Hey everyone !
I hope you're all doing well. It's time for another update on Domino Beach. I'm still hard at work on the second episode, and I'm excited to share some progress with you.
First off, I've now completed around 440 renders. It's been steady progress, although I did lose a few days of work due to some personal matters. Don't worry though - I'm doing my best to catch up.
I've made some small tweaks to the script, including a complete rewrite of a scene that was giving me trouble earlier. It involved Olivia and Alex, and I wasn't happy with how it looked before. But now, I'm much more satisfied with the result. Sometimes a fresh perspective is all you need.
I'm still plugging away at that huge scene with the Rebels. I've got to admit, working on scenes of this size can be a bit tiring sometimes. But it's nothing I can't handle - just part of the creative process.
Overall, I'm pretty happy with how things are shaping up. The results are looking good, even though there's still a lot of work ahead. But that's the exciting part, right?
Thanks as always for your support and patience. You guys are what keeps this project going! I'll be back with more updates soon.
Take care, everyone !