4.60 star(s) 16 Votes


Jan 26, 2021
Gotta say, my favorite enemies are the fairies. They start out weak, but then suck your semen and get powerful. I'd personally love to see more of that. Legion kind of has it with level drain but maybe due to it not effecting dialogue or the dramatic change that is visible with the fairies, it doesn't feel the same. Lencubus scene best scene MGQ. Peace.

Karl Speidel

Active Member
Sep 20, 2021
Karl Speidel
First of all, let me address the lengthy review you've posted as there are few pieces worth talking about. I'll go in order to make it more coherent.

The skill tree, it's surely possible to do in RPG MV. I've seen it work in few games and it makes sense. I think it would be a fine addition and could be an alternative way to spend energy points (the currency you get from defeating enemies or doing quests). If I had to think of skill categories I'd probably do some skills for each weapon mastery/magic. This is something I could surely explore and I think it would be a fine addition to the gameplay and provide some more character development.

Ah the item system, I agree it could use some work and it's something I have worked on in parallel to the V4.5 version. Given their randomized nature you can easily end up with some trash or crazy weapons. The way I want to solve this problem is to introduce weapon rarities, so not only the player would know that the weapons is worth keeping around simply by its icon and their variance could be more kept in check. Apart from that I want to get rid of some affixes or change how they work. The nonsensical nature of some of them is a result of me not fully understanding how they would interact with each other or sometimes it would be a matter of something that looks good on paper but fails practically. Anyways, item suffix and prefix system is on my radar for some time already and will be changed in the future.

When it comes to getting the items from anywhere else than treasure chests, I'll be including some vendors in the villages the player character will reach after progressing the plot.

Now on the nemesis system. After working on it for a lot of time, making really big progress from what once used to be, basically rewriting how it works and introducing about more than 60 effects, seeing that it's still considered barebones feels like a slap in the face :p. Yes, the skills are chosed at random, depending on the amount of levels the player is drained. Yes, it can create an enemy that is busted as it isn't exactly supposed to be fair, it is supposed to introduce some unpredictability to the standard gameplay and I think it does so well. Even if you create an enemy that you cannot damage with physical skills or one that has crazy hp regen you can still use items like Sacred Cross to either de-level them or kill them. As for the exclusive skills, saying that they are all stat boosters is just plain wrong. Legion and Slime ones have them start with allies, Peacemaker/Peacekeeper have the player entagled at the start of the battle, Amazon grants a chance of an additional move in a turn, Cultivator has the dryad start the battle with additional plants, Pollinator starts the battle in a pollen of mist, Enforcer has the Manipulatrix skills improved giving her a chance to burn on a attack and faster shrinking capabilities, Assasin and Procreator increase subsequent "cum outputs" of the Pacifier or the Dryad that in turn influence their other skills. Yes, some of them only give stats, increase fetish damage or provide life draining capabilites like Noble, Mesmeratrix or Sentinel, but that's only because I didn't have an idea of the effect I want to give them and doesn't mean that they won't change in the future. I'm not sure about your take regarding the spare option, it's there for the people that don't want to kill their nemesis when they defeat them and want to keep them around for the future.

Your suggestions regarding the enemy variety would make sense if the game was made in a 3d setting and would work on 3d models instead of using 2d renders. In the the engine I use, which is rpgmaker mv adding seemingly small details like this would take a fucking lot of effort if I wanted to keep the enemy appearance consistent with the scenes. Changing hairstyles, enemy colour, shape etc would require me to re-render all of the scenes for each variant and create conditional branches for each of them. This would also cause the game size to literally skyrocket.

Generally your review is a solid piece of feedback, apart from the fact that you give me the impression that you have no idea how the game development in RPGMaker MV looks like, which is fine, you don't need to have game developing knowledge to have an opinion. That causes you to throw in ideas out of your sleeve like implemeting them in a proper fashion would take and hour or two at best. Sure, I could introduce item/weapon/armor/accessory enchanting, creating, infusing with runes, make them suck your cock etc. but it all takes time I could spend working on other parts of the game. Not sure if you know or care, but I'm doing this as a passion project, by myself, in my spare time after work, so my time is surely limited.

From what you've written in your review I get the notion that you somewhat liked my game and would look forward to see it prosper. You took the time and shared your opinions here which I appreciate and respect, however the way it was written (looking more like a rant post than anything) made me mostly upset and defensive at the time I read it. That most likely wasn't your intention, but be mindful. I'm safe to say that any dev doesn't like it when as a reward of putting X hours of creative and programming effort they get a pile of shit thrown in their face. I do not have any programming, graphical design or game dev background, I'm still learning and I make mistakes. Regardless of that, I'll make sure to keep your feedback in mind.

Also, I never said that my code was messy when talking about the skip feature, just that it doesn't really make it any easier to implement it.

Man, this one took longer than I expected, but it sure was a good opportunity to explain some existing stuff and changes for the future I got in mind.
Im glad you took the time to actually read the review,maybe you will implement any of those points,to which I stress I want credit if you implement my ideas,thats all,surely thats not too much,is it?

this was mostly a prototype so to say,as I only cover mostly theory on what should be added to objectively make the game better yet I didnt go into details on how or how it would work and you should understand that I dont say all should be implemented or immediatly,it takes time and even my suggestions change as I think more on the finer details or new ideas,if I had any modicum of certainty you would even listen to it I would have made it differently. Let me get it one step at a time to be coherent.

