much rather give you guys slow quality than fast crap.
Sure for that I agree, but my eagerness comes only after 3 times no answer, but it was more a sense of humor instaed of eagerness, right.


Active Member
May 4, 2018
Yeah, but how do you fix that? I will do a little research, but i duno...
I do now and read this carfully in " A NEW DAWN " how the maker reduces more and 50% of his game, witch works for Labtop as well now. I´ll post this artikel here to and your letter post @taboo22 ok.
A high-end grafic-card for desktop-pc have a weight and size of some Labtop´s. It`s not the REM or Grafic-card with 2 GB memory. Other data´s importent in the card to read picture´s fast, witch a Labtop don´t have.
Here the link of this game and how he done this below:

Then move in the forum to page 45 and read Uncle VT post how to make a 20 MB scene down to 780 kb without quality reduce.


Hi Man, I never said it would be at the end of the month. I said not before the end of the month. I appreciate you're eagerness, but I would much rather give you guys slow quality than fast crap.
Take your time man, better quality than quantity.

Your updates and enf scenes are really amazing, i really loved it.

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3.40 star(s) 42 Votes