How should Henry and Devin's story continue? Should Henry force Devin to be his pet or child?

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Sorry for my bad english
Jul 18, 2017
Another game saved from RPGM
"game" or interactive book? In my opinion, hold ctrl is not a game and I really don't like it......
I don't hate renpy, some of them are good but this one really disapointed me :(
Jan 21, 2018
I can understand why people like one over the other. I think a really great compromise is using renpy and making it interactive. Can't remember the name but that one game used renpy and you could chose where to go. E.g. you had a picture of the school and then you had arrows for "visit gym", "visit class room", "go home" etc...

Apparently it is still much faster than RPGM. This is also my favourite. You still have the feeling that you are not "just" reading a novel.

No idea, though how much more work that is.

Really like the theme and the "Val - tutoring scenes" are great.

It was "Milf in Time".


New Member
Dec 28, 2016
„Old Men Story“I mean not Henry it’s me: The „Cliff-hanger " is gone @taboo22, right! Renpy is there and RPG is out. I agree what @Hydra92 said before- great update....-. Learning first time what’s a renpy game compare to RPG game.

I’m an „old feller of your game" and respect the renpy", with all advantage you mention. Younger generation like this to play faster instead walking around in town from door to door or to the beach. As I do before in your game or with Astrid VWA, Victoria A.N.D. or Manila Shaw all RPG., because I like to drink a coffee in between before I face a new scene or found a side-quest in this town as happen in these game above.
Why, it’s "fun, romantic, tension...“what happen next when I come home, go to living-room or shower or walk at night to beach, to see if there something going on. If there are "blink stars" or not how cares, it’s my time and fun do this. Now I wake up and stand in front of the School desk and no time to go around, jumping from one scene to a new event. It’s fast but I miss my coffee time. Don’t worry I play your renpy game! To be fair, ask your friends here before, instead to face the reality of your "Cliff-hanger". The votes to this game have this reality updated.
I'm 100% with you.


May 22, 2017
Lots of differing opinions here. I myself much preferred the RPM version for its immersion and being more of a game. Not quite the biggest fan of Visual Novels with inconsequential choices here and there. Still, it's too early to bitch about this change.


May 1, 2017
The narrator thing really isn't working and renpy isn't working either(and I like renpy). Also, till now it was amusing but now I'm starting to feel sad for Devin though I'm sure on one of the paths she'll pull through... probably


Oct 19, 2017
@taboo22 I much appreciate the Renpy switch. It runs more smoothly than the previous version. Is there going to be an entire first half remake in renpy or just from this point onward?

maxx mad

Feb 15, 2018
RPGMaker didn't bother me much in your game (compared to the majority of RPGM games with bad design for most) but still, it didn't add much (if anything) as there wasn't any hidden optional scenes or random harassment scenes while traveling (both would have been nice)

So you made the right choice, thanks for sharing your game and for porting it to ren'py.

Good luck


Game Developer
Jul 30, 2017
@taboo22 I much appreciate the Renpy switch. It runs more smoothly than the previous version. Is there going to be an entire first half remake in renpy or just from this point onward?
I do plan to remake/convert the first half of the game into Ren'Py. That process is going to take a while, so it will likely come in bits and pieces.
Jan 21, 2018
I do plan to remake/convert the first half of the game into Ren'Py. That process is going to take a while, so it will likely come in bits and pieces.
The switch really made the game much smoother. You can think of including a map like in "Kingdom of Deception" or "Lust and Power" (both RenPy), if you don't want to go full Visual Novel (or maybe a simple menu with "visit Gym" "visit Pool" "visit bla"). Not saying that Visual Novels are bad though.
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Jul 2, 2017
I do plan to remake/convert the first half of the game into Ren'Py. That process is going to take a while, so it will likely come in bits and pieces.
I don't see any benefit in a conversion of former content. But you could make a poll.


Jun 23, 2017
I just assumed people would want me to. A poll may not be a bad idea.
if you can, then yes please. new players need to be able to play from beginning of story =) don't kill yourself to do it tho. i would look at some of the other guys on here doing renpy conversions of other games and see if there's a nice clean way you can do it too
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Game Developer
Jul 30, 2017
if you can, then yes please. new players need to be able to play from beginning of story =) don't kill yourself to do it tho. i would look at some of the other guys on here doing renpy conversions of other games and see if there's a nice clean way you can do it too
Yeah, I already have all the converted files, but it's still going to take a lot of work to make everything flow. That and replaying some of the early content... Well it's not very good... I would need/want to remake some of the scenes.

I think I'm just going to take it piece by piece and try and release some new and some remade old content as often as possible.


May 1, 2017
Like I said before I don't think renpy fits the game for many reasons, main one being it was fast paced enough in RPGM and it felt very linear, now it's just scene after scene and it feels like an actual line. That said if you will continue in renpy I don't see the value of converting the first part of the game, just call it part 1 and part 2 and make some sort of delimitation between them. (since your going for that narrator thing you can do a "in the first the first part of the game..." or "when we left off..." or something like that and be done with it)


Game Developer
Mar 3, 2018
I understand why @taboo22 decided to change things. I loved playing RPGM games. But, when I decided to make one, I chose Ren'py. It's neat and more focused on story.

Some people won't like it and some will. That's a natural consequence of decisions that affect many people.

What's most important, in my opinion, is that taboo22 develops his game in an environment he feels comfortable and creative. I'm sure he'll adopt to Ren'py pretty well. I've played the latest version and liked it. I couldn't play the RPGM version to the end because it kept on crashing in my computer (it didn't crash on my previous computer). Personally speaking, I like the new one better :) It plays smoothly and you can concentrate on the story.

Keep on doing the good job :)


Game Developer
Mar 3, 2018
And about the old content: When you try to rebuild the old version, it will definitely be different. Even when you do a scene two times at different days, you do it differently. Because you feel different. It is too much work to redo the old content and make it stick with the new ones...That's a hard choice. I'm just writing this to support taboo22, regardless of what he chooses to do.

If it's a strict conversion taboo22 choses, as @blastwave2k proposes, it may be the most viable option to continue pushing new content.


I think as long we have a amazing game with good story to enjoy with, it's most important no matter it's rpgm or renp'y.

To be honest rpgm has its limits and i think renp'y is better when we only focus on story and the game isn't a rpg game anyway so it's fine.
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Jul 23, 2017
RPGM games, when done right, can be amazing. Many are done poorly. Particularly amongst the Patreon crowd that get an engine on a sale and figure they could make a quick buck. I am not saying Taboo22 is one of these.

I like me some RPGM games, but they have to make sense to the engine. I am not the biggest fan of Ren'py, because everyone and there dog gets Ren'py and Daz and makes a crappy VN. Of course, lately it seems everyone gets MV, Daz, and makes a crappy RPG.

Taboo22 started out with RPGM, but basically was making a VN. A very good one, but the fact that the maps were pointless was not great. Switching to Ren'py is a very good thing here. I very much hope that choices matter going forward from here. Choices is how you turn a VN into a game. A choose your own adventure sort of thing.

Regardless, I enjoyed the RPGM part, I enjoyed the Ren'py part. I think Ren'py suits this game more. I look forward to further releases, and I do hope that Taboo22 converts the earlier parts into the new engine.

Taboo22, great job dude. I likes what ya doin! And good on you for realizing that there may be a better engine out there for you.


Aug 11, 2017
Is there a game before this one? I feel like there's a lot of scenes that jump around with out much context and things are said to happen that we are not shown. I want to like this game but some of that stuff is really distracting.
3.40 star(s) 42 Votes