I can give you numerous examples of a skilltree not just being in a game,including RPGmaker,but actually being properly intregrated so it doesnt feel off,now there are many ways to go around on implementing it,will it be focused on passives? Or new skills? Magical or physical? Will you spend just energy points or level up? Will you need a certain level or item to unlock certain parts? How will you balance it? Will synergy be a thing? Will it give the player the option to debuff enemies like they do to him? Maybe dominate them in a sexual way? Or grapple them? Will you be able to learn skills from different enemies? Or unlock the option to learn non related skills by defeating them? There are so many questions and I could guide you on how to do it,I was part of game projects before and despite "not knowing" how RPG maker works I do have experience with games.

Although I do like to a degree the randomized nature of items,it is difficult to properly implement as in: the items need to be balanced,to make sense in their stats and purpose (a sword I found or axe for example decreasing def and mdef and attack and endurance and boosting magic without giving a magic skill) While I dont argue for its removal,do be kind and fix it,in addition to this I would recommend implementing certain "fixed" items as in non randomized,who could be gotten from quest rewards (those should be a thing,and no,not just gold) or rare drops from enemies or from bosses,just from chests and even then they are very random,also can chests be changed aswell? Since you add rarities so should there ne to accomodate that be different kinds of chests.

Adding just different rarities would not fix the problem if thats what you are thinking,sure your going to say that adding non random items would "take lots of time" but Im saying a mixed system,in addition to this the way items currently work is problematic,just a simple item with a few stat boosts and maybe just maybe a skill? In addition to not having any icons or descriptions,I like alot a system that works as this to oversimplyfy it: items are non-random,they have properties but they are valuable in that they teach skills,both active and passive,you have limited points you can assign and each passive skill costs a certain amount to equip,those can vary but the basic fact is that they should be meaninfull not 1000X +1 or +2 and so on to DEF. Those teachable skills would be mastered after a certain amount of uses and would fit in well with the skilltree. You can add certain weapons having certain effectiveness boost to them,like 100% more effective against slimes.

Now if you got offended thats simply not my problem,truth doesnt care about your feelings,I assesed how it CURRENTLY works and I pointed out why it doesnt work and how to,again I can go more into details in private if you decide to even consider it,the way you interpreted it is wrong,always theres flaws in something,no matter what,if you love and do it for passion in free time as you claim,you wouldn't take offense but actively work on how to improve it,or are you looking just for yesmen? That would result in negative growth for your pet project. Accept constructive criticism,it is not meant to roast you on your current mistakes.

No most of them and I repeat do only passive boosts,all of them boost max hp and stats in addition to maybe a small filler thing,scarlet cross doesnt work on nemesis who have the buff that makes them immune,that usually is very common for them,those passives that makes them spawn with allies dont work on as late as version 4.5.2,4.5.3 doesnt mention anything about fixing it either,the silver version doesnt,the gold one is very random as sometimes they spawn with 1 up to 4 companions,those I have to mention are very weak and I never had a problem dispatching them so whats the point of that? Its true its not just a passive,its downright useless as it is now,in addition to being broken.

Not just crazy hp but also healing for every sexual move,life vortex,usualyl they stack in such a way its impossible to keep up the damage with their regen and thats assuming you dont get grappled which can result in them being back to 100% hp, " Peacemaker/Peacekeeper " havent encountered yet,being entangled doesnt sound worthy of being a main nemesis perk,amazon as I remember it doesnt work like that,giving an extra turn but even so the chance was quite small (15% I believe) and one more turn doesnt sound fun,only a chore,if its paired with other broken passives its game breaking, and giving maybe an extra turn is a passive,additional plants that are weak AF and can easily be dealt with,those extra enemies are not useful to anyone in ANY capacity,maybe if they were more buffed or resilient but its gonna take alot of time to balance,so why arent you worried here about losing time in development?
" Enforcer has the Manipulatrix skills improved giving her a chance to burn on a attack and faster shrinking capabilities, " I have messed around alot with Manipulatrix and others,enforcer doesnt mention faster shrinking capabilities,aswell as how the AI works right now,they dont use the shrinking one at all,I maybe got one to do it out of 50 or more encounters,yes I tested it,they have a reluctance to do so. The burn is pretty weak and not all that interesting,surely replacing it with a debuff would be better.
" Assasin and Procreator increase subsequent "cum outputs" of the Pacifier or the Dryad that in turn influence their other skills. " alot of words to just say it makes them more likely to use futa moves.
What are you so confused about sparing? My opinion was more than crystal clear,theres absolutely no reason to spare them,ESPECIALLY if they can be randomly resurrected by the nemesis patreon (or whats she called),give an benefit maybe like extra XP or something else theres no point.

