Man, these devs just LOVE playing games man. Every. Single. Time. There's always some twist or some cliffhanger. Can we just not? Fuck Dennis man. And Mosley too. The whole "experiment" thing is just so over the top. Especially when there's "almost" hints that the reason the MC is the way he is, the avalanche, might have been caused on purpose.
And also another thing, what is up with all the girls selections? It seems that you might get Tamara and Jo no matter what, but what's the purpose of others? With the last ep, you having to choose between the 4 (I've only done Lauren, but I suspect the rest to be similar, as it seemed in her scene that she and MC became very close, possibly full on love) does that lock you into stuff? So one chosen girl + T&J? And what if all the other are just there for the "scenes"? That would be kinda fucked with the amount of choices regarding them. Lastly, is a harem even a possibility, because now I am really unsure if it is. A lot of stuff might look like saying, "yeah it is" for example the Dennis "Master" scene showing what you "could get/could have gotten" or aiming for, yet all the choices regarding the 4 are all over the place and don't seem to be leading to a "harem" ending.
P.S. Who added the three letters of doom tag? That hasn't happened "yet". The scene seems to suggest at it about to be a thing when the MC walks in, obviously because of Dennis getting the "tool" thing, but for now, I feel like it's unwarranted