I've been avoiding ntr as well and got stuck in this loop in the same situation. In my saved play I wanted mom to work as I thought it would be good for her self esteem to be admired. I figured that when the option to have mom work at the club popped up when the cue to talk to her about Katie and Vanessa moving in was active that you could simply say, "nevermind" and return the following evening to talk about your new house guests/tenants, mais non. It does not work that way. It is a Groundhog Day type of scenario where the event gets stuck in a loop until the MC chooses to send mom to work at the club. That is the ONLY way to end the loop that I can find. Personally, I wanted mom to dance but for those that want to keep her at home all to themselves... It's not working. The topic never changes regardless of how many nights you return. I even tried training with Vanessa the next day and not going to work at the club that night to see if it would clear and allow the room mate dialogue option but it doesn't happen. If the MC starts working at the dance club before moving Katie and Vanessa in then mom HAS to work at the club or the the loop persists and does not allow that quest to proceed.
Otherwise, the patch seems to be allowing all of the other content that I had been missing before installing the patch. I'm very pleased with that!

I am also making headway in Summoner's Legacy using the patch as well. There is a TON of content I had been missing without the patch installed. Thank you

I hope it's an easy fix. Hmmm, maybe inserting an option to simply tell mom where you are working at night to pay the bills without suggesting she work there... that might work but IDK. However it is fixed, it does need attention. With the debt left by dad having Gwen go to work dancing right away makes the most sense. The family NEEDS the cash!
Adventure ever on friend, Phat

PS: This is the screen in question that has the continual loop error unless the ntr option is selected...
View attachment 1806116
Post PS: I also encountered an error in the games accounting of MC's cash. There were a couple of times where instead of going up to the next increment (5500 and 8800) the count was reset to 1000. This seemed to resolve itself over time but was still a concern when it happened... "Hey! Where's all my cash!" Hahahahahahaha