Regarding varities of enemies,I said it as a suggestion that MIGHT be implemented in the FUTURE,you changed PC and engine/software once,you might do it again,even if not my job is to suggest a good idea to make the game better,cause I care,your job is to listen,not implement but atleast listen and consider it with an open mind,not biased by any personal animosity,as my review was and thankfully you got it,was made with clear objective to make the game better for players,if I wanted to "rant" or roast the game I have plenty of topics to talk about,granted its not finished which is why Im understanding of the chaotic and messy system,progress which you make in renders is promising,about game mechanics Im wondering since few games care about having both good art and gameplay.

" apart from the fact that you give me the impression that you have no idea how the game development in RPGMaker MV looks like " I never worked on RPG maker,not that I cant but I consider it a fool's errand,it has many flaws and correctly,90% of the community here bashes it,though its not only the engine at fault,even so my suggestions were mainly aimed at mechanics in theory,in practice as I said I havent gotten in yet,as for coding part thats not my area of expertice nor should I tell you how to do that,what was the point I dont know,to discredit or to assert a certain sense of superiority for my correct criticism of the nemesis system and other mechanics? I hope not,that would be petty and lame.
" That causes you to throw in ideas out of your sleeve like implemeting them in a proper fashion would take and hour or two at best. " This is it again what is the point of it? Its wrong assesment and downright twisting of my words,it is insulting,I have proposed ideas,in a short,simplified and coherent manner that you MIGHT or not,read,which you did and those are not deadlines for those to be imlemented immediatly,which is vaguely like a rant...

" I get the notion that you somewhat liked my game and would look forward to see it prosper " Oh really? I wouldn;t bother to post a review if I hated the game,usually dumbster fires on this site sink by themselves,no need for any "hate" from players nor get abandoned as the milking was succesful.

" made me mostly upset and defensive at the time I read it. " and here is the proof if anyone needs it,you did not hide this at all,every part of your "response" is more like a rant than my review,Im not sorry and I wont apologize,I dont regret it at all,I havent written at rant and I havent had the intention to offende you,if constructive criticism is making you offended then idk how to tell you man but thats what reviews are for,not yesmen 5 star spam.Maybe you by the time you see my response,have cooled off your head and we can seriously talk about the game in the future (Yes I will post reviews and ideas as it develops,this is not a one time thing) and have decent if not friendly dialogue here and on discord,which I joined recently (the rift between what is here and there is huge)
Too time from my side aswell and I hope you read every part and man,stop being so defensive about it,if thats the case how do you manage people actually hating on you in real life and here?
Until next time,Cheers.
  • Angry
Reactions: Skyedge

Karl Speidel

Active Member
Sep 20, 2021
I feel as though the game development is perfect as is. What makes this game interesting is how integrated the enemies' mechanics are in the fights themselves, the variety of scenes and themes, and the quality of the models. At least in my opinion.

Gameplay mechanics, such as weapon rarity or item drops, only become relevant in this type of game when they make the game either too grindy or plain too easy. There's the gate of the future if ever players just want to see specific scenes and not bother with gameplay. The game is also hard enough for 'being too easy and becoming just a scene gallery with extra steps' not being an issue for players who want to experience actual gameplay. I do agree that the randomness of getting lockpicks and bombs currently feels like it's a barrier to progression, but it's already established that those items will be available for sale eventually.

I'd just recommend to keep doing what you're doing. The game is great and original, and I'm sure other people agree that what they want most is just to get more enemies and scenes, not get a rework of the game's systems. If the price to pay to get such variety in scenes and fight mechanics is to have to sit through animations we've already seen a couple of times, we'll pay that price instead of the game becoming bland.
I personally have to disagree,game is good so far but to say it doesnt need any changes,just more enemies is plainly wrong,that being said it doesnt have to be completly overhauled but many gamebreaking bugs and features need to go.


Game Developer
Mar 24, 2018
Karl Speidel
You misunderstood me, I don't mind the criticism, I'm open to new ideas and I think that my post history both here and on discord reflects that. My response was intended to comment and explain my view on your feedback.

When it comes to the skill tree, I want to use the energy points. The player level itself could act as something of a requirement, like some skills would require your max or current level to be higher than X. This would prevent accessing busted skills at lower levels. The skills themselves would be passive like stat boosts to compliment certain playstyles whether it be magical or physical, there could also be a skill tree tied to resisting seduction etc. There also would be active skills for certain weapons or spell types. These would be damage skills with some variations when it comes to either target type or applying debuffs. I don't know whether I want to restrict the skill purchase with items, could be an option if need be. There would be some debuffs either stat decreases or damage over time. No grappling or dominating enemies, however I am considering "Talk" option, so maybe a speech tree or at least some skills could be tied to that.

The thing with weapon effects is that each weapon has it's own chances and rules to have an effect. I could remove the non-synergistic effects from being able to roll on certain weapons or armor. With the item changes the chests will be changed as well. The fixed armors/weapons will be purchaseable in the shops, they won't have any effects on them and will be a base version of a weapon/armor. Creating a non-random item is very easy, as they are the base of any randomized item. Making a new one would be a matter of duplicating existing ones and changing them a little. I could scatter some set item drops here and there, it would reward exploration and support player progression. Having weapons be effective against certain enemy types is something I thought about and with the changes to the elements that happened in 4.5 they are possible, since now I can mix damage elements. What I thought about is having the standard weapon damage be physical and either piercing, slashing or bludgeoning akin to D&D damage types. Sword would deal slashing damage, bows and spears piercing etc. These would in turn be used as weaknesses for enemies.

You say: " No most of them and I repeat do only passive boosts,all of them boost max hp and stats in addition to maybe a small filler thing.", the fact that you don't fully understand what the impact of these effects or consider them lackluster doesn't mean that you can completely disregard them to suit your point. More enemies for Slimes and Legion means they have access to their group moves right away, Slimes additonally get the Saturated buff that lets them transform without the need of casting certain other skills. Being entagled is a requirement to access 80% the grovekeepers scenes, her not having to do it from the start means that she could execute some of her moves much faster. Manipulatrix shrink capabilites increase, means she needs to hit you with the weakening ray 2-3 times instead of 4-5 to shrink the player, sure the burn could be replaced or upgraded in the second tier. Assassin and Procreator effects make it so Pacifier shrink you faster and Dryads aphrodisiac exposure progresses faster. I know that the explanations on the passives are somewhat vague, but that's only because I don't want to include whole paragraphs in there. Sure they could do more, if you have any kind of ideas on how to improve them, then I'm eager to hear them. I'll take a look at the spawning passives, as from what you are saying they do not work properly. When you said the added enemies were weak, do you remember their levels? Were they lvl 1 or like lvl 15?

The Sacred Cross main feature is to lower the enemy level by 10, not the damage. Regardless of the resistances and immunities, you can't tell me that this doesn't severely affect their power. I know that that in the current you cannot tell what lvl a nemesis is in battle only after it, but it's something I'm working on.

My comment regarding your lack of rpgmaker mv knowledge was referencing the enemy variety suggestions and the multitude of features I have mentioned just after that comment, asserting anything wasn't my intention. RPGMaker is relatively easy to use, however it's surely limited in what it can do without plugins. I think, it's fair to say that some stuff isn't easy to implement as it may seem and might collide with already exsiting features in the game.

Anyways, if you got anymore feedback feel free to throw it at me. Either here or discord, its up to you. And when it comes to credit, sure I can credit you if I deem your suggestions crucial in the development of a feature :p.

Tyrew Lencubus is one of my favs from MGQ too. When it comes to fairies, there will be one coming in v5, although I can't say she'll be starting off weak ;).

Spittoon My game is sure far from perfection lol. However, thanks for the kind words. When it comes to the access to the bombs and keys, Suzanna can create them and store them in a chest you got in the tavern next to the storage.In v5 I'll be adding a way to ask her specifically to make the stuff the player wants, if her affection is high enough.

fanboi I think you are right. The next update will focus mostly on that, new enemies, scenes, quests and plot progression. Aside from that, there will be some gameplay adjustments and features implemented tied to the player defeat and item system.

Yeah, speaking of the next update. There's a poll that I have launched recently so if anyone is interested in having a say when it comes to the order of implementing content into the game, be sure to drop a vote. This time we are voting on the re-designs (for Astarte, Liliett or Nimardentia) that will be coming in the next update. Also there was an initial dev update about plans for V5 with some teasers. Here's the link: . I have also started a deviantart to have a platform where I upload my renders like the ones I posted some time before. For anyone interested: .

Karl Speidel

Active Member
Sep 20, 2021
Karl Speidel
You misunderstood me, I don't mind the criticism, I'm open to new ideas and I think that my post history both here and on discord reflects that. My response was intended to comment and explain my view on your feedback.

When it comes to the skill tree, I want to use the energy points. The player level itself could act as something of a requirement, like some skills would require your max or current level to be higher than X. This would prevent accessing busted skills at lower levels. The skills themselves would be passive like stat boosts to compliment certain playstyles whether it be magical or physical, there could also be a skill tree tied to resisting seduction etc. There also would be active skills for certain weapons or spell types. These would be damage skills with some variations when it comes to either target type or applying debuffs. I don't know whether I want to restrict the skill purchase with items, could be an option if need be. There would be some debuffs either stat decreases or damage over time. No grappling or dominating enemies, however I am considering "Talk" option, so maybe a speech tree or at least some skills could be tied to that.

The thing with weapon effects is that each weapon has it's own chances and rules to have an effect. I could remove the non-synergistic effects from being able to roll on certain weapons or armor. With the item changes the chests will be changed as well. The fixed armors/weapons will be purchaseable in the shops, they won't have any effects on them and will be a base version of a weapon/armor. Creating a non-random item is very easy, as they are the base of any randomized item. Making a new one would be a matter of duplicating existing ones and changing them a little. I could scatter some set item drops here and there, it would reward exploration and support player progression. Having weapons be effective against certain enemy types is something I thought about and with the changes to the elements that happened in 4.5 they are possible, since now I can mix damage elements. What I thought about is having the standard weapon damage be physical and either piercing, slashing or bludgeoning akin to D&D damage types. Sword would deal slashing damage, bows and spears piercing etc. These would in turn be used as weaknesses for enemies.

You say: " No most of them and I repeat do only passive boosts,all of them boost max hp and stats in addition to maybe a small filler thing.", the fact that you don't fully understand what the impact of these effects or consider them lackluster doesn't mean that you can completely disregard them to suit your point. More enemies for Slimes and Legion means they have access to their group moves right away, Slimes additonally get the Saturated buff that lets them transform without the need of casting certain other skills. Being entagled is a requirement to access 80% the grovekeepers scenes, her not having to do it from the start means that she could execute some of her moves much faster. Manipulatrix shrink capabilites increase, means she needs to hit you with the weakening ray 2-3 times instead of 4-5 to shrink the player, sure the burn could be replaced or upgraded in the second tier. Assassin and Procreator effects make it so Pacifier shrink you faster and Dryads aphrodisiac exposure progresses faster. I know that the explanations on the passives are somewhat vague, but that's only because I don't want to include whole paragraphs in there. Sure they could do more, if you have any kind of ideas on how to improve them, then I'm eager to hear them. I'll take a look at the spawning passives, as from what you are saying they do not work properly. When you said the added enemies were weak, do you remember their levels? Were they lvl 1 or like lvl 15?

The Sacred Cross main feature is to lower the enemy level by 10, not the damage. Regardless of the resistances and immunities, you can't tell me that this doesn't severely affect their power. I know that that in the current you cannot tell what lvl a nemesis is in battle only after it, but it's something I'm working on.

My comment regarding your lack of rpgmaker mv knowledge was referencing the enemy variety suggestions and the multitude of features I have mentioned just after that comment, asserting anything wasn't my intention. RPGMaker is relatively easy to use, however it's surely limited in what it can do without plugins. I think, it's fair to say that some stuff isn't easy to implement as it may seem and might collide with already exsiting features in the game.

Anyways, if you got anymore feedback feel free to throw it at me. Either here or discord, its up to you. And when it comes to credit, sure I can credit you if I deem your suggestions crucial in the development of a feature :p.

Tyrew Lencubus is one of my favs from MGQ too. When it comes to fairies, there will be one coming in v5, although I can't say she'll be starting off weak ;).

Spittoon My game is sure far from perfection lol. However, thanks for the kind words. When it comes to the access to the bombs and keys, Suzanna can create them and store them in a chest you got in the tavern next to the storage.In v5 I'll be adding a way to ask her specifically to make the stuff the player wants, if her affection is high enough.

fanboi I think you are right. The next update will focus mostly on that, new enemies, scenes, quests and plot progression. Aside from that, there will be some gameplay adjustments and features implemented tied to the player defeat and item system.

Yeah, speaking of the next update. There's a poll that I have launched recently so if anyone is interested in having a say when it comes to the order of implementing content into the game, be sure to drop a vote. This time we are voting on the re-designs (for Astarte, Liliett or Nimardentia) that will be coming in the next update. Also there was an initial dev update about plans for V5 with some teasers. Here's the link: . I have also started a deviantart to have a platform where I upload my renders like the ones I posted some time before. For anyone interested: .
How Im I misunderstanding if you said yourself that you got defensive and offended while reading my review? Anyway,lets get past that to more important matters.

Considering that currently you use energy points to buy new locations,tying them to the skill tree and getting skills would be foolish,it acts as a currency and should remain that way unless you change how you unlock those areas,also the name would have to be changed,making a skilltree is more difficult than it might appear,balancing,making the upgrades meaningful,adding proper skills that players want to unlock,here I will have to think more if you want advice. If not then good luck.
Not that you are restricting skill purchases,the items such as a demonbane sword would grant a anti demon passive or active skill that would not be available in the skilltree,so they dont overlap and make the items actually worth getting.
How would this "talk" feature work? Im curious yet even MGQ couldn't get it to work properly and they have far more experience and money than you ever will,so Im not confident you can do something worthwhile with it.

Hmm,again fixed items should be worth it,if they are too generic then they wont be used by players,they need to have something random generated items dont have,here unlocking skills passive and active + effectiveness against certain types would make them worth it. You didnt mention my most important,feedback,just doing more of the same wont fix the problems that are at a structural level. Just adding rarities wont fix it.

I do understand and I say they are useless passives,more enemies and being saturated doesnt help them and again those are very random,many times its 1 or 2 extra enemies that are low level,you are not understanding.
I looked again at the amazon buff,it doesnt grant a chance at a extra turn,it only grants extra attack,def and hp,makes more likely some moves and you got others wrong too. Entangled might be a requirement but fairy is very weak,I cant confirm right now but many restrained moves still allow you to use items like bombs,axes,knives or holy water and kill them,it merely prolongs the inevitable and feels like a chore. Weaking ray is barely used 2 times in a row let alone 4,this should be fixed somehow,to the AI mainly or the base requirements,like 2 times base and with that buff (which doesnt mention anything at all about the shrinking) should make it so they can shrink you right away,I personally dont see it as overpowered as they are not that strong or you that weak when they are bigger,most of the time the dumb AI of manipulatrix spams foot or boot dilema and standard attack with trident/fork,she really needs a insta-defeat move like other enemies,which are hard to trigger as they are.
Explanations aren't vague,they are mostly non-existant,just generic no name "raise attack,def and more likely to feet and fart moves" somehow the main echelon of power buff are weaker and more generic than many passives they gain,that should raise concerns If I were you.
" if you have any kind of ideas on how to improve them, then I'm eager to hear them" Hmm,do you?

If you mean the added enemies from the echelon of power buff then they are very random,I can guarantee you as I was playtesting and exploring alot of the gameplay mechanics lately and for example: a slime elder 60lvl and her only spawned ally was 10 lvl,I crit her with a weak attack and she spawned an enemy that was 40 lvl,how the hell does that work? Plus their levels vary on what I can only assume to be random variables,sometimes they are pathetic,sometimes close to my level or close to the level of the nemesis,I haven't figured it out,I would have to check the code and that would be a drag.

The Sacred Cross main feature is to lower the enemy level by 10, not the damage. Regardless of the resistances and immunities, you can't tell me that this doesn't severely affect their power. I know that that in the current you cannot tell what lvl a nemesis is in battle only after it, but it's something I'm working on."
What? Where did you get that? I ONLY mentioned that some enemies have the passive buff that makes them immune to lvl decrease and so the cross wont work on them,I havent said it weakens their damage,I noticed that it does make a difference but a passive for nemesis that makes that null and void shouldn't exist,crosses are rare as it is,making them useless is rubbing salt in the wound.

One last piece of advice,I saw too many make big plans and big projects and they lost interest or got overwhelmed by it,it all ended in the trash can,dont overextend yourself,they were too "passion projects only after work in free time" types,do you want suggestions here or on discord? If you want them at all that is.


Jan 18, 2020
1. You can easily implement skill trees (with branches) via pluggins in RPGmaker MV. If you do not tie them to skill points (you can acquire Xskill points/leveling up), you can get basic ones.

Here is an advanced one:
and a basic one:

2. You should define character progress path in each zone and enemy power level in order to create a balanced experience. From a game design experience I heavily disliked your first event in the game (fighting multiple waves of Legions) because it relies too much on RNG in some parts and depends heavily on finding and using an AOE item.

3.Define encounter path when fighting boss characters. For example, dryad feels very weak (with futa disabled) or very random with futa enabled. It should be a clean fight

4. Use primary stats to define your encounter parameters for both your main character and the enemies.... This will make easy and more straightforward the nemesis system.

5. add bars or a better design interface for main characters cum meter , HP and mana. Pro hint: in RPG maker use mana and not energy as your cum meter; use energy (TP) as mana. This will save you from a lot (and I really mean a LOT of problems)


Game Developer
Mar 24, 2018
Karl Speidel
"I looked again at the amazon buff,it doesnt grant a chance at a extra turn,it only grants extra attack,def and hp,makes more likely some moves and you got others wrong too. "

Looks like you didn't look enough, the Amazon passive grants a buff at the start of a battle that gives a chance to perform a second action each turn. Amazon II doubles the duration of that buff.

"a slime elder 60lvl and her only spawned ally was 10 lvl,I crit her with a weak attack and she spawned an enemy that was 40 lvl,how the hell does that work? "

Looks like the added enemies use the base slime lvl, I'll change it to be based of the nemesis lvl.

" I ONLY mentioned that some enemies have the passive buff that makes them immune to lvl decrease and so the cross wont work on them "

Immune to lvl decrease? Are you sure? Do you remember which passives they were?


Thanks for the suggestion. I knew the plugins for the skill trees existed, but I didn't know about the one you posted. It looks very clean.

The first scene in the intro is intended to overwhelm the player. You can defeat the 5 legion wave with no additional items, apart from the ones you are guaranteed to find, though it's not easy. You aren't required to win any of the legion battles in the intro as you'd get rescued when you lose anyway.

I don't understand your advice about the primary stats. The players and the enemies are already defined by their primary stats.

The cum meter isn't defined by mana or TP, it's a separate value. The arousal is using TP and I won't be changing it. I'm happy with the way it works right now, however some arousal damage values still need adjustment.

burke5 The only characters with muscle growth are the Greater Slime and the Dryad. The dryad muscle growth scene is a defeat scene that you can trigger when losing to her. If you want to find out how, just search this thread.
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Karl Speidel

Active Member
Sep 20, 2021
Karl Speidel
"I looked again at the amazon buff,it doesnt grant a chance at a extra turn,it only grants extra attack,def and hp,makes more likely some moves and you got others wrong too. "

Looks like you didn't look enough, the Amazon passive grants a buff at the start of a battle that gives a chance to perform a second action each turn. Amazon II doubles the duration of that buff.

"a slime elder 60lvl and her only spawned ally was 10 lvl,I crit her with a weak attack and she spawned an enemy that was 40 lvl,how the hell does that work? "

Looks like the added enemies use the base slime lvl, I'll change it to be based of the nemesis lvl.

" I ONLY mentioned that some enemies have the passive buff that makes them immune to lvl decrease and so the cross wont work on them "

Immune to lvl decrease? Are you sure? Do you remember which passives they were?


Thanks for the suggestion. I knew the plugins for the skill trees existed, but I didn't know about the one you posted. It looks very clean.

The first scene in the intro is intended to overwhelm the player. You can defeat the 5 legion wave with no additional items, apart from the ones you are guaranteed to find, though it's not easy. You aren't required to win any of the legion battles in the intro as you'd get rescued when you lose anyway.

I don't understand your advice about the primary stats. The players and the enemies are already defined by their primary stats.

The cum meter isn't defined by mana or TP, it's a separate value. The arousal is using TP and I won't be changing it. I'm happy with the way it works right now, however some arousal damage values still need adjustment.

burke5 The only characters with muscle growth are the Greater Slime and the Dryad. The dryad muscle growth scene is a defeat scene that you can trigger when losing to her. If you want to find out how, just search this thread.
the amazon buff doesnt mention nor did I notice in fights that they tend to take extra turns,add it in the description.

AGAIN I fought the elder slime and despite having the passive that she starts with allies,she had none this time around.
The passive is called blessed: "immune to stat reduction" which should cover lvl too. If it doesnt it needs to be re-worded as should cover levels too with that description.

What about the rest of the reply? Did you read it?

To add further to this I have a game balancing feedback:
Slime when they grow their boobs do pin you down and do big damage,the extra slimes do they decrease your chance to escape? I mean one atleast strandles you and says that she takes care of the dick but nothing happens,I mean this would make the player more warry of being pinned with multiple enemies and make the swarm actualyl useful.
Second when the slimes grow their butts they can suffocate you but they dont pin you down like those do with the enlarged boobs,this makes the ass enlargement very weak,it should pin you down.
Thirdly is the futa slime,it only has 2 moves and neither are damaging,if you are alone against her (especially if its the nemesis and you can hardly damage her) and she recovers hp from sex or passive then it drags on,do you have a plan to fix the futa slime form?


Jan 16, 2021
Karl Speidel
"I looked again at the amazon buff,it doesnt grant a chance at a extra turn,it only grants extra attack,def and hp,makes more likely some moves and you got others wrong too. "

Looks like you didn't look enough, the Amazon passive grants a buff at the start of a battle that gives a chance to perform a second action each turn. Amazon II doubles the duration of that buff.

"a slime elder 60lvl and her only spawned ally was 10 lvl,I crit her with a weak attack and she spawned an enemy that was 40 lvl,how the hell does that work? "

Looks like the added enemies use the base slime lvl, I'll change it to be based of the nemesis lvl.

" I ONLY mentioned that some enemies have the passive buff that makes them immune to lvl decrease and so the cross wont work on them "

Immune to lvl decrease? Are you sure? Do you remember which passives they were?


Thanks for the suggestion. I knew the plugins for the skill trees existed, but I didn't know about the one you posted. It looks very clean.

The first scene in the intro is intended to overwhelm the player. You can defeat the 5 legion wave with no additional items, apart from the ones you are guaranteed to find, though it's not easy. You aren't required to win any of the legion battles in the intro as you'd get rescued when you lose anyway.

I don't understand your advice about the primary stats. The players and the enemies are already defined by their primary stats.

The cum meter isn't defined by mana or TP, it's a separate value. The arousal is using TP and I won't be changing it. I'm happy with the way it works right now, however some arousal damage values still need adjustment.

burke5 The only characters with muscle growth are the Greater Slime and the Dryad. The dryad muscle growth scene is a defeat scene that you can trigger when losing to her. If you want to find out how, just search this thread.


Jan 16, 2021
Hey can someone tell me how to trigger the dryad muscle growth scene? I’ve looked through the thread and tried surrendering and choosing the defeat moves like vore but don’t see any muscle growth


Jan 16, 2021
Hey can someone tell me how to trigger the dryad muscle growth scene? I’ve looked through the thread and tried surrendering and choosing the defeat moves like vore but don’t see any muscle growth
Nevermind, found it!


Jan 18, 2020
Thanks for the suggestion. I knew the plugins for the skill trees existed, but I didn't know about the one you posted. It looks very clean.

The first scene in the intro is intended to overwhelm the player. You can defeat the 5 legion wave with no additional items, apart from the ones you are guaranteed to find, though it's not easy. You aren't required to win any of the legion battles in the intro as you'd get rescued when you lose anyway.

I don't understand your advice about the primary stats. The players and the enemies are already defined by their primary stats.

The cum meter isn't defined by mana or TP, it's a separate value. The arousal is using TP and I won't be changing it. I'm happy with the way it works right now, however some arousal damage values still need adjustment.
-You violated one of the basic lessons of game design. You can't have a RNG fight that your character can win it, if this is an autowin in the event of a loss.

-You should define lv 1 stats and a growth table for each of the enemies and the main character. This will make balancing easier, the nemesis system more straightforawd and easier to implement, while keep things clean in therms of power curve / bugs / unwanted interactions. Also, you should make more use of the basic stats in the RPG editor, while communicating character progression to the player.

- Sorry I got confused... I meant to tie AROUSAL to mana. Mana is defined by intel, while TP is a fix parameter. This has numerous advantages like progression, equipment values, cummulative value, non zero parameters (that divide by 0 will be a nightmare if you want to add talents for example that affect player's arousal), formula based link to fetishes (they seem to be magic resist base anyway). It is easier, it is more straightforward and trust me, it is really worthy of the time investment to change it.

Also, please note that nothing exists in any version of RPG maker that can damage or drain TP directly because TP is intended to be a % value not a flat number. It is, therefore, a very secure resource that cannot be damaged or drained, and can only be reduced by degeneration over time effects or expending it. Your talents and modifiers will be percentage base and will break almost every fight if the character/enemies gain/lose levels
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Jan 7, 2021
Necropanzer. Easily best hentai rpg game i played with decent lore. Would love more futa enemies like that dark suc(favorite normal enemy so far) Hopefully also one of the strong sucibus is a futa will you be adding anything regarding stats/talents or more items?

I am at the castle where i found a key but not sure where to go next, big noemi just running around and have to fight her 24/7 XD. Anyone knows what to do? do even all doors open at the castle? am i supposed to shrink noemi?
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Jan 16, 2021
First make sure futa is enabled (you can change it next to the big statue in the rift).
Second let the dryad do stuff to you until you get the text saying you consider becoming one with nature.
Third, let the dryad reduce your hp to 0.

Note: the Dryad must not have grown at all. You can eliminate this risk by surrendering and choosing the Dryad’s moves.
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Game Developer
Mar 24, 2018
noobzorzz There's Chantrea in the cell in the southeast part of the mansion with some quests and a couple of scenes. If you got her already, then you are pretty much finished with the mansion right now.

kiaaas Mana is not affected by intelligence. The enemies have base stats at level 1 and growth tables implemented in the game already. I won't be switching arousal to use mana. I'm good with arousal being 1-100 value. I don't plan on having it damaged, drained, increased by equipment or player progression.

Karl Speidel

That Vixen buff is called lustful and has a description. That slime with elder passive, do you remember where did you encounter it? Was it during the rain event? Did that particular nemesis ever spawned with additional enemies? If she did, did you kill them in the previous battle?

The amount of slimes doing the grab doesn't affect the escape chances, only the lvl of the Greater Slime that is the result of them merging. I'll see what I can do with decreasing the escape chance for each slime. The slime getting to MC cock comment is cosmetic, but it makes sense that it should affect the scene. I'll have it increase the arousal damage the player takes each turn with more than 2 slimes going for the grapple. I'll do something about the Futa Slime, I just do not have an idea for the move I want to give her yet. I know that the variant of the slime with her breasts enlarged is clearly the stronger one and I think I'm fine with that, so I don't think I'll be changing the ass variant to be able to initiate pinning the player down but we'll see it's always an option. I might give that variant something else if I think of something fitting.
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Karl Speidel

Active Member
Sep 20, 2021
noobzorzz There's Chantrea in the cell in the southeast part of the mansion with some quests and a couple of scenes. If you got her already, then you are pretty much finished with the mansion right now.

kiaaas Mana is not affected by intelligence. The enemies have base stats at level 1 and growth tables implemented in the game already. I won't be switching arousal to use mana. I'm good with arousal being 1-100 value. I don't plan on having it damaged, drained, increased by equipment or player progression.

Karl Speidel

That Vixen buff is called lustful and has a description. That slime with elder passive, do you remember where did you encounter it? Was it during the rain event? Did that particular nemesis ever spawned with additional enemies? If she did, did you kill them in the previous battle?

The amount of slimes doing the grab doesn't affect the escape chances, only the lvl of the Greater Slime that is the result of them merging. I'll see what I can do with decreasing the escape chance for each slime. The slime getting to MC cock comment is cosmetic, but it makes sense that it should affect the scene. I'll have it increase the arousal damage the player takes each turn with more than 2 slimes going for the grapple. I'll do something about the Futa Slime, I just do not have an idea for the move I want to give her yet. I know that the variant of the slime with her breasts enlarged is clearly the stronger one and I think I'm fine with that, so I don't think I'll be changing the ass variant to be able to initiate pinning the player down but we'll see it's always an option. I might give that variant something else if I think of something fitting.
You said amazon gives chance to have an extra turn,that is wrong,so you talking about the lustful passive is very weird and off topic. slimes with the passives to have extra allies are bugged overall,as I said above the first rank (silver) doesnt add ANY,gold is apparently anywhere from 0-4,this happend in both forest and cave so location doesnt matter,Same problem is with the legions passive for extra allies. No,pay attention,I said its random each time and anywhere from 0-4,location doesnt matter,no I did not kill between both I just escaped. Tested it with dying too. Its not a specific trigger it is bugged completely.

I remember slimes being able to merge,however the guidebook doesnt mention it,how does it happen?
Good,for the futa slime im not sure I could come up with some moves if you want them,what is the point of the enlarged ass move then? Its pontless,since the enlarged breasts does everything it does+ visuals and sounds and pins you,this makes the ass enlargement which I personally think is more appealing,with no point in existing,it needs sure something unique which is even better than just making it pin you but logically speaking if she has you in slime and sits on you isnt that supposed to be a pin?

Just had a great idea,since slimes are well...slimes they should have a kiss variant and other moves,maybe for the ass enlargement? Where they feed you/force feed you their slime which makes you more horny and debuffs you,slimes are underrated and I hope more will be in the future,the guide says there will be more,is that right? Even those basic slimes I think are too weak and generic as they are,maybe you can in the future overhaul their moveset?
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